Unit 4 – Forging an Industrial Society

(last chapter in U4 as part of P7)

Period 7: 1890-1945

Chapter 27–“Empire & Expansion” (1890-1909)

Learning Objectives – After reading this chapter you should be able to:

  1. …explain why the United States suddenly abandoned its isolationism and turned outward at the' end of the nineteenth century.
  2. …indicate how the Venezuelanand Hawaiian affairs expressed the new American assertiveness
  3. …as well as American ambivalence about foreign involvements.
  4. …describe how America became involved with Cuba and explain why a reluctant President McKinley was forced to go to war with Spain.
  5. …state the unintended consequences of Dewey's victory at Manila Bay.
  6. …describe the easy American military conquest of Cuba and Puerto Rico.
  7. …explain McKinley's decision to keep the Philippines and list the opposing arguments in the debate about imperialism.
  8. …analyze the long-term consequences and significance of the Spanish-American War

Identify the Historical Significance of the following –

  1. Alfred T. Mahan
  2. James G. Blaine
  3. Richard Olney
  4. Valeriano Weyler
  5. Dupuy de Lôme
  6. Theodore Roosevelt
  7. William Howard Taft
  8. George Dewey
  9. Emilio Aguinaldo
  10. José Martí

Define the Historical Significance of the following –

  1. reconcentration
  2. jingoism
  3. imperialism

Describe the Historical Significance of the following –

  1. Pan American Conference
  2. U.S.S. Maine
  3. Teller Amendment
  4. Rough Riders
  5. Treaty of Paris
  6. Anti-Imperialist League
  7. Foraker Act
  8. insular cases
  9. Platt Amendment
  10. “yellow” journalism
  11. Queen Liliuokalani
  12. annexation of Hawaii
  13. Venezuelan boundary dispute
  14. Russo-Japanese War
  15. Treaty of Portsmouth
  16. Open Door Notes/Policy
  17. Big Stick Policy
  18. Panama Canal
  19. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
  20. Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
  21. Gentlemen’s Agreement
  22. Root-Takahira Agreement

See page 2 for Glossary

To build your social science vocabulary, familiarize yourself with the following terms.

  1. concession - a privilege granted by a government to another government, private company, or individual
  1. nation-state - the modern form of political organization in which the government coincides exactly with a single national territory and population having a distinctive culture, language, history, and so on
  1. reciprocity - an exchange of equal privileges between two governments
  1. scorched-earth policy - The policy of burning and destroying all the property in a given area so as to deny it to an enemy
  1. reconcentration - The policy of forcibly removing a population to confined areas in order to deny support to enemy forces
  1. jingoist - aggressively patriotic and warlike
  1. atrocity - a specific act of extreme cruelty
  1. proviso - article or cause in a statute, treaty, or contract establishing a particular stipulation or condition affecting the whole document
  1. archipelago - a large group of islands within a limited area
  1. hostage - a person or thing forcibly held in order to obtain certain goals or agreements