Unit Review: Plants

SEED---A baby in a box with its lunch!
Review Sheet----parts of a seed ( embryo, endosperm, seed
Germination----the early growth of a plant from a seed
Temperature, Oxygen and Moisture necessary for seeds
to germinate
How are seeds dispersed? Wind, water, animals
Examples of interdependence between plants & animals
(Notes from Seedy Side of Plants movie!)
Understand the ingredients and products of photosynthesis
1.  Carbon dioxide enters leaves through stomata
2.  Water enters leaves via the xylem tissue
3.  Chlorophyll (green pigment in the leaf) traps sunlight which the plant uses as energy to combine carbon dioxide and water.
4.  Carbon dioxide and water combine in sunlight in the presence of chlorophyll to create glucose (a sugar) and release oxygen as a by- product.
CO2 + H20 light C6 H12 O6 + O2
5.  Plants link chains of glucose to produce cellulose which is an important building material in a plant's cell wall.
When plants are ready to build and repair their cells and tissue, they must have energy to do their work. They get their energy from their food, just like animals do. Energy is released in a process called respiration. For this process to take place a plant must have food and oxygen. The food that the plants use is glucose (sugar) made during the process of photosynthesis. This sugar combines with six parts of oxygen. The oxygen is made by the plant during photosynthesis and released into the air. The oxygen is reabsorbed through the leaves of the plant. When the oxygen and sugar combine, energy is released and carbon dioxide and water are the by- products. These by-products exit through the stomata.
C6H12O6 + 6 O2------energy------6CO2 + 6H2O
Study diagram of Brassica plant and
Root, stem, cotyledons, true leaves, node, internode, bud, flower
Be able to tell the function of each part!
Male reproductive organ= stamen( stamen produces pollen)
Sperm cells (male sex cells are in the
pollen grains)
Female reproductive organ= pistil (ovules inside the pistil
contain the egg cells –female sex cells)
What is pollination? (transferring pollen from a stamen to a
What are the main ways plants are
pollinated? Wind, insects, bats, hummingbirds
Cross-pollination = the transfer of pollen from the
stamen (male part) of one plant to the
pistil (female part) of a different plant
Self-pollination = the transfer of pollen from a stamen to a
pistil of the same plant
The union of two reproductive cells (sperm and egg) to
produce a zygote --a fertilized cell.
1.  A pollen grain lands on the stigma.
2.  Pollen tube grows through the pistil to an egg cell in the ovary (bottom part)
3.  A sperm cell from inside the pollen grain travels down the pollen tube.
4.  One sperm cell will join with the egg cell to produce a zygote.
5.  The pistil elongates (gets longer) and swells
6.  The pistil becomes a seed pod!
7.  The zygote develops into an embryo .
8.  The new seeds can now be planted to grow into a new plant!
Parts of a Leaf
1.  Study cross-section of a leaf diagram
Cuticle, stomata, guard cells, chloroplasts, veins(xylem & phloem)
Petiole, margins (smooth, serrated, lobed)
Vein patters ( parallel, pinnate, palmate)

Review previous tests and quizzes.

Study with a partner.

Make up your own test.

Plan to review 25 minutes each night.

Replay videos from homework log.

Draw as you study!

Make flash cards for the words you find confusing.

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