Unit One: Assignments for Magnet British Literature/ AP Language
Essential question: How has the theme of good versus evil developed through the ages in literature?
Aug 4 / Introduction to course, response guide to 1984; follow-up responseAug 5/6 / Bring text to class, if you have it.
Continue discussion of 1984; preparation for Socratic seminar. Choose 5 questions from study questions on which to prepare responses.
Aug 7 / Socratic seminar. Come to class with notes, text, and relevant handouts.
Aug 8 / AP work.
Aug 11 / Due today: Intro to British Literature Assignment: On a piece of typing paper or construction paper, framed with a colorful border, attractively display the name and dates of a famous British writer and a meaningful quotation from that writer. Include literary or historical time period. Your text should be illustrated, colorful, and attractive enough for display in the room.
From Legend to History
1. Historical Background
2. “The Seafarer”
3. Beowulf
4. Anglo Saxon Riddles
5. Excerpt from Paradise Lost
6. “Shooting an Elephant”
7. “Rocking Horse Winner”
Terms to Know
epic hero
Aug 12 /Due today: Research on historical background
Begin “Seafarer” packet; finish for homeworkAug 13 / Due today: “Seafarer” packet
Thematic parallel: “Dover Beach”
Intro to Beowulf
Aug 14 / Due today: Read and answer study questions to Beowulf, Part 1.
In class writing: Compare and contrast the language used to describe the arrival of Grendel and the arrival of Beowulf. How does the language contribute to the contrasting tones of the two passages?
Homework: Read and answer study questions to Beowulf pages Part 2
Aug 15 / Due today: Read and answer study questions to Beowulf Part 2.
In class writing: Defend, challenge, or qualify the following statement: Beowulf displayed greater heroism in fighting Grendel than in fighting Grendel’s mother.
Aug 18 / Due today: Read and answer study questions to Beowulf Part 3.
Classwork: Journal Response to Part 3: If Beowulf’s character was designed to serve as an exemplum for Anglo Saxon warriors, what values are displayed through his character?/ Working on FAQ
Introduction to another epic struggle: Milton’s Paradise Lost. P.524
Aug 19 /
Due today: Read excerpt to Paradise Lost in text; complete study questions on handout.
Aug 20 /Due today: Thematic parallels--Read “Shooting an Elephant” p. 1318
Aug 21 /Due today: Thematic parallel--Read “The Rocking -Horse Winner” page 1246
Aug 22 / Review for Unit testAug 25 /