Gates MacBain Associates Ltd

Unit SML4 C03 Control works and health and safety systems to

meet project requirements

Element C03.1 Manage site preparation

Element C03.2 Co-ordinate project activities

Element C03.3 Establish, implement and maintain systems for managing

project health, safety and welfare

Unit commentary

This unit is about implementing:

Your competence to ensure that the site is suitable for work to be carried out and that systems

are put in place enabling effective and safe project construction operations.

Element 3.1 Site set up

The pre-start and ongoing planning, and implementation of arrangements at the place of work toensure safe and secure operations.

Element 3.2 Co-ordination

Evaluation of information and providing all workplace personnel with detail of their job

responsibilities. Planning, organising and controlling site resources to meet planned and

unplanned situations.

Element 3.3 Health, safety and welfare

Developing, implementing, monitoring and reviewing the conditions for a safe and healthy

workplace. Ensuring that personnel are aware of their responsibilities and have access to

necessary equipment and resources for welfare and safe and healthy working. Encouraging a

culture of health, safety and welfare on site.

Unit SML4 C03 Control works and health and safety systems to

meet project requirements

Element SML4 C03.1 Manage site preparation (Co-ordinate site preparation)

The Performance Criteria – this involves

  1. Identifying any special considerations, recording them and passing them on to people who may beaffected by them
  2. Identifying any factors which might compromise the proposed works, describing andsummarising them accurately, and passing on the information to the appropriate authorities
  3. Identifying access and egress points for the site and works which are the most convenient for workstraffic and which minimise disruption
  4. Ensuring that accurate details about the proposed works are given to the utility and emergencyservices
  5. Ensuring that arrangements for adequate site security are made before work starts, and whilstworking on the site
  6. planning the site layout for operational purposes and passing on information about the plans to thepeople who will be working on the site
  7. Planning the storage and use of materials and components so that materials handling and movementis efficient and wastage is minimised
  8. Ensuring that notices which provide accurate information to the public and which conform tostatutory requirements are sited and maintained

The Range

  1. Special considerations: occupiers; near neighbours; public access; vehicular access; environmentalconsiderations
  2. Factors which might compromise the proposed works: site conditions; statutory regulations andlimitations; codes of practice; health and safety; hazards; trespass
  3. Site layout for operational purposes: storage; temporary accommodation; work areas; plant;temporary services; access; security

Element SML4 C03.1 Manage site preparation (Co-ordinate site preparation)

The Evidence – performance

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the candidate consistently meets all the performance

criteria, across the range for the Element.

References in brackets after items in the Evidence specification refer to the corresponding performance

criteria, eg (a), and range, eg [1], to which they apply.

Product Evidence:

There must be workplace performance evidence against each performance criteria. Where the workplaceevidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be provided to cover the remainingitems of range for each relevant performance criteria.

The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the following items thatare considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating competence.

  1. Records of special considerations and factors which might compromise the proposed works whichhave been identified (a,b) [1,2]
  2. Records showing access and egress points (c)
  3. Correspondence with the utility and emergency services (d)
  4. Records of arrangements made for site security (e,h)
  5. Plans of the site layout (f,h) [3]
  6. Plans for the storage and use of materials and components (g) [3]

Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this Element.

Element SML4 C03.1 Manage site preparation (Co-ordinate site preparation)

The Evidence – knowledge and understanding

Established from questioning the candidate or from industry recognised education and training course

assessment which is matched to the Element. A candidate’s knowledge and understanding can also be

demonstrated through presented performance evidence.

In relation to:

Special considerations affecting site operations [1]

Know what and why

- identify (a)

Know how to

- record and pass on (a)

In relation to:

Factors which might compromise the proposed works [2]

Know what and why

- identify (b)

- describe (b)

Know how to

- summarise and pass on information (b)

- ensure details about works are given to utility and emergency services (d)

- ensure arrangements for site security are made (e)

In relation to:

Site layout for operational purposes [3]

Know what and why

- identify access and egress points (c)

Know how to

- pass on information (f)

- ensure notices are sited and maintained (h)

Know how to bring together in order that something can be decided or acted upon

- plan (f)

- plan storage and use of materials (g)

Element SML4 C03.2 Co-ordinate project activities

The Performance Criteria – this involves

  1. Assembling and reviewing relevant information which was used in the preparation of the projectplan, clarifying any information which is not clear and updating it for production planning purposes
  2. Giving adequate notice to all the people who will be affected about when the work will start, howlong it will take and when it will finish, and confirming all the dates in writing
  3. Agreeing a programme and methods with the people who will be doing the work
  4. Identifying, recording and obtaining design and planning information requirements before work starts
  5. Organising attendance on sub-contractors in accordance with contractual agreements
  6. Planning and obtaining sufficient resources of the appropriate type which will meet the projectrequirements and timescales
  7. Organising and controlling the site and resources so that conditions are safe, the site is tidy andcreates a favourable image of the organisation, its products and its services
  8. Developing plans to meet special requirements and contingencies which are sufficient to minimisedisruption to those likely to be affected by the works programme
  9. Identifying, communicating and monitoring necessary consequent actions and responsibilities forimplementation

The Range

  1. Resources: personnel; plant and equipment; materials and components; sub-contractors; information
  2. Special requirements – relating to: occupiers; near neighbours; public access; vehicular access;environmental considerations; site conditions; statutory regulations and limitations; codes of practice;health and safety; hazards; trespass

Element SML4 C03.2 Co-ordinate project activities

(Co-ordinate work control)

The Evidence – performance

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the candidate consistently meets all the performance

criteria, across the range for the Element.

References in brackets after items in the Evidence specification refer to the corresponding performance

criteria, eg (a), and range, eg [1], to which they apply.

Product Evidence:

There must be workplace performance evidence against each performance criteria. Where the workplaceevidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be provided to cover the remainingitems of range for each relevant performance criteria.

The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the following items thatare considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating competence.

  1. Records of project planning information which has been assembled, clarified, and updated forproduction planning (a)
  2. Correspondence and notices (b)
  3. Programmes and methods agreed (c)
  4. Design information records (d)
  5. Records of organised attendance on sub-contractors (e)
  6. Plans for obtaining resources (f) [1]
  7. Records and inspections reports about the organisation and control of the site and resources (g) [1]
  8. Plans for special requirements and contingencies (h) [2]
  9. Records of actions and responsibilities which have been identified, communicated and monitored (i)

Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this Element.

Element SML4 C03.2 Co-ordinate project activities

(Co-ordinate work control)

The Evidence – knowledge and understanding

Established from questioning the candidate or from industry recognised education and training course

assessment which is matched to the Element. A candidate’s knowledge and understanding can also be

demonstrated through presented performance evidence.

In relation to:

Resources for work activities [1]

Know what and why

- identify design information requirements (d)

- identify necessary consequent actions and responsibilities for implementation (i)

Know how to

- assemble and clarify project plan information (a)

- update project plan information for production planning purposes (a)

- give and confirm notice about contract timing (b)

- record and obtain design information requirements (d)

- obtain resources (f)

- communicate necessary consequent actions and responsibilities for implementation (i)

Know how to examine in order to understand, explain or predict

- review project plan information (a)

- monitor necessary consequent actions and responsibilities for implementation (i)

Know how to bring together in order that something can be decided or acted upon

- organise attendance on sub-contractors (e)

- plan resources (f)

- organise sites and resources (g)

Know how to weigh up ideas and make a judgement

- agree programmes and methods (c)

- control sites and resources (g)

In relation to:

Special requirements affecting work [2]

Know how to bring together in order that something can be decided or acted upon

- develop plans to meet (h)

Element SML4 C03.3 Establish, implement and maintain systems for managing

project health, safety and welfare

(Implement and maintain systems for managingproject health, safety and welfare)

The Performance Criteria – this involves

  1. Allocating health, safety and welfare responsibilities which are consistent with the contract,statutory requirements, organisational policy and the specific requirements of the project andinducting site personnel on their responsibilities
  2. Ensuring that accurate statutory notices and hazard warnings are arranged and posted which areappropriate to construction operations and the project environment
  3. Ensuring that appropriate and sufficient health, safety and welfare equipment and resources areallocated to the site
  4. Ensuring the appointment of qualified first aiders and that site personnel are briefed about first aidarrangements
  5. Maintaining welfare provisions which meet the project, contractual and statutory requirements
  6. Developing and implementing systems which meet statutory requirements for identifying andreducing hazards and reporting accidents and emergencies
  7. Checking health, safety and welfare systems regularly, in accordance with statutory requirements,and identifying and recording any special site conditions and examples which do not comply withregulations
  8. Identifying and recommending opportunities for improving the health and safety of the workenvironment
  9. Implementing and monitoring traffic management in accordance with safe working practice
  10. Dealing with breaches in health, safety and welfare requirements promptly and in line withorganisational and legal requirements
  11. Encouraging a culture of health, safety and welfare on site

The Range

  1. Statutory requirements: health, safety and welfare legislation; recognised industry codes of practice
  2. Site personnel: staff; operatives; craft; sub-contractors; third parties; site visitors; client/client'srepresentative
  3. Statutory notices: prescribed notices; Certificate of Insurance (Employer Liability Act); site safetysigns
  4. Health, safety and welfare equipment and resources: protective clothing; protective equipment;first aid facilities; welfare facilities; storage and security of materials and equipment; accident andincident reporting; fire fighting equipment; provision of health, safety and welfare training

Element SML4 C03.3 Establish, implement and maintain systems for managing

project health, safety and welfare

(Implement and maintain systems for managingproject health, safety and welfare)

The Evidence – performance

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the candidate consistently meets all the performance

criteria, across the range for the Element.

References in brackets after items in the Evidence specification refer to the corresponding performance

criteria, eg (a), and range, eg [1], to which they apply.

Product Evidence:

There must be workplace performance evidence against each performance criteria. Where the workplaceevidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be provided to cover the remainingitems of range for each relevant performance criteria.

The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the following items thatare considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating competence.

  1. Records of health, safety and welfare responsibility allocations (a) [1,2] which include:

-staff inductions (a) [2]

-encouragement of a culture of health, safety and welfare (k)

  1. Records showing the posting of statutory notices and hazard warnings (b) [3]
  2. Records of the safety and welfare equipment and resources which have been allocated andmaintained (c,e) [4]
  3. Records showing the appointment of first aiders and first aid briefing (d) [4]
  4. Systems developed and implemented for identifying and reducing hazards and reporting accidentsand emergencies (f) [1] which include:

-records of checks identified, special site conditions and examples of non-compliance (g)

-recommendations for improvements (h)

-implemented and monitored traffic management (i)

-breaches in requirements dealt with (j)

Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this Element.


SML4 C03 Control works and health and safety systems to meet project requirements