Unit 7 Reviewpt. 2: Evolution - Chapters 25, 26, 34 (pg. 694-707)

Topics / Concepts:

 fossil record; radioactive dating; half-life five kingdom vs. 3 domain system of classification

 molecular biology & DNA/RNA/protein homologies -modern taxonomy system (eight levels)

 molecular clock human evolution

 early earth conditions -characteristics of mammals, primates

 origin of biological molecules / origin of life -all species (trends & information)

-Oparin and Haldane hypothesis -multiregional vs. monogenesis models of human evolution

-Miller and Urey experiments phylogenetic trees / cladogram

Chapter 25: / Chapter 26: / Chapter 34:
Radiometric dating
Phylogenetic trees
Taxonomy / -Stromatolites
-Protobionts; liposomes
-Ribozymes / -5 Kingdoms (old system)-Monera, Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia vs 3 Domains (new)
-Human Classification
-Order Primates
-Australopithecus / -Homo habilis
-Homo erectus & Homo ergaster
-Homo neanderthalis (Neanderthal)
-Homo sapiens
-Multiregional vs. monogenesis model
-Cultural vs. biological evolution

Review Questions:

1) Why is it necessary to distinguish between homologies and analogies when creating phylogenetic trees?

2) A fossil has 1/8 the normal ratio of C-14 to C-12. Estimate the age of this fossil. (Carbon-14 has a half-life of approx. 5770 years)

3) Potassium-40 has a half-life of 1.3 billion years. If an organism had 1 mg of potassium-40 when it died and its fossil now has 0.25 mg, how old is this fossil?

4) a) What is meant by a molecular clock?

b)How did scientists use a molecular clock to investigate the origin of HIV?

5) a) What are phylogenetic trees?

b) How are they constructed?

c) In Figure 25.11, what is the closest relative of the Leopard? How do you know?

d) In Figure 25.9, what is the most distant relative of the striped skunk that is still in the Family

Mustelidae? How do you know?

6) Describe the impacts of the formation of Pangaea on the environment and on biological diversity.

7) List the four processes that would need to occur for the spontaneous generation of life on Earth.

8) Briefly outline the contribution of prokaryotes to the creation of an oxygen-rich atmosphere.

9) What does the Endosymbiotic Theory state?

10) Summarize the evolutionary trends seen in these hominid forms by completing the chart below:

Hominid / Did this hominid walk upright? / Brain size / Use of tools? If so, type? / Cultural traditions / Misc. (ex: co-existed with..)
Ardipithecus ramidus
Australopithecus africanus
Australopithecus afarensis
Homo habilis
Homo erectus & H. ergaster
Homo sapiens

Using the chart above, what trends do you notice in regards to when the hominids were alive, bipedalism, brain size, body size, & tool use?

11a) List the 5 Kingdoms in the “old” taxonomic system & put a “*” next to prokaryotes.

11b) List the 3 Domains in the “new system” & put a “*” next to prokaryotes. Then, list 4 of the above Kingdoms under their correct Domain.

12) Complete the chart below by listing the seven levels of taxonomic classification. For each category, use your textbook or Google to look up and write in the appropriate classification for the following animals.

Classification Group / Humans / Wolf / Leopard / Panther