Assignment— U.T. 2
Subject –Biology , Class -X1
Unit Covered—1 (Chapters:The living world ,Biological classification,plant kingdom &animal
Q1. The common name of Neem is much simpler than its technical name Azadirchaindica. What then is
the advantage of technical name?
Q2. What is interspecigicbreeding ? Does it yield sterile or fertile progeny? Explain with examples.
Q3. Why biosphere reserves are considered more important than the national parks and the
Q4. Why are the living organisms classified?
Q5.How are specimens preserved in a museum?
Q6. A plant may have different names in different regions. How is this problem solved.
Q7. In which family do we place genera Datura and Petunia? Why they are place in the same family?
Q8. Why are the classification system changing every now and then ?
Q9. What is herbarium ? How do you prepare your own herbarium sheets? What are the different tools
you carry with you while collecting plants for the preparation of herbarium? What information
should a preserved plant material on the herbarium sheetnprovide for taxonomic aids?
Q10. Which group of fungi is commonly called (a) algal fungi (b) sac fungi (c) club fungi (d) fungi imperfecti.
Q11. What do you understand by the artificial and natural systems of classification?
Q12. What do you mean by archaebacteria?What are the various forms of archaebacteria?
Q13. Distinguish between gram positive and gram negative bacteria.
Q14. Who proposed the two kingdom classification ? Why is this system inadequate?
Q15. Differentiate between :
- Ascus and Basidium
- Conidia and sporangiospores
- Bacteria and cyanobacteria
Q16. Name the algae which is
- the source of agar.
- Used as food by space travelers.
- Causes a disease in plants.
Q17. What are gemmae ? Name a plant that producegemmae.
Q18. Name three classes of algae? Name the type of pigments and reserve food in each class.
Q19. In which plant do you look for mycirrhiza and coralloid roots? Also explain what these terms mean.
Q20. Explain the following terms:
- Isogamy
- Haplontic life cycle.
- Sporophyll
Q21.Explain why sexual reproduction in angiosperm is said to take place through double fertilisation
and triple fusion. Also draw a labelleddiagramof embryo sac to explain the phenomenon.
Q22.Comment upon the life cycle and nature of a fern prothallus.
Q23. How are the male and female gametophyte of ptridophytes and gymnosperms different from each
Q24. Give technical term for the followings:
- Megasporangium of a seed plant
- Spore producing leaves ofpteridophytes.
- Male sex organs of bryophytes
- Female sex organs of bryophytes.
Q25. When and where does meiosis takes place in the life cycle of a bryophyte, a pteridophyte, and an
Q26. Diffrentiate between the animals of chondrichthyes and osteichthyes. Give six points.
Q27. Give an example for each of the following:
(a)A viviparous animal
(b)A fish possessing an electric organ
(c)A fish possess a poisonous sting
(d)An organ which regulates buoynancy
(e)Animal which exhibit alternation of generation
(f)Oviparous animal with mammary glands.
Q28. Provide an appropriate technical term in the space provided.
(a)Blood filled cavity in arthropods------.
(b)Free floating form of cnidaria------.
(c)Stinging organ of jelly fish ------.
(d)Lateral appendages in aquatic annelids ----.
(e)Locomotory organ of ctenoplana------.