Health and Safety

Version / Approved by / Trustees
Dated / Next review due on
  1. Introduction

The trustees of a registered charity and directors of a limited company have duties under company law as well as charity law. The duties of charity trustees are summarised in Charity Commission guidance available at The key ones are given in the Charity Commission’s booklet The Essential Trustee CC3 (

  1. Purpose of the [FAITH INSTITUTION] Health and Safety Policy

To set out roles and responsibilities, ensure that the organisation’s health and safety systems are effective and develop and maintain those systems to comply with any legal changes.

  1. Policy and Arrangements

[Name of person 1] has overall and final responsibility for health and safety.

[Name of person 2] has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice, as follow:

Prevent accidents and cases of work-related by managing the health and safety risks in the organisation.

Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training to ensure staff and volunteers are competent to do their work.

Engage and consult with staff and volunteers on day-to-day health and safety conditions.

Implement emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident. Help with fire risk assessment can be found at:

Maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage/use of substances.

Signed: [Person 1]

Date: [Date signed]

  1. Practical matters

The Trustees (or Facilities Manager if the organisation is a tenant) ensures the above and points below are adhered to:

A Health and Safety Law poster is displayed clearly.

A First-aid box is located in [specify area].

An Accident book is located in the main office.

Security is on site all day and the [organisation] (and other tenants) are required to inform the security of visitors.

Trip hazards, wires and other material are checked, and comply with the risk assessment for the [organsiation].

The [organisation] is responsible for keeping their work area clear, being mindful of trip hazards and other loose materials.

Accidents and ill-health at work are reported under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations):

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