Unit 6: Andrew Jackson

Overview:Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States (1829-1837), was a patriot, a self-made man, and a war hero. The “common man” viewed President Jackson as a person they could relate to because of his rise from humble means to the highest office in the land.

Description: You will create a poster of Andrew Jackson as either a hero or villain. You will need to also write an essay to the choice you will make.

Your task is to:

-The students will be completing a summative assessment in which they will create a persuasive poster of Andrew Jackson defining if he is a hero or villain.

-The students who choose the hero poster will list at least two sentences stating why he is a hero and two symbols stating why he should be praised. Also, an essay that shows, “How well did Andrew Jackson promote democracy?”

-The students who choose the villain poster must add at least two sentences stating why he should be criticized and two symbols that represent him as a villain. Also, write an essay in the form of an editorial that protests the negative actions of Andrew Jackson. Included in the essay the student should describe the negativity of the event and include arguments to persuade the president to change his policy.

-The students will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of Andrew Jackson and key events throughout his presidency. The students will communicate their poster persuasively in a format that is appropriate to the time period and audience.

Rubric for Grading

Criterion A Knowing and Understanding:

Achievement level
0 (MSG) / You did not meet expectations set by criterion below.
(51-58) / You make a limited attempt to use some relevant vocabulary and demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of your topic with some descriptions and/or examples of how your topic affected the U.S.
(65-72) / You use vocabulary that is accurate and/or appropriate and demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of your topic withsimple descriptions, explanations or examplesof how your topic affected the U.S.
(80-86) / Youuse a range of vocabulary correctly and appropriately and demonstrate good knowledge and understanding of your topic through accurate descriptions explanations and examplesof how your topic affected the U.S.
(93-100) / You use a wide range of vocabulary correctly and appropriately and demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of your topic through developed and accuratedescriptions, explanations,and examplesof how your topic affected the U.S.

Criterion B Investigating:

Achievement level
0 (MSG) / You did not meet expectations set by criterion below.
(51-58) / You came up with a very general research question and make a limited attempt to follow an action plan to investigate that question. You make a limited attempt to address the research question by collecting and recording limited information which is not always in line with the research question.
(65-72) / You came up with an adequate research question and partially follow an action plan to investigate that question. You partially address the research question by using a method or methods to collect and record some information which is in line with the research question.
(80-86) / You came up with a clear research question and satisfactorily follow an action plan to investigate that question. You satisfactorily address the research question by using methods to collect and record appropriate information which is in line with the research question.
(93-100) / You came up with a clear and focused research question and effectively follow an action plan to investigate that question. You effectively address the research question by using methods accurately to collect and record appropriate andvaried information which is in line with the research question.

Criterion C Thinking Critically:

Achievement level
0 (MSG) / You did not meet expectations set by criterion below.
(51-58) / You make a limited attempt to analyze information. Youmake a limited attemptto describe one sourcein terms of origin and purpose and recognize some values and limitations. You identify different perspectives. You make connections between information in a limited attempt to make simple arguments.
(65-72) / You complete a simple analysis of information and of one source in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations. You identify different perspectives and there implications. You make connections between information to make simple arguments.
(80-86) / You complete a satisfactory analysis of information and of sources in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations. You interpret different perspectives and there implications. You evaluate information to make valid arguments.
(93-100) / You complete a detailed analysis of information. You effectively analyze and evaluate a range of sources in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations. You thoroughly interpret a range of different perspectives and there implications. You evaluate information to make valid, well-supported arguments.

Criterion D Communicating:

Achievement level
0 (MSG) / You did not meet expectations set by criterion below.
(51-58) / You make a limited attempt to communicate information in a style that is appropriate to the audience and purpose. You make a limited attempt to structure the information according to the task instructions. You make a limited attempt to document sources of information.
(65-72) / You communicate information in a style that is sometimes appropriate to the audience and purpose. You structure the information sometimes according to the task instructions. You document sources of information sometimes according to the task instructions.
(80-86) / You communicate information in a style that is often appropriate to the audience and purpose. You structure the information often according to the task instructions. You document sources of information often according to the task instructions.
(93-100) / You communicate information in a style that is completely appropriate to the audience and purpose. You structure the information completely according to the task instructions. You document sources of information according to the task instructions.