Unit 5 CUA Study Guide

What were the parts of the Missouri Compromise? /
  1. Missouri- slave state
  1. Maine- free state
  1. Slavery allowed below the 36°30’ line of latitude

Annexation of Texas and Oregon, Mexican War, California Gold Rush, and Compromise of 1850 are part of what concept? / Manifest Destiny
What were the parts of the Compromise of 1850? /
  1. California- free state
  1. Fugitive Slave Act
  1. NM and Utah uses popular sovereignty to decide on slavery
  1. Washington DC abolished slave trade

How was popular sovereignty used prior to the Civil War? / Settlers in territories decide on whether or not to have slavery
How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act increase sectional tension in the United States? / Reopened the issue of slavery through popular sovereignty and repealed the Missouri Compromise
What was the ruling of the Supreme Court in the case Dred Scott vs. Sanford? / African Americans were not citizens and didn’t have the right to sue in court
What impact did John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry have? / It scared southern slave owners who depended on slaves for their livelihood
Extensive railroads, larger populations, and 92% of U.S. Industrial output gave which region the advantage in the Civil War? / The North
What was the significance of Fort Sumter? / The South fired upon a federal fort and started the Civil War
Why did Lincoln suspend the writ of habeas corpus? / To keep dissenters from damaging his efforts to preserve the Union
Why was the Battle of Antietam important? / Was the victory Lincoln needed for the Emancipation Proclamation
How was the Emancipation Proclamation significant? / The moral cause of slavery became an objective in the war
Why was the Battle of Gettysburg a turning point in the war? / The Confederacy was never able to recover from the heavy losses
Why was Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address considered such an important part of the Union victory? / It reminded Americans what they were fighting for and it increased soldier morale
Who were the two main generals for the Confederate Army? / Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
Which battle gave the Union control over the Mississippi River? / Vicksburg
Why did Grant and Sherman target Atlanta in 1864? / Atlanta was a transportation hub and had a large number of railroad supply lines
What was the main point of Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address? / That he was still committed to preserving the Union
What was Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction? / To readmit the Southern states back into the Union as soon as possible
What was the primary reason the House of Representatives impeached Andrew Johnson? / His opposition of Radical Republican efforts at Reconstruction
What was the Radical Republican (Congressional) Reconstruction? / Forced the southern states to reapply for admission and secure the rights of newly freed slaves
What was the 14th Amendment? / Gave citizenship to anyone born in the U.S.
What was the 15th Amendment? / Voting rights for males regardless of race or previous condition of servitude
Black Codes, 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments, Freedmen’s Bureau, and Sharecropping are part of which era of U.S. History? / Reconstruction
How did the Compromise get Rutherford B. Hayes into the White House as president? / Democrats agreed to allow Hayes (Republican) to be president if U.S. troops were removed from the South