Ms.SastryAP Biology1
Unit 4 Chapter objectives: Evolution
Chapter 22: Descent with Modification – Darwinian theory
1)How did Cuvier, Hutton, and Lyell shape Darwin’s thinking? (look up in your textbook)
2)What did Lamarck propose and why could he be correct to some degree today? How did his theory influence Darwin?
3)What is the theory proposed by Thomas Malthus and how did it influence Darwin? ((look up in your textbook- Pg 435)
4)What are the steps that Darwin proposed in his theory that explains the ‘Origin of Species’? (copy and paste from powerpoint if you choose)
5)What are the different evidences that may be used to support Darwin’s view of evolution? (there are 5 main ones and then subdivisions…see notes.)
Good website:
PBS Evolution website – everything from Darwin’s journey to present day evolution! A must see….
Chapter 23: Microevolution – Hardy Weinberg principle
1)What is microevolution and how is it different from the ‘evolution by natural selection’ that Darwin spoke of? What did Darwin not know in order to show that populations can ‘microevolve’?
2)What are the 5 conditions that are followed in a NON-EVOLVING population?
3)What is a population that follows these 5 conditions said to be in? Why is it NON-EVOLVING?
4)Write out the 2 equations that Hardy Weinberg equilibrium uses to predict frequencies of alleles.
5)What happens when Hardy Weinberg equilibrium is broken? List 5 ways in which it can be broken.
6)Explain how genetic drift (including bottle-neck, and founder’s effect) can lead to evolution of populations?
7)What are the 2 types of variation – which one did Darwin write about in his theory of natural selection?
8)How are variations produced in populations?
9)How are undesirable genes maintained in populations?
10)What is the effect of the 4 types of natural selection on populations that show normal/bell shaped distribution– explain with an example.
Good website: Hardy Weinberg Principle
Chapter 24: Macroevolution and speciation
1)What is macroevolution?
2)What is speciation?
3)Members of the same species: (complete this statement)
4)What are the two types of barriers that prevent 2 evolving populations from being successful in their reproductive effort?
5)Explain the different prezygotic barriers with examples.
6)Explain the different postzygotic barriers with examples.
7)How are such barriers created? - (2 ways)
8)Explain allopatric speciation using an example. (important)
9)Explain sympatric speciation using an example. (important)
10)Evaluate how the discovery of ring species might impact these theories of speciation – which theory do ‘ring species’ support and why?
11) What is adaptive radiation? What theory of speciation does it involve?
12) Are the basic mechanisms that cause microevolution and macroevolution same/different? What are they?
13) Compare and Contrast Darwin’s theory with gradualism and punctuated equilibrium theories. (important)
14) How does the timing, rate, and location of changes during development shape macroevolution? (heterochrony, paedomorphosis, ….) – look in textbook.
More chapter objectives will follow soon… check back.