Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
Unit Plan for Science 3 Educ 25-EDB
Unit AuthorFirst and Last Name / Vega, sandy Cristine
Yamit, Eden May C.
Email Address /
School Name / Smart Learners Elementary School
School Address / Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City
Division/ Region / Cagayan de Oro, Region 10
Unit Overview
Unit Title
Matter and its Three Phases
Unit Summary
Humans have never lost interest in trying to find out how the universe is put together, how it works, and where they fit in the huge plan of things. This unit will help the pupils to engage themselves in the environment and nature they are in. This unit will also help them classify the things in their surrounding and what form of matter these things belong to. They will be able to recognize the importance of matter and how it contributes to the preservation of human life.
Subject Area
Science 3
Grade Level
Grade 3
Approximate Time Needed
(10) 50-minute class periods, 2 weeks (Second Quarter)
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks
21st Century Skills:
n Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
n Communication and Collaboration
n Initiative and Self-Direction
n Flexibility and adaptability
BEC Learning Competencies:
1. Write a short reflection about the importance of matter and its three forms to their everyday lives.
1. Share to the class their experiences regarding the activities they have done.
2. Give examples of the three forms of matter through class recitation.
3. Interview or ask their parents about the importance of matter to their everyday lives.
1. Proposing a compilation of pictures of each phase of matter through scrap booking.
2. Compiling documentations from the clean-up drive activity.
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit, the students will:
a. Recognize the things around by classifying them into which form of matter do they belong.
b. Value the things around through writing a short reflection about the importance of matter and its three forms to their everyday lives.
c. Share their ideas to their groupmates to accomplish the activity.
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question / How do matter and its three forms contribute to your survival in Earth?
Unit Questions / Why is it important to know about matter and its phases?
Content Questions / What is matter?
What are the examples of solids?
What are the examples of liquids?
What are the examples of gases?
Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline
Before project work begins / Students work on projects and complete tasks / After project work is completed
1. Ask questions about previous lessons.
2. The students will be asked to take pictures of the objects that correspond to each of the three phases of matter around their school campus. / 1. The students will prepare things that represent a solid and a liquid.
2. The students will be grouped into 3 and perform the experiment on the three phases of matter titled, “Solid, Liquid, Gas Transformation.”
=Provided materials will be: Ice cubes, Bunsen burner, match and beaker.
=Procedures will be presented to the students as a guide.(To be assessed by the teacher).
3. Creating a collage of the pictures that they have taken about the phases of matter. / 1. Quiz about the unit discussed.
2. Individual assignment (a reflection about the importance of matter and its three phases to their everyday lives.)
3. Presenting a portfolio as their output from the activities that they have done.
Assessment Summary
The assessments used for this unit are well designed to facilitate the 21st century skills that the pupils should learn and instill in their lives. The use of appropriate technology is observed all throughout the assessment methods as extension for their learning experiences. Activities are also selected for the students to experience the importance of the lesson to real life situations. There are specific activities to be worked individually and also within the group for interpersonal skills enhancement. This is also to evaluate how far they have gained knowledge and understanding about the topic.
Prerequisite Skills
For this unit, it is expected that the grade 3 student has:
a. Experienced on using camera, internet, computers and Microsoft offices.
b. Used some laboratory apparatus during experiments.
c. Worked with the groups or partners many times.
Instructional Procedures
Week 1
Orientation: The students will be introduced by the following objectives for the unit. They will be oriented about the activities to be done and the materials to be used for them to prepare ahead.
Exposure: Each group will proceed to any of the areas in school guided by the teacher and do the tasks that will be given to them like collecting objects as many as they can that belong to each phases of matter. The group will decide how to do the tasks to accomplish the work.
First Processing: After the allotted time for them to accomplish the task, the groups will share what objects they have collected from the exposure. They will prove that the objects they gathered specifically belong to each phases.
Planning: The students will decide about their project which is all about the scrapbook of compilation of pictures which will show different images of solids, liquids and gas. Their scrapbook will be made from any recycled materials.
Week 2
Implementation and Documentation: The class browses the internet sources, magazines, old newspapers and books. They will then start to look and cut out pictures.
Second Processing/Debriefing: After completing the project, the class will be gathered again. The teacher will ask about the pictures they cut out and let them show to the class their scrapbook. The teacher will then ask some follow up questions like what benefit they will get in those pictures they presented and how they will take good care of those so that it will not harm the nature.
Planning: The class will plan about the clean-up drive for the next day which will be connected to the proper disposal of the unused materials like solid objects which if not properly disposed may damage the water or the seashore and also the air. This is the value that they will learn in doing the activity. After the clean-up drive activity, they will propose a program entitled “War On Waste” (WOW). This program will be conducted by the students every first and last Friday of the month.
Culminating Activity: The class concludes the unit by summarizing all the lessons regarding the matter and its phases. They will exhibit at the Science park all the outputs they have done during the activities. Particularly the pictures that they have taken, the scrapbook that they have created with the group and the documentations from the clean-up drive activity. In this culminating activity, they will also promote the War On Waste Program and invite other students to join.
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Resource Students / The science laboratory is available for the students to continue their unfinished activities.
The class has agreed time with teacher for the questions of the students regarding the lessons and the activities.
Gifted/Talented Students / They will be given another activity to do and present their work in the class for the students to learn more.
Materials and Resources Required For Unit
Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)
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Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
Digital Camera
DVD Player
Internet Connection / Laser Disk
Projection System
Television / VCR
Video Camera
Video Conferencing Equip.
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Desktop Publishing
E-mail Software
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM / Image Processing
Internet Web Browser
Multimedia / Web Page Development
Word Processing
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Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
Printed Materials / Bantigue, R.M.,,Health and Environment.Sta.Cruz,Manila:Hope Publishing House.Supplies / Beaker, ice cubes, match, Bunsen burner.
Internet Resources / Teacher Resources
Student Resources
Other Resources / Teachers, parents, classmates.
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