Name / Alexey V. Evdokimov / Address / 10 Gospitalnaya St., 94, Dolgoprudny, Moscow reg.
Born / 1977 / WWW /
Tel. / +79161254171 / E-mail /


Period / University / Degree / Title of the diploma/thesis
2000-2003 / Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology / Ph.D. / Computation of physiological systems with the method of fuzzy linearization
1998-2000 / Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology / Master / Object-oriented approach in numerical mathematics and in simulation
1994-1998 / Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology / Bachelor / Numerical simulation of time averaged blood circulation in humans

Main employment (all positions are in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)

Period / Position / Responsibilities
2010-to date / Senior Researcher in MIPT / Management&research for commercial customers
2002-2010 / Deputy Head of applied mathematics department / Manager of specialization “Computer simulation” in FAKI (since 2006 – also in FUPM): PR, managing both education and science, etc.
2005-2010 / Assistant Professor in applied mathematics department / Teaching numerical mathematics, simulation, scientific technologies, Java, databases
2003-2005 / Senior Tutor in applied mathematics department / Teaching Java, numerical mathematics, scientific software, physiology
1999-2003 / Junior Research Assistant (java developer) in UNPK MIPT / Software for modeling in physiology. Commercial CRM prototype
1997-1998 / Engineer in UNPK MIPT / Biophysical experiments. Human modeling

Part-time employment

Period / Position / Employer / Responsibilities
2008-to date / Manager of “Education & Research Centers” department / NetCracker Technology / Management of several education & research centers at universities: budget execution, experience exchange, etc.
2008-to date / Associate Professor / Infocommunications department of MIPT / Scientific advising, research management
2005-2008 / Head of Research & Education Center named after Kalashnikov / NetCracker Technology / Managing IT education for 50-90 students each year: PR, recruiting, control of 15-25 tutors, MIPT interaction, etc.
2004-2006 / Institute of Information Transmission Problems of RAS
2000-2003 / Assistant / Applied mathematics department of MIPT / Teaching Java, DB (Oracle, Cache), numerical math., scientific software (trainings)
2001 / Assistant / MIPT Center for professional education / Teaching Java (trainings)
2000-2003 / Assistant / MIPT MBA school / Teaching Databases and IT


Science / 37 publications (including 15 articles, 9 abstracts of reports in international conf)
More than 14 annual custom research and software development projects performed (as responsible doer)
Teaching / 14 courses taught (11 courses created, 8 includes lectures), 3 tutorial publications
Student management / Scientific guidance of 16 bachelor diplomas and 15 master theses.
Total students under direct guidance: 4-11 students per year during 10 years
Research & Education management / 3 new research/education departments created in MIPT.
6 new university education centers created in NetCracker with my aid (8 centers are under control now)

Last modified: September 2010