Unit Title:Space Exploration Week: 2 weeks

/ Engineering
Lesson Plan
Teacher: Related Arts Teacher / Grade: 6-8
Lesson Title: Building, Wiring, and Programming Robots In Action
Standards for Technological Literacy
LESSON OVERVIEW / Summary of the task, challenge, investigation, career-related scenario, problem, or community link.
Computer programs and sensing devices provide feedback to guide tools and machines in the manufacturing of parts. It is necessary for the operator to know the process needed to make the machine do its assigned task. Students will have a better understanding of the necessary components of a flexible manufacturing system and the programming necessary for communication between them just like the machines used in space exploration. Students will assume the primary responsibility for the three engineering jobs as a mechanical, electrical, or computer engineer. Everyone on the team will take part in all phases of the design process, but each person will be primarily responsible to see that his or her job gets done. Students will change engineering jobs for each task so that everyone has the opportunity to experience all three types of jobs.
MOTIVATOR / Hook for the week unit or supplemental resources used throughout the week. (PBL scenarios, video clips, websites, literature)
Congratulations! You have just landed your dream job. All of those hours you spent building and programming robots are about to pay off. Not many people are paid to play all day. The only problem is the manager told you the projects are a little behind. Boy, is that an understatement! The good news is that you are allowed to put together a team of three people to help you get the work done, and you will have access to all the materials in the lab. Successful engineers need to collaborate with one another. Looking around, you realize it’s time to get started.
(I can….) /

Materials & Resources


Instructional Procedures

/ Differentiated
Instruction /


1 / I can explain the purpose of motors and sensors to solve a robotic problem. / “Building with VEX” Appendix A
PowerPoint “Connecting VEX and ROBOTC” Appendix B
ROBOTC Natural Language Quick Reference Appendix C
Automation through Programming SPINNING SIGN Appendix D / Essential? Explain the purpose of motors and sensors to solve a robotic problem. / DI: Students will be in small groups working collaboratively as a team to complete a robot project including the build, wiring and programming. One on one conferencing and discussion prompting to show understanding. Chunking of smaller parts of activity so that student(s) completes portion of activity, then another portion until whole is completed. / Performance Assessment Application: Completion of robot project including build, wiring, and programming.
Formative Assessment: One on one conferencing and daily journal entry.
Engineering Duties As A Mechanical, Electrical, Or Computer Engineer
  • Vocabulary – Touch Sensor = a sensor that detects physical contact and reports back to the controller whether its contact area is being pushed in or not.
Teaching Strategy
  • The teacher will group students into teams of three.
  • Students will assume primary roles of either the mechanical, electrical, or computer engineer.
  • Specific duties are assigned to each engineering job.
  • The Mechanical Engineer will be responsible for building the model and sketching the final product.
  • The teacher will remind students they have the “Building with VEX” reference from the transportation unit and can be found in the AR student file on their computer desktop.
  • The Electrical Engineer will work with the mechanical engineer to connect the battery, motors and sensors to the model, work with the computer engineer to complete the motors and sensors setup, and complete the schematic of the Project Summary.
  • The teacher will remind the students they have the PowerPoint “Connecting VEX and ROBOTC” from the transportation unit that explained the responsibilities of the electrical engineer. The PowerPoint can also be found in the AR student file on their computer desktop.
  • The computer engineer will complete the program in ROBOTC using the PLTW template.
  • The teacher will remind students they have VEX cortex video trainer clips with ROBOTC Rules part one and two from the transportation unit. The students can go online on the “VEX Cortex Video Trainer” to review.
  • The teacher will also present the ROBOTC Natural Language – VEX Cortex Quick Reference with sample program codes.
  • The students will discuss the setup of the Cortex, VEX model, computer, and power supply. They will also explain how to download a ROBOTC program to their robot.
  • Students will be assigned specific robot projects from “Automation through Programming”. The first robot project will be the “Spinning Sign”.
  • Students will need to work as a team to complete the robot project.
  • Students will save their program in ROBOTC and show their completed spinning sign to the instructor. This may be finished on day two if extra time is needed.
  • Students will video their project and explain what each team member’s responsibility was during the project. Students will airplay results to the rest of the class.
Summarizing Strategy
  • Students will write a journal entry or reflection citing evidence of learning about how the team worked together to complete the robot project, the “Spinning Sign”.
  • Exit ticket – Students will explain how they used motors and sensors to complete the robot’s task with the spinning sign.

2 / I can explain how to use a methodical approach to troubleshoot a malfunctioning system. / “Troubleshooting a VEX Model” Appendix E
Student Presentations of completed robot project, the Spinning Sign”. / Essential? Explain how to use a methodical approach to troubleshoot a malfunctioning system. / DI: Students will be in small groups working collaboratively to complete the robot project assignment, the Spinning Sign. One on one conferencing and discussion prompting to show understanding. Chunking of smaller parts of activity so that student(s) completes portion of activity, then another portion until whole is completed. / Performance Assessment Application: Completion of assignment, the Spinning Sign and presentation of video explaining each member’s responsibility.
Formative Assessment: One on one conferencing and daily journal entry.
Troubleshooting A Malfunctioning Robot
  • Vocabulary – Limit Switch = A touch sensor used to limit the motion of a moving device. Limit switches may be used to provide a precise beginning and end point to mechanical motion.
Teaching Strategy
  • Students will finish any remaining parts of the robot project, the “Spinning Sign”.
  • The teacher will present “Troubleshooting a VEX Model”.
  • Students must troubleshoot any malfunctioning robot tasks.
  • The teacher will show video clips of possible solutions.
  • Students must present their team’s video of their completed assignment.
Summarizing Strategy
  • Students will write a journal entry or reflection citing evidence of learning about their individual responsibility for completing the Spinning Sign robot.
  • Exit ticket – Students will explain how troubleshooting is sometimes necessary to fix a malfunctioning system.

3 / I can explain how comments are used to help the programmer but do not change how the robot behaves. / Automation through Programming ROBOT DRAG RACE Appendix F / Essential? Explain how comments are used to help the programmer but do not change how the robot behaves. / DI: Students will be in small groups working collaboratively as a team to complete a robot project including the build, wiring and programming of a robot drag racer. One on one conferencing and
discussion prompting to show understanding. Chunking of smaller parts of activity so that student(s) completes portion of activity, then another portion until whole is completed. / Performance Assessment Application: Completion of build, wiring, and programming of robot drag racer.
Formative Assessment: One on one conferencing and daily journal entry.
Comments To Help The Programmer And Team Members
  • Vocabulary – Point turn = A turn where one wheel rotates forward and the other rotates backward, causing the robot to sit and spin in place.
Teaching Strategy
  • The teacher will group students into teams of three.
  • Students will be assigned specific robot projects from “Automation through Programming”. This robot project will be the “Robot Drag Race”.
  • Your team’s challenge is to create a robot that can cross a 20 ft. distance in the least amount of time possiblewhen a pushbutton switch is pressed to start it.
  • Students will race their robot against other teams or play against the clock and keep track of their time to see which team completes the distance in the quickest time possible. This may be finished on day two if extra time is needed.
Summarizing Strategy
  • Students will write a journal entry or reflection citing evidence of learning about their individual responsibility for completing the robot drag racer.
  • Exit ticket – Students will explain how they balanced the drag racer’s gear train with speed to accomplish the quickest time.

4 / I can explain how invention is a process of turning ideas and imagination into devices and systems. / Automation through Programming ROBOT DRAG RACE Appendix F / Essential? Explain how invention is a process of turning ideas and imagination into devices and systems. / DI: Students will be in small groups working collaboratively to finish their robot drag racer. One on one conferencing and discussion prompting to show understanding. Chunking of smaller parts of activity so that student(s) completes portion of activity, then another portion until whole is completed. / Performance Assessment Application: Completion of assignment, the robot drag racer.
Formative Assessment: One on one conferencing and daily journal entry.
Robot Drag Racer
  • Vocabulary – Swing turn = A turn where one wheel rotates and the other stays in place, causing the robot’s body to “swing” around the stationary wheel.
Teaching Strategy
  • Students will finish any remaining parts of the robot project, the “Robot Drag Racer”.
  • Students must troubleshoot any malfunctioning robot tasks.
  • Students will use a timer to record the time their robot takes to complete the 20 ft. distance.
  • After completing the race, students will change their program code so that their robot stops as soon as crossing the 20 ft. line.
  • Students will then need to record in inches the distance their robot travels past the 20 ft. line.
Summarizing Strategy
  • Students will write a journal entry or reflection citing evidence of learning about their individual responsibility for completing the Drag Racer robot.
  • Exit ticket – Students will explain how ideas and imagination are turned into new devices or systems.

STANDARDS / Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, ACT
College Readiness Standards and/or State Competencies.
Standards for Technological Literacy
Standard 1
Students will develop an understanding of the characteristics and scope of technology.
Standard 2
Students will develop an understanding of the core concepts of technology.
Standard 3
Students will develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies and the connections between technology and other fields of study.
Standard 8
Students will develop an understanding of the attributes of design.
Standard 9
Students will develop an understanding of engineering design.
Standard 10
Students will develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving.
Standard 11
Students will develop abilities to apply the design process.
Standard 12
Students will develop the abilities to use and maintain technological products and systems.
Standard 17
Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use information and communication technologies.
Standard 20
Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use construction technologies.