Elaborated Unit Focus

This unit will focus on state government and its interaction with its citizens; as well as Georgia’s justice system. The student will understand that rule of law gives constitutional governments a structure which outlines the rights and responsibilities/limitations of the government to its citizens and citizens to the government. They will analyze the distribution of powers within our government. The unit will also analyze and compare

Georgia’s juvenile and adult processes and how these exemplify the concept of rule of law. Additionally, students will look at ways to solve conflicts without becoming part of the justice system.



SS8CG2: The student will analyze the role of the legislative branch in Georgia state government.

a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of members of the General Assembly.

b. Describe the organization of the General Assembly, with emphasis on leadership and the

committee system.

c. Evaluate how the legislative branch fulfills its role as the lawmaking body of the state of Georgia.

SS8CG3: The student will analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state government.

a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of the governor and lieutenant governor.

b. Describe the organization of the executive branch, with emphasis on major policy areas of

state programs.

c. Evaluate how the executive branch fulfills its role through state agencies that administer programs and enforce laws.

SS8CG4: The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state government.

a. Explain the structure of the court system in Georgia, to include trial and appellate

procedures, and how judges are selected.

b. Explain the difference between criminal law and civil law.

c. Describe the adult justice system, emphasizing the different jurisdictions, terminology, and steps in the criminal justice process.

d. Describe ways to avoid trouble and settle disputes peacefully.

e. Evaluate how the judicial branch fulfills its role in interpreting the laws of Georgia and ensuring justice in our legal system.

SS8CG6 The student will explain how the Georgia court system treats juvenile offenders.

a. Explain the difference between delinquent behavior and unruly behavior and the consequences

of each.

b. Describe the rights of juveniles when taken into custody.

c. Describe the juvenile justice system, emphasizing the different jurisdictions, terminology,

and steps in the juvenile justice process.

d. Explain the seven delinquent behaviors that can subject juvenile offenders to the adult criminal

justice process, how the decision to transfer to adult court is made, and the possible consequences.

Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions

Governance: The student will understand that as a society increases in complexity and interacts with other societies, the complexity of the government also increases.

•What are the qualifications, duties, and terms of office for members of the Georgia General Assembly? (CG2a)

•How is the Georgia General Assembly structured? (CG2b)

•How does the legislative branch fulfill its role as the lawmaking body for the state of Georgia? (CG2c)

•What are the differences in functions and purposes of city and county governments in Georgia? (CG5a)

•How are the three major forms of Georgia’s city governments alike and how are they different? (CG5b)

•What are the functions of special purpose governments? (CG5c)

Distribution of Power: The student will understand that distribution of power in government is a product of existing documents and laws combined with contemporary values and beliefs.

•What are the roles or functions of each of the branches and levels of government?

(CG2, CG3, CG4)

•What are the qualifications and duties of the legislative branch? (CG2a)

•What is the structure of the legislative branch of government? (CG2b)

•What are the qualifications, duties, and terms of office of the executive branch of

Georgia government? (CG3a)

•What is the structure of the executive branch of government? (CG3b)

•What is the structure of the judicial branch of Georgia government? (CG4a)

•What is the difference between a criminal law and a civil law? (CG4b)

Rule of Law: The student will understand that in a democracy, rule of law influences the behavior of citizens, establishes procedures for making policies, and limits the power of government.

•How does the juvenile process differ from the adult process? (CG6d)

•How do the rights of juveniles differ from those of adults?(CG6b)

•Why are juveniles sometimes tried as adults? (CG6d)

•How might conflicts be peacefully resolved?

•How does unruly behavior differ from delinquent behavior? (CG6a)

Balanced Assessment Plan

*NOTE: The balanced assessment plan included in this unit is presented as a series of suggested activities. It is not expected that the teacher complete all assessments for a successful unit.

Balanced Assessments

As a class, select an issue being considered as a bill in the Georgia General Assembly. If you cannot find one, together develop an issue that might benefit from a bill regulating it. The entire class should be considering the same issue. Then, working within small groups, decide how the issue might be affected by the powers and practices of the three branches of our state government. Participate in a class discussion on the matter. Where your groups ideas similar to or different from other groups? If there were any differences, could each group support their reasoning? Write a capsule summary of this activity as your ticket out the door.




Constructed response

Complete the chart, Criminal or Civil? (Page 7) Then explain the difference between the two types of cases.

CG4bConstructed response

Show the structure of the Georgia court system. Begin at the top, with the Georgia Supreme Court, and progress downward to the lowest court. (Page 8) List each court and describe what each does. Give an example of a case that would be presented in each court.

CG4aConstructed response

Show your understanding of how a bill becomes a law by completing the chart “Bill’s Incredible Journey,” (Page 9).

CG2cConstructed response

Students should prepare a timeline of the history of Georgia’s juvenile justice system.

CG6Constructed response

Students will complete a “T” Chart or Double- Bubble Map that compares the juvenile justice system to the adult justice system. (Page 10 ) They should include the different jurisdictions, terminology, steps in processing, and rights of the person once they are in custody. They should then use their “T Chart” or Double-Bubble Map to participate in a class discussion. CG4a,b,c Constructed response, Discussion

Students should define or describe peer mediation. They should then complete the “Let’s Avoid Trouble” chart. (Page 11 ). Allow them to then debate, “Does peer mediation really work?”

CG4dConstructed response, Observation, Dialogue

Using a Venn Diagram or Double-Bubble Map, students should compare and contrast juvenile delinquent behavior and juvenile unruly behavior. Using this information they should write an essay comparing and contrasting juvenile delinquent and juvenile unruly behavior.

CG6aConstructed response

Billy Brownnose is a juvenile who has been taken into custody. “I know I have rights” he says. “I demand my rights. I just don’t know what they are. Tell me!” he shouts. The juvenile officer simply points to a poster. It is titled “Rights of Juveniles taken into custody” Students should prepare that poster. List the rights of juveniles who have been taken into custody. Students should illustrate their poster to make it more understandable and more appealing to juveniles.

Note to Teachers: Standard 6d is of a “sensitive” nature and may result in conflict for some parents. You may wish to consider the following suggestions before teaching this element. The students do not need to name all 7 offenses. You can omit the ones of sexual nature. The students will not be tested over all the behaviors.

To consider when teaching this content:

Send a letter home to parents informing them of the content contained in the standard.

Inviting an official from the local juvenile justice system to present these topics to students.

Group boys and girls separately.

Students will be assigned a situation which reflects one of the delinquent behaviors (related to armed robbery with a firearm, murder, or voluntary manslaughter is suggested). Create a flow chart or Flow Map to demonstrate how this situation might lead a juvenile into an adult court. Discuss with students why these behaviors may require stricter punishment.


CG6dConstructed response

Performance Task

EU: Rule of Law-The student will understand that in a democracy, rule of law influences the behavior of citizens, establishes procedures for making policies, and limits the power of government. (CG4, CG6)


CCGPS: WHST 6-8.1, 3, 9, 10

In a move to save money, the Georgia General Assembly is considering eliminating the separate juvenile court system. Under the proposed restructuring, all cases, juvenile and adult, would be tried in the same court system. You are a juvenile defender. You have been selected by your peers to testify before the General Assembly as an advocate for keeping juvenile and adult cases in separate courts. You plan to be fully prepared. You will have a forceful speech and visual aids.

First, write a speech in which you explain:

the differences between the juvenile and adult justice systems

the difference between juvenile delinquent behaviors and unruly behaviors

the need to protect the rights of juveniles

the role rule of law plays in protecting juvenile rights

Emphasize any concerns you have about these rights being lost in an adult court. This is usually an emotional issue. If you wish, play on the sympathy of the members of the General Assembly in your speech.

Prepare a visual showing the differences between juvenile justice and adult justice systems. You may present your ideas as a poster, PowerPoint, or any other visual way you feel would better suit the situation. Be prepared to deliver you speech orally and have a paper copy.

Map and Globe Skills: Information Processing Skills:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16

Rubric for the Performance Task

Does Not Meet Standard Needs Improvement

(Getting There!)Meets Standard Exceeds Standard

Accurately analyzes and explains the juvenile justice system of Georgia Does not clearly analyze and explain the juvenile justice system of Georgia. Partially analyzes and explains the juvenile justice system of Georgia. Clearly analyzes and explains the juvenile justice system of Georgia by showing the need for it and giving its powers and limitations. Clearly analyzes and explains the juvenile justice system of Georgia, and gives examples of cases that would relate to each part.

Accurately analyzes and explains the adult justice system of Georgia Fails to analyze and explain the adult justice system of Georgia. Partially analyzes and explains the adult justice system of Georgia. Clearly analyzes and explains the adult justice system of Georgia by showing the need for it and giving its powers and limitations. Clearly analyzes and explains the adult justice system of Georgia, and gives example of cases that would relate to each part.

Explains the differences between delinquent behavior and unruly behavior Fails to analyze and explain the differences between delinquent behavior and unruly behavior. Partially analyzes and explains the differences between delinquent behavior and unruly behavior. Clearly explains the differences between delinquent behavior and unruly behavior. Clearly analyzes and explains the differences between delinquent behavior and unruly behavior and gives examples of each.

Synthesizes the differences between the juvenile justice system and the adult justice system Fails to show any synthesis of the two justice systems. Shows partial synthesis of the two justice systems. Clearly explains the differences between the juvenile justice and the adult justice system and indicates whether or not the juvenile justice system should be eliminated or combined with the adult justice system. Clearly explains the differences between the juvenile justice and the adult justice system and indicates whether or not the juvenile justice system should be eliminated or combined with the adult justice system and gives examples of problems that might arise if the systems are or are not combined.


Criteria 1

Below Expectation 2

Needs Improvement 3

Meets Expectation 4

Exceeds Expectation

Students produce a product that is attractive. Use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc., but these often distract from the presentation of content. Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc., but occasionally these detract from the presentation of content. Makes good use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. to enhance the presentation. Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation.

Students produce a product that is organized. There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts. Content is logically organized for the most part. Uses headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears flawed. Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material.

Students produce a product that exhibits proper mechanics. More than 4 errors are spelling or grammar. Four misspellings and/or grammatical errors. Three or fewer misspellings and/or grammatical errors. No misspellings or grammatical errors

Product Rubric

Resources for Unit 6

Home page for the Georgia General Assembly.

Fall of 2000, “The Georgia Supreme Court”

Website for the lieutenant governor.

Home page for the Georgia supreme court.

Provides online access to Georgia’s government.

The New Georgia Encyclopedia.

Home page for Georgia’s judicial branch of government.

Links to both state and federal government departments

Criminal or Civil

Directions: Indicate whether each of the following situations would be a criminal case or a civil case. Tell why you think that is the case.

1. Arson: Criminal or civil? Why: ______

2. Divorce: Criminal or civil? Why: ______

3. Mr. Jones’ tree falls on Mr. White’s house. Small property damage:

Criminal or civil? Why: ______

4. Kidnapping:

Criminal or civil? Why: ______

5. Failure to pay income tax:

Criminal or civil? Why: ______

6. Noisy dog: Criminal or civil? Why: ______

7. Car theft: Criminal or civil? Why: ______

8. Drug dealing:

Criminal or civil? Why: ______

9. Violation of a business contract:

Criminal or civil? Why: ______

10. Murder: Criminal or civil? Why: ______

Now, in your own words, explain the difference between a criminal and

a civil case:

Georgia’s Court System:

Appellate Courts:

Supreme Court:

Court of ______

Trial Courts

Superior Courts:





Municipal “City” Courts

Feature Presentation: Bill’s Incredible Journey

Subtitle: How a Bill Becomes A Law


If favorable recommendation, then

If Bill passes, goes to

Finally, Bill goes to the

Juvenile Justice vs. Adult Justice

Juvenile Justice SystemAdult Justice System

Let’s Avoid Trouble

Peer Mediation Steps

Steps to takeSkills necessaryPurpose of the step








Now that you have this information, be prepared to participate in a class debate on the value of peer mediation.