YEAR 11 Information Communication Technology
UNIT:Term 2 Web Design
UNIT OVERVIEW:This unit of study aims to develop in students the ability to design, produce, publish and maintain a website that incorporates some elements of multimedia in an interactive and non-interactive format. Components and peripheral devices Devices such as scanners and cameras will be used to capture and create media components to develop the site. of a computer system have specific functions and specifications. Data management techniques will be used to transfer and protect media content based on online security. ensure access, storage, security and organisation of information. Appropriate equipment, procedures and techniques need to be used when working with computers to protect health and ensure safety.
ASSESSMENT:Project – written, 4 weeks, 400 - 700 words, Product – website
Dimensions assessed: Knowing and understanding, Analysing and applying, Producing and evaluating
(I Know I’ve got it when I can …)
1 / Define the concepts of IT terms and concepts as applied in Web Design and the hardware, software required for Multimedia. / Successfully complete the tutorials, defining terms, comparing processes and explaining differences between items used in Web Design.
2 / Communicate concepts and principles using suitable genre and language conventions. / Present a clear and coherent article using correct genre and the correct use of spelling, grammar and punctuation and present clear and coherent responses to questions presented in the exam.
3 / Analyse client’s needs, purpose and scenarios to inform the design plan. / Demonstrate an understanding of the problem by producing a detailed article plan, research plan, focus questions or a design brief.
4 / Synthesise information to design solutions. / Produce arguments and supporting examples in reports. Produce draft solutions that satisfy the client’s needs.
5 / Develop and test components of a website to refine solutions. / Provide clear evidence of testing of solutions. Show evidence of improvements in reports from draft to final copy.
6 / Use technical skills and resources to present a solution to a client’s needs. / Show evidence of the use of a variety of technical skills with documentation that details and justifies the skills used particularly in the practical part of the exam.
7 / Evaluate the solution against the defined criteria using the CIPP model. / Show evidence of evaluation of the product using the criteria set out in the CIPP model by detailing the processes undertaken and the satisfaction with the final product using the standard criteria.