Maritime Affairs Group
18th July 2016
Platform Tavern, Southampton
Present: Victoria Cooper (Chair) Katy Bell (Treasure), Toby Gane (Secretary), Tim Howard (CIfA), Michael Walsh (OM), Paolo Croce (OM), Anna Welch (CIfA)
1. / Apologies / ActionBob Macintosh, Ed Salter, Mark Dunkley, John McCarthy, Peter Campbell, Terence Newman, Tom Harrison, Alison James
2. / Minutes of the last AGM
The minutes of the last AGM were approved by the committee. It was noted that some progress had been made, but other actions remained under review. / None
3. / Chair’s Welcome and opening marks
As departing Chair KB thanked all for attending the meeting. It was acknowledged the meeting was quorate.
4. / Elections to Committee
Ed Salter and Mark Dunkley stepped down as Treasurer and Secretary respectively having completed a three year term.
Peter Campbell and John McCarthy have stepped down from the committee due to changing circumstances. Peter had finished his studies and is job hunting, while John has started his PhD at Flinders University. The committee wishes them both the best in their new roles.
The nomination forms for vacant positions were read out and agreed by those present being:
Chair – Victoria Cooper
Secretary – Toby Gane
Treasurer – Katy Bell
OM – Paola Croce
OM – Michael Walsh
OM – Alison James
OM – Tom Harrison
The committee is now complete with no vacant positions. / None
5. / Treasurer’s Report
ES had nothing to report other than no action on this year’s budget. AW mentioned there had been a delay on paying the invoice on the website (see minutes Feb meeting) and that should have been paid out of last year’s budget, but this is being sorted. The budget was agreed for this year at £800 for the year.
With the changes in the committee there should be a full treasurer and secretary report at the next AGM.
In order to keep a record on what has been spent on the budget and for what could all committee members copy/ e-mail KB when sending in claims for meetings etc to CIfA. / TG/KB
MAG committee
6. / Change of name/ changes to Constitution
It was agreed that the constitution remains fit for purpose being wide enough in scope to allow the committee to continue work in regards to the marine, coastal, estuarine and freshwater environments. The only changes to go in front of the board are to remove the words “Draft” and to change references from IfA to CIfA. This will then be available for the membership.
The name change was discussed (including previous committee discussions). It was agreed that the current name of Maritime Affairs Group caused some issues and that in order to raise the profile and impact of the group a rebrand would be helpful. After discussion it was suggested that the name Maritime Archaeology SIG (MASIG) was adopted. / VC/AW
7. / Matters arising
VC led a discussion on how MASIG could rebrand and relaunch in a successful way. AW said that a banner could be provided for presence at events and a group postcard. It was suggested that the CIfA conference could be a good place to launch/ have a stall. VC agreed to put together a session outline DEADLINE 31ST JULY and TH agreed to discuss in the office as previous sessions have been turned down on the grounds that Maritime is too specialist for the wider audience. As the theme of this conference is international archaeology and maritime is perhaps one of the most international branches in terms of fieldwork and cross border co-operation it was felt a session could be representative for CIfA and archaeology.
As part of the discussion on the group it was mentioned by TG that CIfA MASIG was there to represent the interest of the individual archaeologist and other committees (e.g JNAPC) represent organisations. This was agreed to be an important distinction.
In addition, CPD was discussed with the need to work closely with universities to ensure new entrants into the profession are properly equipped for the commercial world. TG mentioned the essay on the MAG website (to be published in the BAR report still forthcoming with Hadrian books). MW mentioned giving feedback to unsuccessful applicants for maritime positions. People were asked to think about connections they may have. VC agreed to approach some universities.
Newsletters were discussed. In the end it was thought the previously mentioned idea of committee members and guests doing a guest blog on a monthly or bi-monthly basis was possibly better and more up to date than a newsletter which might not always be read.
VC agreed to look at the current website and blog and ensure access/ rebranding (could be delegated to an OM if one member willing) needs to liaise with PC as outgoing committee member who has handled this. / VC/AW
MAG committee
8. / AOB
Groups meeting 27 July agreed KB to attend and write short report on last year MAG for CIfA year book.
TH reminded the group that CIfA encourages cross group work and both New Gen and Geophys overlap with our work. TH also said that it is important to table Maritime issues for Advisory council meetings in order to get things through. / KB