HELD ON TUESDAY September 10, 2013

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Beth Ponce at 12:25 PM on September 10, 2013. Council members present:Ryan Guthman (Kinkaid-Reeds Creek Conservancy District), Beth Ponce (Rend Lake Conservancy District), and Mike Cerutti (City of Herrin), Sean Henry (City of Carbondale), Kelly Hefner (Saline County) and Bobby Brown (City of Harrisburg). Council members absent: None.Staff present: Beau Henson (Greater Egypt Regional Planning and Development Commission).Public present: None.

Approval of Minutes

Ms. Ponceasked the Council to review minutes from the meeting held onAugust 20, 2013. With no discussion or amendments necessary, Mr. Ceruttimade a motion to approve the minutes with a second from Mr. Guthman. With no descent, the motion carried.


Mr. Henson shared three items of correspondence. First, Jaime Rabins of the IEPA Industrial unit explained that new federal regulations restricting the leachate process for landfills resulted in landfill related stormwater discharges to be separated, reclassified, and given their own permits. Secondly, the IEPA responded to comments of concern on manganese concentrations being discharged by Will Scarlet Properties. There are new formulaic allowances on manganese limits and, thus far, the IEPA system SINC has not red-flagged potential current excursions. The Council requested a determination on whether the mines are meeting the current limits. Lastly, Tan Tara 2 Mobile Home Park’s permit has been terminated as discharge has been rerouted into the Carbondale sewage system.

NPDES Permit Reviews

The committee reviewed the following NPDES permits:

  1. Beazer East, Inc. (Jackson County)

Permit: IL0000400

Permit Type: Reissue/Modified

DMR: Excursions: Outfall 002: Zinc (4/13)

Actions: Mr. Henson reviewed the permit, noting that outfalls 002 and 003 discharge into the receiving stream – Smith Ditch tributary to Glade Creek. Outfall 005 discharges into receiving stream – Glade Creek. Also noted, the outfalls fell into the City of Carbondale’s FPA. Notification letter was sent to City Manager Kevin Baity and received reply of no comment. Two modifications to permit were noted. Discussion followed on historical background on site, the City of Carbondale’s oversight, stormwater holdings, and the final stages of the site’s mitigation process. Mr. Guthman moved for Staff to request a local Marion IEPA field visit to this site for further investigation. Motion seconded by Ms. Ponce.The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Illinois Department of Natural Resources

Little Grassy Fish Hatchery(Williamson County)

Permit: IL0059838

Permit Type: Reissue/Modified

DMR: Excursions: Outfall 002 (a,d), 003: Suspended Solids Mo. Avg. (7/13). Outfall 002 (c): Suspended Solids Mo. Avg. (8/12).

Actions: Mr. Henson reviewed the permit, noting outfalls 002 (a-d) discharge into the receiving stream – Little Grassy Creek. Outfall 003 discharges into receiving stream – Little Grassy Lake. The Council discussed the potential causes of high suspended solids. Withnote to determine the source of the unusually high suspended solids measurement for 7/13, Mr. Henry moved to approve the permit with a second from Mr. Guthman. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Trico Community High School District 176

Trico Community High School – STP (Jackson County)

Permit: IL0049905

Permit Type: Reissue

DMR: Excursions: Outfall 001: CBOD Mo. Avg. (6/13, 5/13). Suspended Solids Mo. Avg. (1/13, 9/12). DO minimum (8/12). Nitrogen Mo. Avg. (6/13, 5/13, 4/13, 3/13, 10/12, 9/12, 7/12, 5/12, 4/12)

Actions: Mr. Henson reviewed the permit, noting the single outfalldischarges into the receiving stream – Unnamed tributary to Brushy Fork Creek. The facility had fourteen excursions, multiple late reporting violations and missing report dates. Council noted the budget restrictions of public schools, but suspects a lack of operational maintenance. Ms. Ponce moved to reject the reissuing of the permit, requests the high school to demonstrate a mitigation plan, explain how they are currently performing maintenance, and to request the Marion IEPA make a field visit. Mr. Cerutti seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Golconda Civilian Conservation Center

Golconda Civilian Conservation Center – STP (Pope County)

Permit: IL0032191

Permit Type: Reissue

DMR: Excursions: Outfall 001: Flow (9/12, 6/12). DO minimums (6/13, 4/13, 6/12)

Actions: Mr. Henson reviewed the permit, notingthe single outfall discharges into receiving stream – Big Grand Pierre Creek. Council discussed flow issues and collection methods for DO measurements. Mr. Henry moved to approve permit, with caveat on continued monitoring of DO levels. Mr. Guthman seconded the motion. Motioned passed 5-0, with Mr. Brown abstaining.

  1. Peabody Arclar Mining, LLC

Wildcat Hills Mine and Willow Lake Mine (Gallatin and Saline County)

Permit: IL0073351

Permit Type: modification

DMR: No excursions.

Actions: Mr. Henson reviewed the permit, noting it included 25 existing outfalls that discharged into various receiving streams. Modifications included an increase in acreage, outfall removal in accordance with abandonment plan, outfall removal due to be mined through, outfall reclassification as reclamation discharges, and various mining operations and drainage control plan revisions. Mr. Henry moved to approve permit. Mr. Guthman seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program Update

Mr. Hensonreviewed the month of August for the VLMP monitoring season.

Other Business



There being no further business, Mr. Brownmoved to adjourn, to whichMr. Ceruttiseconded. The motion carried unanimously and Ms. Ponce adjourned the Council at 01:13PMon September 10, 2013. No date was set for the next meeting.