ACS 11

Unit One Pop Quiz

1.  A Griot is a professional historian in some African societies, who is trained in the oral tradition.

2.  Hieroglyphs is picture-writing of ancient Egypt.

3.  Passing history down from one generation to the next by spoken language is: oral tradition.

4.  Sahara Desert is known as the world’s largest wasteland.

5.  Pharaohs are rulers of ancient Egypt.

6.  Afrocentrism Focuses primarily on the experiences and achievements of people of African descent. African history is presented from and African point of view and not European bias. It focuses on African culture and the continual survival and unity of African peoples, irrespective of borders.

7.  Kush was an ancient kingdom that trained elephants in warfare.

8.  Archaeology is the study of ancient societies.

9.  Axum was an ancient kingdom that declined due to the rise and expansion of the religion Islam.

10.  Primary Source A document, record or written account made by someone who took part in or witnessed an event.

11.  Secondary Source Is a written account made sometime after an event has taken place and by people who are not eyewitnesses. They are based on research and analysis of primary sources or other secondary sources.

12.  Olduvai GorgePart of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa. Discoveries of fossilized remains were located here.

13.  Radiocarbon dating The determination of the approximate age of an ancient object, such as a fossil, by measuring the amount of carbon 14 it contains.

14.  Lucy Fossil remains discovered in Ethiopia. Her remains date back 3.2 millions years and almost half of her skeleton was found.

15.  Homo Sapeins Sapiens Scientific name for modern humankind

16.  Diaspora A group of people who are dispersed around the world.

17.  Mitochrondria Eve A woman who is the 10,000th great-grandmother of every person on earth.

18.  Proverb A short saying that embodies a general truth.

19.  Myth A symbolic account of the origin of things.

20. Nomadic Moving from place to place in search of food. Hunters and gathers.

21.  Sedentary Settling in one place. This was the start of agriculture.

22. Kemet The people of Ancient Egypt called their land this.

23. Sphinx Monument that has a body of a lion and head of a man (Khafre). It represents the pharaoh as Ra, the sun god.

24. The Old Kingdom of Egypt is called the Age of the Pyramids.

25. Mummification The process included embalming the bodies and wrapping them in strips of linen


Rulers of Ancient Benin were called the Oba.