Title of Lesson:
Introduction to Career Opportunities – J. K. Rowling’s Speech at Harvard University / Total Time on Task: 20 minutes
Content Standard:
3.Analyze personal skills, interests, and abilities and relate them to current career opportunities.
a.Participate in assessments that identify personal areas of interest and aptitude including utilizing results to develop a four-year high school educational plan.
b.Explore individual career options from the 16 National Career Clusters to examine specific job descriptions, requirements, salaries, and employment outlooks.
c.Identify safety and health standards in the workplace for daily procedures, emergency procedures, equipment/tools, dress, use of technology, and work area maintenance.
Lab Access:Required for Students☐
Optional for Students☐
Not Needed for Students☒
In this 20-minute video, J. K. Rowling, author of Harry Potter book series, gives an inspiring speech on success, failure, and working hard to fulfill your dreams. Students will use a listening guide to help them remember some key thoughts.
Essential Question(s):
What kinds of obstacles might you face in the future when it comes to deciding on your career?
What can you learn from your failures?
Learning Objective(s): The students will:
  1. Identify qualities and personal characteristics that are essential for success.

Conceptual Outline:
  1. Skills Related to Career
  2. Personal skills
  3. Interests
  4. Abilities

Materials, Equipment, and Technology Resources:
  1. Teacher Information #1: Transcript of J. K. Rowling’s Speech at Harvard (alternative to YouTube video)
  2. Assignment #1: Listening Guide to J. K. Rowling’s Speech at Harvard University
  3. Key #1 for Assignment #1: Listening Guide to J. K. Rowling’s Speech at Harvard University
  1. LCD projector with speakers
Technology Resources:
  1. Access to YouTube: (J. K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement)

  1. Class Discussion: How many of you know who J. K. Rowling is? She is the author of all of the Harry Potter books. Her net worth is one billion dollars! ( This is a video of a speech she gave at a Harvard graduation.
  2. Teacher Information: A copy of the transcript of J. K. Rowling’s speech has been providedas Teacher Information #1: Transcript of J. K. Rowling’s Speech at Harvard. If YouTube is not accessible, modify the lesson by having students read parts of her speech and discuss as a class.
  3. Student Activity: Using Assignment #1: Listening Guide to J. K. Rowling’s Speech at Harvard University, listen for some key thoughts she gives on success and failure.
  4. Class Discussion: Students share important parts of the speech that inspired them.

  1. Assignment #1: Listening Guide to J. K. Rowling’s Speech at Harvard University