Assignments-- For SA-1

Class - XI , Subject - Biology

Unit Covered-: 2(Structural organization in Animals and plants.)

Unit -4 : Chapters: (Transport in plants & mineral nutrition in plants)

2 marks Questions:-

1.Give any two reasons to justify that Ginger is a modified stem.

2.What is the difference. & similarity between Prop root & stilt root.

3.Differentiate between simple & compound leaf.

4.Differencebetween recemose & cymose Infloresence.

5.Name the type of placentationin :-



6.Where is food stored in each of following seeds


(c) Beans(d)Pea

7.Name the plant & its family from which colchicines is obtained.

9.What is Phallogen ? What does it produce ?

10.Why are annual rings comparatively well marked in plants growing in hilly

areas than those in coastal areas ?

11.What are casparianstrips ? What function thus it perform ?

12.Mention two difference between vascular bundle of sunflower & maize root.

13.What are bulliform cells ? What is their functions.

14.Difference between spring & autumn wood.

15.What are lenticels ? What is their functions ?

16.Name the tissue that lines the urinary bladder state any one advantage of this tissue being present there.

17.Differentiate between septalnephridium & pheringealnephridium.

18.How is the gizzard in the alimentary canal of cockroach suitable for

grinding of food ?

19.What are hepatic caecae ?write their function.

20.Name the structure found at the midgut & hindgut of cockroach. What are they meant for ?

3 marks Questions:-

21.Answer the following with reference to Anatomy of dicot root –

(a) Where is pericyclelocated ?

(b)How are xylem vessels arranged ?

(c)What do you call such an arrangement ?

(d)Which type of cell constitute the cortex ?

22.What is phyllotaxy ? Describe different types of phyllotaxy in Hibiscus, Mint


23.Write any 3 modified forms of tap root for storage with an eg. of each.

24.Draw a diagram to show different regions of a root. Mention the function

of rootcap.

25.How is marginal placentaion differ fromparietal placentation ? Give an exampleofeach.

26.Define the term inflorescence. Explain the basis for the diff. types of

Inflorescence in flowering plants.

27.Name 3 basic tissues system in flowering plants. Give tissue Names under

each system.

28.What is stomatalapparatus ? Explain structure of stomata with labeled


29.What are the following & Where do you find them in animal body-


(c)Ciliated Epithelium.

30.How are glands classiffiedon the basis of the mode of pouring their

secretion ? Differentiate between them ,with an example for each.

31.How is the gizzard in the alimentary canal of a cockroach suitable for

grinding the food?

32. What essential role does the endodermis play in mineral absorption and

transport in plants?

33. Represent diagrammatically the mechanism of translocation of organic


34. Answer the following questions with reference to nitrogen:

(a) the form in which it is absorbed from the roots.

(B)In which part of the plant it is required?

(c)Two organic compound in which it is a component.

5 marks Questions:-

35.What is meant by modification of root ? What type of modification of root

is found in :-

(a)Banyan trees (b)turnip


36.(a)Draw a neat & labeled diagram. of vertical section of a maize grain.

(b)Why can we not use the term seed for maize grain ?

37.Differetiate betweenhypogynousepigynous flower with an example of

each show diagrammatically, the hypogynous condition.

38.Name/plant of family Fabaceae that yields each of there

(a) edible oil(b)Dye



39.Describe various types of placentation found in flowering plants.

40.Draw a diag. of T.S. of young dicot root/monocot root/dicot stem/monocot


41.Explain the process of sec. growth in stems of woody Angiosperms with the

help of diagram. What is its significance ?

42.Draw a neat & well- labeled diagram of digestive system of cockroach.

43. (a) Draw a labeled diagram of Areolar connective tissue.

b) Where is it found in human body ?

(c) How does it differ from Adipose tissue ?

44.Differetiate between the following-

(a) Simple & compound epithelium.

(b) Cardiac & striated muscle.

(c) Dense regularDense irregular connective tissue.

(d) Adipose & Blood tissue.

(e) Simple gland & compound gland.