Unit planner MULTIMEDIA
School Name:John Tonkin College / Unit title:
Multi media / KLA(s): / Year level(s):
9 / Duration of unit:
1 semester
Identify curriculum
Ways of working / Knowledge and understanding
Students are able to:
· Create representations in media texts that have specific purposes and are modified to maximise audience impact
· Manipulate media techniques and practices, including editing and publishing to create media texts / Involves constructing meaning, considering specific audiences and specific purposes, by manipulating media languages and technologies to shape representations
· Still and moving images, sounds and words are used to construct and reconstruct meaning in media texts
· Media techniques and practices are used to market, promote, deliver and exhibit media texts
Context for learning / School priorities
A student:
· selects and justifies the application of appropriate software programs to a range of tasks
· describes and applies problem- solving processes when creating solutions
· designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems
· acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner
· communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience / 1. a school culture built on the foundation of care and respect in all college practices
2. college community members will value and promote a commitment to excellence
3. innovative and unique programs in partnership with the community
Develop assessment / Make judgments
Type of assessment / What will be assessed / When it will be assessed / Purpose of assessment / Assessable elements
1. Design process- what images and software to be used for the selected design
2. production & manipulation of the software package to display their graphic package
3. end product- effectiveness of communicating clearly to the specific target audience / Students will be assessed on their ability to:
· incorporate effective design considerations ( such as structure, simplicity, consistency of elements, colours, textures and effects)
· import and manipulate graphics into a presentation software package
· use feedback from peer evaluation to identify weaknesses and suggest appropriate modifications
· a storyboard depicting what will occur in the stop animation / 1. week 3
2. Ongoing anecdotal
3. last week / Students are able to design, produce and evaluate appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems / 1. production- design development and application of problem solving processes when creating solutions
2. presentation
3. reflecting, responding and evaluation
Sequence learning
Learning experiences and teaching strategies / Adjustments for needs of learners / Resources
Students will present their graphic designs to the class.
These will include a variety of designs for a debit bank card aimed at a specific target audience, along with a booklet and magazine advertisement promoting the product
Students will have an opportunity to brainstorm their ideas as well share with others
Students may use a presentation software package such as power point to present and display their graphic package
The teacher will introduce evaluation criteria, including appropriateness and relevance of the graphics to the design brief, design consistency and visual quality of the images in the package
(e.g.- lettering styles/typography, layout, etc)
Students develop a focused skill set in a specialty area of multimedia (i.e.-instructional design, writing, project management, graphic production, video/audio production, 3D environments and animation programming) / Students may be paired up as a means to cater for the limited hardware in the classroom
(i.e.- 19 working computers 26 students)
Work effectively in group and team based mutlimedia project environments / · portfolios to be handed out for students to use
· computers with wi-fi capability
· printer/scanner to be used for printing off students' work
Course Outline
Week / Activities / Resources / Outcomes Covered / Monitoring / Assessment1 / Hand out portfolios, discuss the roles and responsibilities in the ICT classroom
Students to brainstorm "what is media/multimedia",
Hand out the project brief "designing a debit card with brochure/flyer and accompanying magazine advertisement
Read through brief with class to check understanding
Students to discuss with others possible ideas / Photocopy of project brief
Look at the John Tonkin College site
www.blueskyclassroom.net / Arts ideas
Arts skills & processes
2 / Image gathering for the selected designs, making sure to cater for the particular target audience
Lettering exercise-fonts/type facing / Arts ideas
Arts skills & processes / Students to gather examples of lettering/fonts & be able to identify
3-4 / Generate ideas- sketches & design concepts based on research and inspirational material
Students to familiarize themselves with the technical codes, conventions and terminology of media / Arts ideas
Arts skills & processes / Throughout the design process, the brief is checked to ensure compliance
5-6 / Develop ideas- application of different media materials and methods and of design elements and principles to develop concepts / Arts ideas
Arts skills & processes
7-8 / Refine ideas- expanding best concepts and refining idea that meets the brief
Preparing for presentation via power point presentation
Students to generate a self evaluation of the process, making sure that they have met the criteria of the project brief / Arts ideas
Arts skills & processes
9 / Students to produce a "mock up" of the debit card, along with brochure/flyer & magazine page advertisement / Laminating pouches, coloured ink for the printer
10 / Final presentation/s, students present their work to the rest of the class
11 / Animations consist of many still images shown fast in succession
Students to produce a brief flip book showing animation
Research the history and types of animation & produce a short article describing some of the techniques of animation (both traditional and computerised) / www.digitalist.org/Year_09/9-2_animation/9-2_animation.htm / · Brief article (4-6 paragraphs) outline the types & history of animation
· flip book consisting of 25 frames
12 / Flash animation- students are going to investigate macromedia flash MX 2004
View a variety of tutorials online (i.e.- motion tween, shape tween, working on layer, masking, blur effect, etc..)
Students to investigate the animation programs Pivot or Stykz
Experiment in creating a dancing shapes animation with music / Arts ideas
Arts skills & processes
13 / Students to continue their investigation of animation programs
Students to create at least 2 animations using/showing the methods/techniques shown from the tutorials online / www.digitalist.org/Year_09/9-2_animation/9-2-3_flash_2/9-2-3_flash_2.htm
14 -15 / Students to explore Storyboarding
Students to generate examples of the various camera shots & angles in their portfolio (e.g.- high level & low level, etc..)
Planning an animation; using Flash to import and sequence photos
Students to design & create a storyboard that is based upon the following titles:
· The misunderstanding
· The Betrayal
· The Bank job / Photocopy storyboard worksheets for students to plan & do their drafts upon
www.digitalist.org/Year_09/9-2_animation/9-2-4_storyboarding_kar2ouche_stopmotion.htm / Vocabulary/terminology to demonstrated:
· storyboard
· high level & low level camera angles
· close up & long shot
· pan
· jump cut
· reaction shot
16-19 / Production of stop animation. Students need to have considered & experimented with the following:
· Images
· Editing
· Sound / Responding, reflecting & evaluating / Students should be doing self evaluations in their portfolio in terms of:
v What worked
v What didn’t
Next time I will…
20 / Presenting their stop animation
Students to write a brief report, in which they summarise their activity in the project
A individual self assessment/evaluation, presented in their portfolio that addresses the following:
· A summary of their activity
· What worked well (including the high points of their experience)
· What needed improvement (including the low points of their experience)
· What they learned from the overall
NOTE-this program is subject to change at the teacher’s discretion
Outcomes of Course:
Outcome / E / D / C / B / AArts ideas / Uses ideas & imagination as well as play & sensory experiences as the basis for making & sharing arts activities / Uses own ideas, experiences & observations in the making of arts works through structured activities / Manipulates a variety of materials to express ideas. explores & uses ideas, experiences & observations / Solves problems within given structures to complete arts works which show clearly developed ideas. / Develops & presents arts works, integrating ideas & adapting arts practices in the generation of arts works that communicate purpose & an understanding of audiences.
Arts skills & processes / Uses basic elements of auditory, visual, tactile &/or kinaesthetic experiences to experiment & develop basic techniques in & across arts forms / Identifies & uses a range of arts languages, skills, simple arts processes & appropriate techniques / Works independently & in groups to plan, create & restructure artworks. uses a range of specific arts skills, techniques, processes conventions & technologies in presenting arts works / Combines appropriate arts skills, techniques, processes, conventions & technologies to plan, shape & present arts works / Uses a repertoire of skills, techniques, processes & appropriate technologies & demonstrates the interrelationship between technical competence & the expressive qualities of the arts
Arts responses / Responds to sensory experiences; auditory, visual, tactile &/or kinaesthetic. / Makes observations about features & elements / Makes objective observations about key features & processes; uses appropriate visual art terminology. identify influences on an artist or style / Uses arts terminology to describe, analyse, evaluate & express informed opinions about arts works & activities & the relationships between them / Describes, analyses, interprets & critically evaluates arts works & justifies their judgement, taking into account different points of view & demonstrating control of a wide range of appropriate terminology.
Arts in society / Engages with sensory stimuli in the immediate environment / Recognises that the arts are used for a range of different purposes / Identifies & discusses specific features of the arts in own community & in other cultures or times & relates this understanding to own arts works & activities / Understands the contributions that the arts & artists make to societies, cultures & times & uses this understanding in own arts works. / Researches arts works from a variety of contexts, examines critically the ways the arts challenge & shape values.
Use feedback
Ways to monitor learning and assessment
Evidence in the student's portfolio, where the student is able to elaborate an idea and justify the appropriateness of the graphics package to the design brief and target audience