Unit 5 Study Guide – Chapters 17 and 18
Chapter 17, Atlantic Revolutions and Their Echoes, 1750-1914
Comparing Atlantic Revolutions
1. Explain the Eurocentric view of geography and history.
2. In what ways did the ideas, and heart, of the Enlightenment contribute to the Atlantic Revolutions?
3. The Atlantic revolutions shared a common political vocabulary and a broadly democratic character, but how did they differ from one another?
4. What was revolutionary about the American Revolution and what was not, in its break with Britain?
Not Revolutionary—
5. What was revolutionary about the American experience?
6. Where did the political authority remain after America’s independence from Britain?
7. Describe the composition of the three estates.
8. How did the French Revolution differ from the American Revolution?
9. How was Napoleon Bonaparte credited for taming the French Revolution and how was French domination received throughout Europe?
10. While the Haitian Revolution had been the only successful slave revolt in history, what were the social, political, and economic outcomes of it?
Socially –
Politically -
Economically -
11. Despite the creole elites’ disenchantment with Spanish rule, what events in Europe instigated independence movements in Latin America? (Include the movements of Fathers Hidalgo and Jose Morelos, and Simon Bolivar and Jose San Martin).
12. The United States began its history as the leftover dregs of the New World and the Spanish colonies occupied the wealthiest areas and were regarded as the more promising region. Nevertheless, as the United States grew in power what happened to Latin America?
Echoes of Revolution
13. The Abolitionist Movement reflected both Enlightenment and Christian values of human equality. How did the end of slavery affect the lives of the former slaves?
14. Compare the southern United States period of radical reconstruction with that of Russia’s ending of serfdom.
In the southern U.S.—
In Russia—
15. What accounts for the growth of nationalism as a powerful political and personal identity in the nineteenth century?
States were inhabited—
Governments throughout the Western world—
16. Explain Nationalism in Poland.
17. What were the achievements and limitations of nineteenth century feminism?
Explain the significance of each of the following:
Estates General—
National Assembly—
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen—
Maximilien Robespierre and the Terror of 1793-1794—
Napoleon Bonaparte—
Gens de couleur libres—
Toussaint Louverture—
Jean Jacques Dessalines—
Declaration of the Rights of Woman—
Elizabeth Cady Stanton—
Chapter 18, Revolutions of Industrialization, 1750-1914
Explaining the Industrial Revolution
1. Explain why the Industrial Revolution occurred in Europe first rather than elsewhere.
2. What does Peter Stearns say about the Industrial Revolution?
3. What did the new societies of the Americas offer?
4. What was distinctive about Britain that may help to explain its status as the breakthrough point of the Industrial Revolution?
The First Industrial Society
5. How did the Industrial Revolution transform the British aristocracy?
6. How did Britain’s middle class change the roles of women?
7. Over time, which class suffered most and benefited least from the transformations of the Industrial Revolution?
8. How was the environment in which most urban workers lived?
9. How did industrial factories offer a work environment different from the artisan’s shops or the tenant’s farm?
10. How did Karl Marx understand the Industrial Revolution?
11. What did Marx believe about capitalist societies and capitalism in general?
12. What did Marx look forward to?
13. What hadn’t Marx foreseen?
Variations on a Theme: Comparing Industrialization in the United States and Russia
14. What were some reasons that Marxist socialism did not take root in the U.S.?
15. What were the differences between industrialization in the U.S. and that in Russia?
United States / RussiaU.S. was the Western world’s most exuberant democracy in the 19th C.
Change bubbled up… / Russia remained an outpost of absolute monarchy.
Change was…
16. What did Peter the Great do for Russia?
17. Until 1897, a thirteen hour work day was common. What other factors contributed to the making of a revolutionary situation in Russia?
18. Explain the tsar’s limited political reforms.
The Industrial Revolution and Latin America in the Nineteenth Century
19. What were the raw materials being exported from Latin America after 1860?
Amazon rain forest—
Central America—
Brazil and Guatemala—
20. In return, what did Latin Americans import?
21. What was the impact of the export boom on the various social segments of Latin American society?
Positive Effects / Negative EffectsUpper Class
Middle Class
Lower Class
22. What was the result of the Mexican Revolution of 1917?
23. Was Latin America able to participate in the global economy through an industrial revolution of its own? Why or Why not?
24. How does Strayer explain “dependent development” as a new form of colonialism? Give examples.
25. Big Picture Question: In your synthesis of the chapter, what did humankind gain from the Industrial Revolution and what did it lose?
Explain the significance of each of the following: