
Group #:



1.1 10 ______

1.2 26 ______

1.3 12 ______

1.4 17 ______

1.5 10 ______

Subtotal for Paper 75 ______

Points Deducted:

Late Paper _____

Writing _____

Organization _____

Participation _____

Total Points Deducted: ______

Extra Credit Points:

Competition _____

Speakers _____

Total Extra Credit Points: ? ______

Total for Paper 75 ______

Total for TPE 50 ______


MODULE ONE 125 ______ #____


Plan and Materials

In the Team Policy Exercise (TPE) project, your team’s job will be to propose a policy that your client will implement to ameliorate a problem. The proposal will be due one class session prior to the rest of module 1

One copy of the final draft must be handed in.

Follow the exact format described for each assignment. Use complete sentences unless the directions specifically ask for a list. Your assignments should be submitted free of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

The evaluation form following the next two pages will be used to generate a score for your team. Print and attach the evaluation form to your TPE.

Ways to Lose Individual Points:

If you miss any class session, you will lose 5 points for participation, as with any absence. You may lose additional points if your peer evaluations show that you did not participate or make up the work you missed.

Assignment 1: Team Planning

Fill in the report on this form and hand it in by the end of class on the date specified in the semester calendar.

Team members:


Group Number:

Briefly identify the client’s problem.

Now propose and describe three policies the team thinks will best ameliorate the problem. List the three policies in order of rank as agreed upon by the entire team, listing most favored policy first.




List research steps to be taken by team members before the next meeting to complete Assignment 2 successfully. Continue on the back if necessary.

Task Assigned To:

Assignment 2: Policy Memorandum

Write a draft of a memorandum by the end of class. It should be no longer than two pages and follow the outline below. The subheadings should appear boldfaced in your final, typed memorandum. Assign one team member to type the memorandum. He or she should bring enough typed copies for each team member.





State the policy your team recommends.


Discuss why your recommended policy would help

ameliorate the assigned problem.


Estimate and justify the likelihood your policy will be accepted.





List your sources of information, including any

interviews you conducted.

TPE Final Evaluation Form

Team Number:


10 points: Format and Writing _______ points


10 points: Clarity of Proposed Policy _______ points


10 points: Justification of Effectiveness _______ points


10 points: Justification of Feasibility _______ points


10 points: Amount of Information _______ points


TOTAL SCORE ...................................................________ (50)


Exercise 1.1: Identifying Societal Problems

Your Total Score:__________ (Maximum: 10 points)

A. Define the term “societal problem” by quoting directly from the white book. Include a MLA style citation on the Works Cited page as well as a MLA style internal reference below within your response. (2 points)

Part A score:_____

B. Find an article in the printed version of the Post Standard published on or after the first day of class (this applies to all exercises in this Module) that discusses a societal problem. Describe one societal problem discussed in the article. Be sure to include the geographic setting of the problem. Include a MLA-style internal reference. Provide a full citation of the article on the Works Cited page. To receive credit for this exercise, you must attach the article. (4 points)

Part B score:_____

C. Select one of the six societal goals and explain how it is affected by the societal problem discussed in this article. (4 points)

Part C score:_____

Exercise 1.2: Identifying Public Policy

Your Total Score:__________ (Maximum: 26 points)

A. Define the term “public policy” by quoting directly from the white book. Include a MLA style citation on the Works Cited page as well as a proper MLA style internal reference with your response. (2 points)

Part A score:_____

Directions for B-G: Locate recent articles in the Post Standard that discuss public policies of the type or geographic level requested. You may use current or proposed policies. Briefly describe the policy and provide a MLA-style internal reference below. Write a full citation of each article on the Works Cited page. To receive credit, you must attach all the articles. You may use the same article more than once, but you must correctly reference the article each time. (4 points each)

B. Describe and reference a United States national public policy.

Part B score:_____

C. Describe and reference a state public policy.

Part C score:_____

D. Describe and reference a local public policy.

Part D score:_____

E. Describe and reference a legislative action related to a public policy.

Part E score:_____

F. Describe and reference an administrative action related to a public policy.

Part F score:_____

G. Describe and reference a judicial action related to a public policy.

Part G score:_____

Exercise 1.3: Identifying Players and Stakeholders

Your Total Score:__________ (Maximum: 12 points)

A. Using How You Can Help, define the terms ‘player’ and ‘stakeholder’ and state the major difference between the two. Quote directly or paraphrase the book, but you must provide a MLA style internal reference below from How You Can Help and provide a full citation on the Works Cited page (Exercise 1.5). (3 points)

Part A score_____

B. Choose and describe one of the public policies cited in Exercise 1.2. You may not use a court decision. Identify three players that may be directly influencing the policy you described. For each player, give the name and title and write a sentence explaining what makes them a player. (6 points)

Part B score_____

C. For the same societal problem used in 1.3B, identify three stakeholders who are not players. The stakeholders do not have to be specifically mentioned in the article, but you must write one sentence for each stating why they are stakeholders and not players for the societal problem you have identified. (3 points)

Part C score______

Exercise 1.4 Selecting an Off-Campus Public Policy Topic to Study

Your Total Score:__________ (Maximum: 17 points)

A. Complete each of the following five tasks in one sentence for each task (Place each answer underneath each question). (1 point each).

Part A score:_____

1. Clearly state a societal problem you wish to study in Onondaga County.

2. Choose one of the six societal goals listed in Chapter 1, and state how the goal is related to your societal problem.

3. Identify one current public policy aimed at your societal problem. The public policy need not be at the geographic level specified in #1.

4. Clearly identify one stakeholder who is not a player but is impacted by the policy described in #3. State in one sentence how that stakeholder is impacted and why he, she, or it (if a group or organization) does not directly influence policy.

5. Clearly identify one player seeking a solution to your societal problem indicating what the player does with respect to that problem. The player need not be in Onondaga County but can be.

B. Write a brief paragraph explaining why you are interested in this particular problem. Make sure you state at least one specific fact and provide a MLA-style internal reference below with a citation on Works Cited page (Exercise 1.5). Your paragraph will be evaluated on clarity, specificity, and knowledge of the issue. (4 points)

Part B score:_____

C. Identify a non-profit or government organization that attempts to deal with your general societal problem at any geographic level. Attach a copy of the home web page of that organization on the next page and provide a MLA-style internal reference below for the web page with a full citation on the Works Cited page (Exercise 1.5). Describe in one sentence what that organization does to deal with the problem. (5 points)

Part C score____

D. Select an agency (not on the SU campus) within the Onondaga County region for which you might perform community service. This agency should be related to your topic area. Give the full name, address, and purpose of this agency (3 points).

Part D score:_____

Exercise 1.5: Works Cited

Your Total Score:_____ (Maximum: 10 points)

Prepare a Works Cited page in which you cite all sources used for this module. Follow the MLA format.