MS Choir Intermediate Level Grade 7

Unit of Study:Dev. vocal range/skills/LRT; Intro Music Th.; SR/Solfege Skills; Score Analysis;

Round/Canon Challenge; Repertoire; Con. Prep./Fund. Skills; Reg. MS Aud.;1st 9 weeks Curriculum Concert

Week 1First Grading Period

TEKS Choir 7
  • 1A Demonstrate characteristic vocal timbre individually and in groups
  • 1B Describe intervals, music notation, voices, and musical performances, using standard terminology
  • 2A Perform independently with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills and basic performance techniques
  • 3A Sight-read music in treble and/or other clefs in various keys and meters
  • 3B Notate meter, rhythm, pitch, and dynamics using standard symbols
  • 3C Interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing

College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines

Word Wall
Hand signs
Sight reading
LRT: Long, Round, Tall Vowel Formation / Experiencing Choral Music
McGraw Hill Glencoe 2005
Teaching Masters
Evaluation Masters
Music & History
Vocal Development
Skill Builders
Sight-singing Masters
Kodály, Dalcroze, Interdisciplinary
Supporting Resources
Fine Arts Transparencies
The Singing Musician
Patti DeWitt Co., 2004
John Curwen Hand signs
Conducting Patterns
Preparatory Pages
Sequential Sight-reading
IPA Chart
District Score Study
Curwen/Kodály Hand Signs
Concert Requirements
Repertoire (9 weeks concert minimum are 3 octavo length songs appropriate for grade level)
SAISD Concert Template
Sight-reading materials
Tape/CD Recorders
SAISD Weekly Rubric
SAISD 9 Weeks Rubric /

The teacher will:
  • Review posture and breathing mechanics
  • Review sirens, vocal warm-ups, and vocalizes to find correct singing register
  • Review solfege syllables and hand signs for a diatonic scale (d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d’)
  • Demonstrate and review Long, Round, Tall vowels (LRT)
  • Review music staff, treble/bass clef(s), music notes/names and basic rhythms
  • Introduce repertoire
  • Introduce the concept of Region Choir & corresponding auditions
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
~ How would you differentiate between LRT’s and “east-west” vowel production?
~Can you recall and show the Solfege hand-signs?
~Describe a music staff and what it is used for. / ~Demonstrate singing with proper posture and breathing mechanics
~Review and sing exploratory exercises to find correct singing register
~Reproduce vocal warm-ups and vocalizes
~Sing correct solfege syllables with appropriate hand signs
~Produce LRT vowels
~Read and write basic music theory
~Begin learning and singing basic repertoire / Reviewing
Explicit Teaching
Drill & Practice
Students demonstrate musical understanding of vocal production and music theory by singing correct pitches in-tune and using hand-signs.
Students will show how to produce long, round tall vowels.
Click here for more information onbreathing mechanisms
Canon Definition
/ SAISD MS Choir Round/Canon Challenge
Repertoire (Vocal Music Curriculum Website)
Week 1: Learn Song by Rote
Week 2: Sing Solfege & Hand Sign
Week 3: Sing Rhythm
Week 4: Sing Text while Conducting
Week 5: Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 6: Sing Solfege w/hand signs while Cnducting
Week 7: Hand Sign Solfege & Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 8: Manuscript Song
Week 9: Perform Round/Canon in small groups for each other in class
Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP
Highlighted materials
Recorded examples / Partner special learners with another student.
Individually aurally assess students

MS Choir Intermediate Level Grade 7

Unit of Study: Dev. vocal range/skills/LRT; Intro Music Th.; SR/Solfege Skills; Score Analysis;

Round/Canon Challenge; Repertoire; Con. Prep./Fund. Skills; Reg. MS Aud.; 1st 9 weeks Curriculum Concert

Week 2 First Grading Period

TEKS Choir 7
  • 1A Demonstrate characteristic vocal timbre individually and in groups
  • 1B Describe intervals, music notation, voices, and musical performances, using standard terminology
  • 2A Perform independently with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills and basic performance techniques
  • 3A Sight-read simple music in treble and/or other clefs in various keys and meters
  • 3B Notate meter, rhythm, pitch, and dynamics using standard symbols
  • 3C Interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing

College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines

Word Wall
Key Signature
Key of C
Repertoire / Experiencing Choral Music
McGraw Hill Glencoe 2005
Teaching Masters
Evaluation Masters
Music & History
Vocal Development
Skill Builders
Sight-singing Masters
Kodály, Dalcroze, Interdisciplinary
Supporting Resources
Fine Arts Transparencies
The Singing Musician
Patti DeWitt Co., 2004
John Curwen Hand signs
Conducting Patterns
Preparatory Pages
Sequential Sight-reading
IPA Chart
District Score Study
Curwen/Kodály Hand Signs
Concert Requirements
Repertoire (9 weeks concert minimum are 3 octavo length songs appropriate for grade level)
SAISD Concert Template
Sight-reading materials
Tape/CD Recorders
SAISD Weekly Rubric
SAISD 9 Weeks Rubric /
The teacher will:
  • Continue posture and breathing mechanics
  • Continue sirens, vocal warm-ups, and vocalizes to find correct singing register
  • Continue solfege syllables and hand signs for a diatonic scale (d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d’)
  • Continue demonstrating Long, Round, Tall vowels (LRT)
  • Continue music staff, treble/bass clef(s), music notes/names and basic rhythms
  • Review the concept of Audiation
  • Continue Sight reading
  • Review Key Signatures and the key of C with solfege syllables and pitch names
  • Continue 1st 9 weeks repertoire
  • Introduce Region Choir audition repertoire
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
~How do the Solfege hand-signs correspond with the function of the note?
~How do you distinguish between LRT and “east-west” singing?
~What is the concept of audiation?
~How would you explain sight-reading? / ~Continue singing with proper posture and breathing mechanics
~Continue singing exploratory exercises to find correct singing register
~Reproduce vocal warm-ups and vocalizes
~Sing and chant correct solfege syllables with appropriate hand signs
~Continue audiation techniques
~Continue sight reading
~Produce LRT vowels
~Read and write basic music theory in the key of C~Continue learning and singing of basic repertoire / Guided Practice
Group Practice
Drill & Practice
Students demonstrate musical understanding of vocal production and music theory by singing correct pitches in-tune and using hand-signs.
Students will show how to produce long, round tall vowels.
Students can explain and write the key of C on the treble clef or bass clef.
Students can explain the audiation process.
Click here for more information onCurwen hand signs
Canon Definition
/ SAISD MS Choir Round/Canon Challenge
Repertoire (Vocal Music Curriculum Website)
Week 1: Learn Song by Rote
Week 2: Sing Solfege & Hand Sign
Week 3: Sing Rhythm
Week 4: Sing Text while Conducting
Week 5: Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 6: Sing Solfege w/hand signs while Cnducting
Week 7: Hand Sign Solfege & Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 8: Manuscript Song
Week 9: Perform Round/Canon in small groups for each other in class
Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP
Highlighted materials
Recorded examples / Partner special learners with another student.
Individually aurally assess students

MS Choir Intermediate Level Grade 7

Unit of Study: Dev. vocal range/skills/LRT; Intro Music Th.; SR/Solfege Skills; Score Analysis;

Round/Canon Challenge; Repertoire; Con. Prep./Fund. Skills; Reg. MS Aud.; 1st 9 weeks Curriculum Concert

Week 3First Grading Period

TEKS Choir 7
  • 1A Demonstrate characteristic vocal timbre individually and in groups
  • 1B Describe intervals, music notation, voices, and musical performances, using standard terminology
  • 2A Perform independently with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills and basic performance techniques
  • 3A Sight-read music in treble and/or other clefs in various keys and meters
  • 3B Notate meter, rhythm, pitch, and dynamics using standard symbols
  • 3C Interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing

College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines

Word Wall
Score Study
Key of F / Experiencing Choral Music
McGraw Hill Glencoe 2005
Teaching Masters
Evaluation Masters
Music & History
Vocal Development
Skill Builders
Sight-singing Masters
Kodály, Dalcroze, Interdisciplinary
Supporting Resources
Fine Arts Transparencies
The Singing Musician
Patti DeWitt Co., 2004
John Curwen Hand signs
Conducting Patterns
Preparatory Pages
Sequential Sight-reading
IPA Chart
District Score Study
Curwen/Kodály Hand Signs
Concert Requirements
Repertoire (9 weeks concert minimum are 3 octavo length songs appropriate for grade level)
SAISD Concert Template
Sight-reading materials
Tape/CD Recorders
SAISD Weekly Rubric
SAISD 9 Weeks Rubric /
The teacher will:
  • Continue posture and breathing mechanics
  • Continue sirens, vocal warm-ups, and vocalizes to find correct singing register
  • Continue solfege syllables and hand signs for a diatonic scale (d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d’)
  • Continue demonstrating Long, Round, Tall vowels (LRT)
  • Continue music staff, treble/bass clef(s), music notes/names and basic rhythms
  • Continue the concept of Audiation
  • Continue the concept of Sight reading
  • Review Key Signatures and the key of C with solfege syllables and pitch names
  • Review the key of F with solfege syllables and pitch names
  • Continue 1st 9 weeks repertoire
  • Continue Region Choir audition repertoire
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
How does correct posture and breathing mechanics improve singing? Demonstrate and compare good and bad posture.
What is the difference between solfege and pitch names?
Under what conditions would you use audiation? / Continue singing with proper posture and breathing mechanics
Continue singing exploratory exercises to find correct singing register
Reproduce vocal warm-ups and vocalizes
Sing correct solfege syllables with appropriate hand signs
Continue audiation techniques
Continue sight reading
Produce LRT vowels
Read and write basic music theory in the key of C
Continue learning and singing of basic repertoire / Review
Work-based learning
Cooperative Learning
Drill & Practice
Students write key of C notes on music staff.
Students demonstrate correct hand-signs while sight-reading
Students listen for intonation while producing correct pitches.
Click here for more information on thehistory of solfege and related scales
Canon Definition
/ SAISD MS Choir Round/Canon Challenge
Repertoire (Vocal Music Curriculum Website)
Week 1: Learn Song by Rote
Week 2: Sing Solfege & Hand Sign
Week 3: Sing Rhythm
Week 4: Sing Text while Conducting
Week 5: Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 6: Sing Solfege w/hand signs while Cnducting
Week 7: Hand Sign Solfege & Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 8: Manuscript Song
Week 9: Perform Round/Canon in small groups for each other in class
Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP
Highlighted materials
Recorded examples / Partner special learners with another student.
Individually aurally assess students

MS Choir Intermediate Level Grade 7

Unit of Study: Dev. vocal range/skills/LRT; Intro Music Th.; SR/Solfege Skills; Score Analysis;

Round/Canon Challenge; Repertoire; Con. Prep./Fund. Skills; Reg. MS Aud.; 1st 9 weeks Curriculum Concert

Week 4 First Grading Period

TEKS Choir 7
  • 1A Demonstrate characteristic vocal timbre individually and in groups
  • 1B Describe intervals, music notation, voices, and musical performances, using standard terminology
  • 2A Perform independently with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills and basic performance techniques
  • 3A Sight-read music in treble and/or other clefs in various keys and meters
  • 3B Notate meter, rhythm, pitch, and dynamics using standard symbols
  • 3C Interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing

College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines

Word Wall
Key of G / Experiencing Choral Music
McGraw Hill Glencoe 2005
Teaching Masters
Evaluation Masters
Music & History
Vocal Development
Skill Builders
Sight-singing Masters
Kodály, Dalcroze, Interdisciplinary
Supporting Resources
Fine Arts Transparencies
The Singing Musician
Patti DeWitt Co., 2004
John Curwen Hand signs
Conducting Patterns
Preparatory Pages
Sequential Sight-reading
IPA Chart
District Score Study
Curwen/Kodály Hand Signs
Concert Requirements
Repertoire (9 weeks concert minimum are 3 octavo length songs appropriate for grade level)
SAISD Concert Template
Sight-reading materials
Tape/CD Recorders
SAISD Weekly Rubric
SAISD 9 Weeks Rubric /
The teacher will:
  • Continue posture and breathing mechanics
  • Continue sirens, vocal warm-ups, and vocalizes to find correct singing register
  • Continue solfege syllables and hand signs for a diatonic scale (d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d’)
  • Continue demonstrating Long, Round, Tall vowels (LRT)
  • Continue music staff, treble/bass clef(s), music notes/names and basic rhythms
  • Continue the concept of Audiation
  • Continue the concept of Sight reading
  • Review Key Signatures and the key of C and F with solfege syllables and pitch names
  • Present the key of G with solfege syllables and pitch names
  • Continue 1st 9 weeks repertoire
  • Continue Region Choir audition repertoire
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
~What are the results when you use good posture to sing?
~Discuss the differences in vocal sound when using LRT’s and “east-west” type of singing.
~Demonstrate the correct use of audiation by singing the last note of every measure in tune and on the correct beat. / ~Continue singing with proper posture and breathing mechanics
~Continue singing exploratory exercises to find correct singing register
~Reproduce vocal warm-ups and vocalizes
~Sing correct solfege syllables with appropriate hand signs
~Continue audiation techniques
~Continue sight reading
~Produce LRT vowels
~Read and write basic music theory in the key of C and F
~Continue learning and singing of basic repertoire in preparation for the 9 weeks concert. / Compare & Contrast
Guided Practice
Review & Re-Teaching
Physical Response
Students demonstrate application of LRT’s and compares them to “east-west” style of singing.
Students can label and discuss the music staff and the key of C and F.
Click here for history of solfegeand related scales
Canon Definition
/ SAISD MS Choir Round/Canon Challenge
Repertoire (Vocal Music Curriculum Website)
Week 1: Learn Song by Rote
Week 2: Sing Solfege & Hand Sign
Week 3: Sing Rhythm
Week 4: Sing Text while Conducting
Week 5: Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 6: Sing Solfege w/hand signs while Cnducting
Week 7: Hand Sign Solfege & Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 8: Manuscript Song
Week 9: Perform Round/Canon in small groups for each other in class
Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP
Highlighted materials
Recorded examples / Partner special learners with another student.
Individually aurally assess students

MS Choir Intermediate Level Grade 7

Unit of Study: Dev. vocal range/skills/LRT; Intro Music Th.; SR/Solfege Skills; Score Analysis;

Round/Canon Challenge; Repertoire; Con. Prep./Fund. Skills; Reg. MS Aud.; 1st 9 weeks Curriculum Concert

Week 5First Grading Period

TEKS Choir 7(Content)
  • 1A Demonstrate characteristic vocal timbre individually and in groups
  • 1B Describe intervals, music notation, voices, and musical performances, using standard terminology
  • 2A Perform independently with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills and basic performance techniques
  • 3A Sight-read music in treble and/or other clefs in various keys and meters
  • 3B Notate meter, rhythm, pitch, and dynamics using standard symbols
3C Interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines

Word Wall
Articulation / Experiencing Choral Music
McGraw Hill Glencoe 2005
Teaching Masters
Evaluation Masters
Music & History
Vocal Development
Skill Builders
Sight-singing Masters
Kodály, Dalcroze, Interdisciplinary
Supporting Resources
Fine Arts Transparencies
The Singing Musician
Patti DeWitt Co., 2004
John Curwen Hand signs
Conducting Patterns
Preparatory Pages
Sequential Sight-reading
IPA Chart
District Score Study
Curwen/Kodály Hand Signs
Concert Requirements
Repertoire (9 weeks concert minimum are 3 octavo length songs appropriate for grade level)
SAISD Concert Template
Sight-reading materials
Tape/CD Recorders
SAISD Weekly Rubric
SAISD 9 Weeks Rubric /

The teacher will:
  • Continue posture and breathing mechanics
  • Continue sirens, vocal warm-ups, and vocalizes to find correct singing register
  • Continue solfege syllables and hand signs for a diatonic scale (d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d’)
  • Continue demonstrating Long, Round, Tall vowels (LRT)
  • Continue music staff, treble/bass clef(s), music notes/names and basic rhythms
  • Continue the concept of Audiation
  • Continue the concept of Sight reading
  • Review Key Signatures and the key of C and F with solfege syllables and pitch names
  • Review the key of G with solfege syllables and pitch names
  • Continue 1st 9 weeks repertoire
  • Conduct Mock Region MS Auditions
  • Prepare pre-auditioned Region MS Choir Candidates for Region auditions
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
~Identify d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d’ in the key of C on the staff and while sight-reading.
~Can you distinguish between LRT’s and “east-west” singing while performing repertoire?
~While sight-reading can you always find “do” and sing it in-tune? / ~Continue singing with proper posture and breathing mechanics
~Continue singing exploratory exercises to find correct singing register
~Reproduce vocal warm-ups and vocalizes
~Sing correct solfege syllables with appropriate hand signs
~Continue audiation techniques
~Continue sight reading
~Produce LRT vowels
~Read and write basic music theory in the key of C, F and G.
~Chant and sing clear, concise pronunciation of text and articulation
~Continue learning and singing of basic repertoire in preparation for the 9 weeks concert. / Compare & Contrast
Teacher Questions
Music Writing
Students demonstrate correct vowel (LRT) and consonant production in repertoire.
Students demonstrate phrasing in 1st 9 weeks repertoire.
Click here for more information onaudiation
Canon Definition
/ SAISD MS Choir Round/Canon Challenge
Repertoire (Vocal Music Curriculum Website)
Week 1: Learn Song by Rote
Week 2: Sing Solfege & Hand Sign
Week 3: Sing Rhythm
Week 4: Sing Text while Conducting
Week 5: Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 6: Sing Solfege w/hand signs while Cnducting
Week 7: Hand Sign Solfege & Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 8: Manuscript Song
Week 9: Perform Round/Canon in small groups for each other in class
Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP
Highlighted materials
Recorded examples / Partner special learners with another student.
Individually aurally assess students

MS Choir Intermediate Level Grade 7