Math 1
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
Welcome to Cascade Middle School!
I am looking forward to an exciting, productive, and fun year in room 304. I have been at Cascade for 18 years and continue to be proud of where I work. I am happily married to Mr. Homfeldt, who also teaches at Cascade, and we are the proud parents of a 5th grader.
This letter is to give you the quick version of the procedures and guidelines for the class. Please know that we will be going over each area in-depth during class, but if you would like more specific information don’t hesitate to contact me. The best way to reach me during the day is through email: .
The following are requirements that you will need to be aware of in order to do well in math. Making sure you listen, ask questions and stay organized are all things you can do to help yourself succeed. We know that each and every one of you can be successful!
Required Materials…
What do I need to bring to class every day?
--Sharpened pencils with erasers
--Your planner (we will be writing in it each day!)
--A highlighting marker
--Small pencil sharpener
--Red ink pen for making corrections
--Your binder with paper
--Practice work from the night before
Practice work…
How much practice work will I have in math?
--Expect to have practice work on Monday – Thursday. Occasionally you may finish your work in class.
One of the most important things you can do to be successful in math is to keep up with all of the required work. Math is a subject where one lesson builds upon another and falling behind on your practice work can have a negative impact on your progress and, ultimately, your grade.
How will I be graded?
The sixth grade math teachers will be evaluating students on skills that tie into our state standards. Standards-based grading will provide teachers, parents and students with more detailed, accurate feedback on the child’s progress.
If a student is unable to reach standard on an assessment they will have the option to re-take the assessment (or one similar) by completing the following steps:
1. Original assessment must be corrected and signed by a parent/guardian
2. All unit practice work must be completed
3. Student must schedule time to come in and re-take assessment with his/her teacher
Progress Reports:
It’s a good idea to get a family access password for Skyward (Auburn School District’s online gradebook) from the office if you do not already have one. This way, you are able to check your progress!
Classroom Websites:
Please check our websites often. We will post important updates including: upcoming tests, practice work, links to math websites and other places that are helpful to see and/or be aware of. Our websites can be found on Go to the For Families, then click on Teacher pages, and finally on your teacher’s name.
If you are absent, please check the website for what was covered and copies on the daily work.
For sixth grade math, our textbook will be Math Connects – Course 1. Information is attached on how to access your textbook online!
Finally, and most importantly, if you need additional math help, I am here for you!
We, Mrs. Baxter and I, provide two additional opportunities for re-learning/re-assessment:
· Wednesdays after school until 2:45 (please sign up with your teacher)
· ‘Breakfast Club’ Thursday mornings at 7:10
September 3, 2013
Dear Student,
Please find below the Redemption Code used to access your McGraw-Hill online content within ConnectED.
Redemption Code: DD6Z-3FOQ-F4QO
Book Title: Math Connects, Course 1, 2012, Student Edition
Teacher Name: Jenny Homfeldt
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ü Enter the Redemption Code shown above and click Register.
ü Enter your First Name and Last Initial then click Finish.
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You will not see your username and password again please make sure you write it down and store it in a safe place as you will use this username and password to access your McGraw-Hill online content in the future.
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