Unit 8 Vocabulary: English 12

proprietor (n): the owner of a business or establishment

coerce (v): to force to act or think a certain way by use of pressure, threats, or intimidation

choleric (adj): easily angered; bad tempered

circuitous (adj): roundabout or not direct

agnostic (n): one who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God, but does not deny the possibility that God exists

advocate (n): one that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender

disseminate (v): to scatter widely, as in sowing seed

epigraph (n): a motto or quotation at the beginning of a literary composition; often states theme

scintillate (v): to sparkle or shine

averse (adj): having a feeling of opposition, distaste, or aversion; strongly disinclined

instigate (v): to stir up or provoke some new action

artifice (n): an artful trick or deception

attrition (n): a reduction or decrease in numbers, size, or strength; often caused by stress and pressure

candor (n): frankness or sincerity of expression; openness

castigate (v): to inflict punishment on; to criticize severely

discreet (adj): careful with one’s conduct and speech, especially in regard to protecting privacy/ maintaining silence

sanctimonious (adj): faking piety or righteousness

incandescent (adj): shining brilliantly; very bright

amity (n): peaceful relations as between nations

pivotal (adj): being of vital or central importance

SYNONYMS: Choose the word from this unit that is the same or close to the same in meaning as given word.

1. bully (v) coerce

2. indirect circuitous

3. skeptic(n) agnostic

4. disperse disseminate

5. thematic statement epigraph

6. weakening attrition

7. luminous incandescent

8. critical pivotal

9. ploy artifice

10. cautious discreet

ANTONYMS: Choose the word from this unit that closest to the opposite in meaning to the given word.

1. customer proprietor

2. pleasant choleric

3. opponent advocate

4. dull (v) scintillate

5. agreeable averse

6. deception candor

7. praise(v) castigate

8. sincere sanctimonious

9. halt instigate

10. hostility amity

COMPLETE THE SENTENCE: Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word.

1. The diamond ring scintillates in the sunlight.

2. The irritated congregation resented the man’s sanctimoniousremarks about the Bible after they witnessed him scolding his child in the parking lot.

3. The student began to instigate the other kids on the playground to start throwing mulch.

4. Susan B. Anthony was a strong advocate for women’s rights.

5. The book spoke for itself, but theepigraph on page one was equally interesting.

6. The United Nations promotes amity among the world’s many diverse populations.

7. I get absolutelycholericwhen a telemarketer calls during dinner.

8. The teacher wanted tocastigatethe disruptive student after school during detention, but didn’t want to go overboard and lose her job.

9. We took a circuitousroute to the airport to avoid the heavy rush hour traffic.

10. The incandescentlighthouse was able to be seen for miles off the coast.

11. The report was missing a pivotalpiece of information that may have closed the case.

12. With a discreet gesture, the woman signaled to her husband that she was ready to leave the party.

13. The journalist tried to access information about the property from the proprietor.

14. I am not averse to broccoli if it is cooked correctly.

15. She spoke with candorabout her distaste for racist remarks in the workplace.

16. The police chief tried to coercethe suspect to confess.

17. The Army has slashed the rate of attrition by providing soldiers with incentive to stay enrolled.

18. Many people who consider themselves an agnostic do not go to church on Christmas Eve.

19. The whole story was just an artifice to win our sympathy.

20. The Internet allows us to disseminateinformation faster than ever.

DERIVATIVES: Find two derivatives for the following word and label parts of speech.

  1. Proprietor: Proprietorship (N), Proprietary (Adj.)
  2. Circuitous: Circuitously (Adv.), Circuitousness (N)
  3. Disseminate: Disseminator (N), Dissemination (N)
  4. Averse: Aversely (Adv.), Averseness (N)
  5. Instigate: Instigation (N), Instigator (N)
  6. Castigate: Castigation (N), Castigator (N)
  7. Discreet: Discreetly (Adv.), Discreetness (N)
  8. Sanctimonious: Sanctimoniously (Adv.), Sanctimoniousness (N)
  9. Incandescent: Incandescently (Adv.), Incandescence (N)
  10. Agnostic (1): Agnosticism (N)

PREFIXES/SUFFIXES: Find the meaning of each.

il- not

im- not

inter- between

intra- within

ir- not

macro- large

mal- bad, evil

meta- beyond

COMMON USAGE PROBLEMS: Use each correctly in a sentence.



a mute point or a moot point
