Unit Plan 4.1 Writing Dialogues

Unit Title: 4.1 Writing Dialogues Date: Duration:__5___ Weeks Teacher: ______

Subject: EnglishTeaching Strategies (PCEA): Grade:4

Transversal Themes: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethical Education Peace Education Environmental EducationTechnology and Education Education for Workplace

Integration:Spanish  Social Studies Science  Math Arts Physical Education Health TechnologyLibrary

Essential Questions
EQ1. What do good readers and writers do while they are reading and writing?
EQ2. Who am I? And how does reading and writing help me understand who I am?
EQ3. What do I do with an unknown word?
EQ4. How does dialogue express a character or person’s voice?
Transfer (T) and Acquisition (A) Goals
T1. The student will demonstrate actions of good readers and writers by using a variety of strategies to comprehend read alouds and independent readings of literary and informational text. He / She will predict meanings using word and background knowledge. Through the use of dialogue, illustrations, inference and predictions, the student will show an understanding of character traits and actions and make connections to his/her life orally and in writing.
The student acquires skills to...
A1. Listen and respond during read alouds to a variety of narrative and informational texts.
A2. Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
A3. Describe personal experiences and academic concepts, adjusting language choices according to purpose, context, and audience using grade-appropriate grammar. (With decreasing support in the first language as necessary.)
A4. Identify details from literary and informational texts to support understanding and reflection.
Administrative Workshop (School’s Principal) / Systematic Agenda / Parent’s Agreement / Pre-Test / Pre-Test
Standards and Expectations
Alphabetical order and dictionary usage
(4.LA.2d / 4.LA.4d) / Standards and Expectations
Word Square Organizer (4.LA.4d) / Standards and Expectations
Inferring meaning of unknown words (4.LA.4a) / Standards and Expectations
Inference chart (4.LA.4a) / Standards and Expectations
Parts of a paragraph
Standards and Expectations
Writing Process (Review) (4.W.4) / Standards and Expectations
Writing Process (4.W.4) / Standards and Expectations
Writing Process (4.W.4) / Standards and Expectations
Performance Task: Autobiographical Poster (4.S.5 / 4.W.6) / Standards and Expectations
Performance Task: Autobiographical Poster (4.S.5 / 4.W.6)
Standards and Expectations
Homophones (4.LA.1i) / Standards and Expectations
Homophones (4.LA.1i) / Standards and Expectations
Homophones (4.LA.1i) / Standards and Expectations
Performance Task: Funny Dialogues using Homophones (4.LA.1i / 4.W.6) / Standards and Expectations
Performance Task: Funny Dialogues using Homophones (4.LA.1i / 4.W.6)
Standards and Expectations
Adjectives (Review) (4.LA.1) / Standards and Expectations
Describing a character (4.R.3L) / Standards and Expectations
Describing a character (4.R.3L) / Standards and Expectations
Performance Task: Become a Character (4.LA.1 / 4.W.6) / Standards and Expectations
Performance Task: Become a Character (4.LA.1 / 4.W.6)