Final Exam ReviewUnit One: Nutrition
- History of nutrition
- Body image and body types
- Know the function and building blocks of monosaccharides, a disaccharides, and a polysaccharides (starch, glycogen and cellulose etc…)
- Know the function and building blocks of lipids and proteins.
- Recognize the formation/shape of all macromolecules.
- Testing of macromolecules: indicators used and what positive result looks like
- Vitamins vs minerals – differences, food examples of each, deficiency problems
- Canada’s Food Guide- know food groups and recommended amounts for teens
- Examples of foods high in carbohydrates, protein and lipids.
- Simple vs. complex carbohydrates, complete vs. incomplete proteins, saturated vs. unstaturated fats, soluble vs. insoluble fibre…
- Calorimeter calculations-food energy lab
- Food additives and food processing: categories, processing advantages/disadvantages, health effects.
- Food terminology: organic, natural, functional food, electrolytes…
- What is caffeine and what is the effect of caffeine on the body?
- Fad diets: egs, obesity issues, eating disorders
- Movie: Lorenzo’s Oil
- Issues surrounding PPM150
Unit Two: Digestion
- Compare/contrast the open tube and closed tube system of digestions.
- What is extracellular digestion and intracellular digestion?
- List the order of organs that food passes through in the human digestive system.
- Distinguish between mechanical and chemical digestion.
- Describe what happens to food in the mouth.
- What is the role of salivary glands, what is the role of salivary amylase, epiglottis and esophagus.
- Describe the role and structure of the stomach and sphincter muscles.
- What is chyme?
- What is the role of the small intestine? How does its structure support its function.
- What is an enzyme? Where are they formed?
- What does gastric juice contain? What is the role of hydrochloric acid? What is the role of pepsin?
- Describe the role of sodium bicarbonate in the digestive process
- What is the role of bile and what causes the release of bile? Where is bile made and stored?
- Controlling homeostasis in the body: organs/ receptors/feedback loops
- Digestive disorders: eg. Crohns, class presentations
Identify the structures/functions of the human digestive system by means of a diagram.
Unit Three: Pathogens,Disease and Public Health
- List the major levels of classification starting with Kingdom.
- Compare the main features and representatives of each Kingdom.
- Compare and contrast the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
- Pathogen and disease terminology: vector, pandemic, antiseptic…
- Taxonomy/binomial nomenclature
- Describe how bacteria can be classified. (e.g. shapes, metabolic needs, colony morphology, Gram stain etc.)
- Importance of bacteria: advantages and disadvantages, probiotics
- Reproduction in bacteria, bacterial growth phases
- Describe how viruses infect a host cell and reproduces. (lysogenic cycles and lytic cycles)
- How viruses spread: vectors
- Cold vs. flu
- Historic flu outbreaks, Swine Flu, SARS
- HIV- characteristics, current challenges, successes
- Characteristics of Protists, examples of disease
- Characteristics of Fungi, examples of disease
- Blood and its components
- The immune system and 3 lines of defence
- Preventing disease and the transmission to others
- Describe the use of vaccines and their effects on viruses and bacteria.
- Vaccine schedules, 2 types, exemptions
- Food borne illnesses: prevention, common illnesses, sources
- Movie: Outbreak, SARS, Food Inc, Flu, Killer Viruses, AIDS,
- Guest speaker Mrs. Sims from public health
- Services provided by our local Public Health
- Challenges for public health in a Global World
- Identify and describe the structures of a bacterial cell by means of a diagram
- Identify and describe the general structure of a virus by means of a diagram
- Lytic and Lysogenic cycles
- Follow a dichotomous key
Unit Four: Biotechnology and Medical Technology
- Synthetic red blood cells, anabolic steroids, GM Chickens -advantages/disadvantages
- Genetically modified organisms: ex, history, advantages, disadvantages, regulations
- Lycopene, Sorona, Dolly, Sports turf, Knee cartilage,
- Security issues/bioterrorism
- The business of biotechnology: types, ex
- Canadian contributions to biotechnology : historic timeline
- Cloning and DNA, - Learn Genetics website
- DNA extraction lab
Final Exam- January 29, 2013 12:00pm Room 3212
Multiple Choice/True False: 56 marks
Matching: 20 marks
Short Answer: 30 marks
Extended Response: 10 marks (See below to prepare a response)
Lab Stations: 14 marksTotal marks = 130
1. Select ONE of the following quotes. In a well- structured response, explain how you interpret the quote, how it relates to biotechnology and if you agree or disagree with the author’s point of view. Support your response with specific examples from our discussions, articles, movies, guest speakers, presentations, current news events, etc.
(10 marks)
A) “The goal of science is to build better mousetraps. The goal of nature is to build better mice.” Anonymous
B) “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” ~Isaac Asimov, Isaac Asimov's Book of Science and Nature Quotations, 1988
C) “Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons”.
~R. Buckminster Fuller
D) “God never made his work for man to mend.”John Dryden