Unit Council Meeting Minutes

January 23, 2017 @ 6:30p.m.

  • Meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m.
  • Nomination of officers
  • President – Brent Pitts
  • Vice-President – Kathy St. Ledger
  • Secretary – Shawna Zeilstra
  • New Member/Council duties training
  • Council operations booklet was handed out to everyone and discussed by Adam
  • Financial Reports
  • Adam discussed that we have the ability to sustain with present funds for about 1 year. It is not looking very promising that we will receive any funding from the state.
  • Staffing Reports
  • Adam reported that we are currently fully staffed. There are currently 3 FT SNAP employees. Would like to add Small Farms Educator at some point.
  • YDE Updates/Projections
  • Leah reported that club enrollment has either stayed the same or increased. The programs in and out of school have increased. Discussed the Teens as Teachers program where AITC curriculum is taught. Piloting a life skills program in high schools in Lawrence County. Wabash County has a conservation program in Allendale Schools. Richland County is still on maternity leave. Would like to add back character education in 1 – 1 ½ years in schools.
  • CED Updates/Projections
  • Steven Groner talking about helping small businesses start up and helping them sustain. Working with Sarah Mann on SET – Stronger Economies Together in Edwards County. Would like this program to be applied in all 5 counties. Lawrence County had quite a few programs prior. Richland County is doing a How to start your own business in February. Steven has been working with the new mayor there. He has been working with Ben Ross in Wabash County about how he can help Mt. Carmel and the county. Wayne County will have a new mayor to work with also. Would like economic development programs in all 5 counties, established in 3 of the 5 counties.
  • Old Business – IL Budget/Projections
  • Federation Accounts need to be changed quickly. The accounts will not be allowed to issue to individuals. An extension employee will have to be a signer and will be looked at as U of I accounts.
  • If something comes up with the budget, Adam will sit down and discuss with individual counties.
  • Looking at starting a Master Gardener program in March/April. There are about 18 interested.
  • Discussed County Fair Dates
  • New Business
  • Upcoming Meeting Dates – April 11th, August 22nd and October 24th. All Council Meetings will be at Edwards County Extension office @ 6:30p.m.