Aldridge State High School

Year 8 English, 2017

Unit Four: Teenage Poetry/Song

Student’s Name: ______Teacher’s Name: ______

Learning Goals Assessed
  • To compose a poem
  • To analyse the poem/song

Date set: ______Check date:______
Due date: ______Length: 3 – 4 minutes
Genre: Poem and Analytical Exposition Mode: Spoken
Aldridge Has Got Talent is aimed at promoting the talents of their students and is seeking entries for both its performance poetry and song writing sections.
Composea poem / song commenting on a topic relevant to teenagers or a social/environmental issue. Your poem must include at least four examples of figurative language: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, assonance, onomatopoeia and alliteration.
In order for the judges to decide on the suitability of your poem/song, you will need to analyse your poem/song. In your analysis / rationale you must:
1)Explain why you chose the central issue.
2)Describe the content/subject matter of the poem.
3)Discuss how ideas/subject matter is organised.
4)Explain the central theme/message of the poem. What did you want the listener to think/feel about the issue?)
5)Identify the figurative language/poetic devices used in your poem and explain their significance (the meaning conveyed and the effect they have on the reader/audience). Consider simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, repetition, rhyme, structure.
6)Explain how the reader was positioned to receive the message or essence of your poem.
Present/perform your poem and analysis to the “judges” and “audience”.
  • Your poetry recital must be live.
  • A Power Point presentation must be used to support your poem. This should include a copy of your poem with appropriate visuals and / or sound effects.
  • Ensure that you use your voice, face and body to convey meaning.
IMPORTANT: Only palm cards, used effectively, and PowerPoint slides, may be used as prompting devices.
Essential Vocabulary / Literacy/Numeracy
Figurative language, simile, metaphor, personification, allusion, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, rhyme, rhythm, theme / Glossary
Verbal and non-verbal presentation techniques such as variation of volume, tone, pace, pause, gestures, eye contact
Verbs / CCE’s
COMPSOSE = generating new ideas, products or ways of doing things
ANALYSE =The process of examining in detail, the parts of something (often involves listing and describing


Ideas & Information / You have selected detailed and highly relevant information and ideas:
  • on teen/social/environmental issue to highly entertain
  • to analyse poem
/ You have selected relevant information and ideas:
  • on teen/social/environmental issue to entertain
  • to analyse poem
/ You have used basic information:
  • on teen/social/environmental issue to somewhat entertain
  • to analyse poem
/ You have used some basic information
  • on teen/social/environmental issue
  • to analyse poem
/ You have used mostly irrelevant information. Most ideas do not make sense or lack connection.
Text Structure / You have used a very effective poetic structure to inform and entertain.
You have used a very effective EXPOSITION to inform:
  • Introduction strongly and imaginatively hooks the reader and introduces the poem and chosen issue
  • Body paragraphs follow the TEEL structure
  • Information within paragraphs is well organised
  • Convincing conclusion sums up and leaves a lasting impression
/ You have used an effective poetic structure to inform and entertain.
You have used an effective EXPOSITION to inform:
  • Introduction hooks the reader and introduces the poem and chosen issue
  • Body paragraphs follow the TEEL structure
  • Information within paragraphs is organised
  • Substantialconclusion sumsup and finishes on a high note
/ You have usedthe main aspects ofpoetic structure to inform and entertain.
You have used the main aspects of an EXPOSITION to inform:
  • Introduction introduces the poem and chosen issue
  • Body paragraphs mostly follow the TEEL structure
  • Information within paragraphs is mainly organised
  • Conclusion sums up
/ You have used some aspects of poetic structure to inform.
You have used some aspects of an L EXPOSITION to inform:
  • introduction introduces the poem
  • Body paragraphs do not follow the TEEL structure
  • Information within paragraphs lacks organisation
  • Conclusion attempts to sum up
/ You have used limited aspects of poetic structure.
You have used limited aspects of text structures:
  • introduction is missing
  • Body paragraphs do not follow the TEEL structure
  • Information within paragraphs is disorganised
  • Conclusion is missing

Language Features / You have very effectively usedpoetic devices like similes, metaphor, personification, allusion, hyperbole, alliteration, onomatopoeia, assonance, rhyme, rhythm
You have selected a wide range of appropriate and specific vocabulary to inform and analyse / You have effectively used poetic devices like similes, metaphor, personification, allusion, hyperbole, alliteration, onomatopoeia, assonance, rhyme, rhythm
You have selected a range of appropriate vocabulary to inform and analyse / You have used basic poetic devices like similes, metaphor, personification, allusion, hyperbole, alliteration, onomatopoeia, assonance, rhyme, rhythm
You have used simple and appropriate vocabulary to inform and analyse. / You have used few poetic devices like similes, metaphor, personification, allusion, hyperbole, alliteration, onomatopoeia, assonance, rhyme, rhythm
Your use of vocabulary is at times inappropriate. / You have used inappropriate or no poetic devices.
Your vocabulary choice is limited and inappropriate.
You have used correct and purposeful:
  • Grammar / sentence structures
  • Spoken features:
  • Non-spoken features:
eye contact (few references to palm cards/PowerPoint)
facial expression,
body language and gestures
… to achieve different purposes. / You have used mainly correct:
  • Grammar / sentence structures
  • Spoken features:
  • Non-spoken features:
eye contact
facial expression,
body language and gestures
… to achieve different purposes. / You have used correct basic:
  • Grammar / sentence structures
  • Spoken features:
  • Non-spoken features:
eye contact
facial expression,
body language and gestures
… to communicate ideas / Your meaning is unclear in places due to incorrect use of:
  • Grammar / sentence structures
  • Spoken features:
  • Non-spoken features:
eye contact
facial expression,
body language and gestures
PowerPoint / Your meaning is unclear due to incorrect use of:
  • Grammar / sentence structures
  • Spoken features:
  • Non-spoken features:
eye contact
facial expression,
body language and gestures
no PowerPoint