Unit Theme: Personal Essays and Beliefs Week: #:______5______

Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 8th Date:From ______to______20____

Desired Result
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that...
EU1. Family has a deep impact on the way we think and feel and how we view the world.
EU2. The beliefs I hold are deeply rooted in my culture, community, and family.
EU3. My words and actions are an extension of my beliefs
Assessment Evidence
SummativeEvaluation (Performance Task) - (unit projects, exams, etc.) - Analyzing Personal Essays - Exit Tickets - Self-Reflection
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / Writing / Writing / Listening / Language and Writing / Language and Writing
Expectations / 8.W.3, 8.W.8 / 8.W.8 / 8.L1d / 8.LA.2a, 8.W.8 / 8.W.8
Academic Strategy
Objective / The student will write routinely for short and extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) for a variety of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. This includes, but is notlimited to, narrative, persuasive, and descriptive writing and knowledge of their qualities.
Write literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevantdescriptive details, and well-structured event sequences. / The student will write routinely for short and extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) for a variety of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. This includes, but is notlimited to, narrative, persuasive, and descriptive writing and knowledge of their qualities. / The student will demonstrate that they can perform a written self-reflection and target the main idea of their qualities. / Use advanced punctuation (e.g., comma, ellipsis, dash) correctly
The student will write routinely for short and extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) for a variety of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. This includes, but is notlimited to, narrative, persuasive, and descriptive writing and knowledge of their qualities. / The student will write routinely for short and extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) for a variety of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. This includes, but is notlimited to, narrative, persuasive, and descriptive writing and knowledge of their qualities.
InitialActivities / Challenge the student to sum up his/her beliefs in one sentence / Provide students with instructions to write a self-reflection. / Provide students with the necessary tools to complete the self-reflection / Introduce the main rules for the correct use of commas. / Introduce the main rules for semicolons.
Development Activities / The student writes his/her sentence of his/her personal beliefs. / The student starts writing his/her self-reflection / The student continues writing his/her self-reflection / The student will work actively on task during the discussion of the comma rules. / The student will work actively on task during the discussion of the semicolon rules.
Closing Activities / Revise the written work. / Reflect on the process and discuss the main three points of the lesson of the day. / Have students discuss and/or write what they think the main idea for the day was. / Clarify doubts on the topic. / Clarify doubts and have students explain the rules orally.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP
___ Section 504 ___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection