Cathedral Catholic High School

Instructions/Assignments for Eucharistic Ministers

St. Thérèse Chapel

Liturgy: / Date:

1.  Familiarize yourself with your exact spot for distribution. If you are unclear, please ask.

2.  As soon as the Lamb of God begins, take your place behind the altar as outlined below to receive Eucharist.

3.  The presider will turn and give you communion.

4.  Once you have received the Eucharist, step up to the altar for your cup/plate. Inform the presider/priest which you need.

5.  Once you have received your cup/plate, go to your designated distribution station. Please WAIT for cup ministers to arrive before distributing Eucharistic. Do NOT begin distributing Eucharist if the cup minister has not arrived for your station.

6.  If a student comes to you with arms crossed, say “Peace be with You.” They will respond “Amen.”

7.  Once you are finished at your station, check if assistance is needed at other stations.

8.  Once distribution is completed (or you run out) return your cup/plate to the table at the back of the chapel.

  1. Note: When B2 and C2 are finished, they go to the schola/instrumentalists and give them communion.

Bread Ministers / Cup Ministers
B1 / C1
B2 / C2
B3 / C3
B4 / C4
Back up 1 / Back up 1