
Unit 4: 1920s and the Great Depression

“1920s Politics”

I.  The Harding Administration

a.  Elected in 1921, died in office in 1923

i.  "Return to ______"

b.  Period of ______

c.  Popular, but presidency tarnished by scandals

i.  Gave ______jobs to friends and political allies

1.  "Ohio Gang"

d.  Head of Veterans Bureau - Forbes sold medical supplies from hospitals and kept $

II.  Teapot Dome Scandal

a.  1922

b.  Harding's Secretary of Interior, Albert Fall, allowed private ______companies to use land containing U.S. Navy oil reserves in Teapot Dome, ______

c.  Fall convicted of accepting ______($300,000)

d.  Damaged Harding's rep

i.  1st ______member to go to jail

e.  Americans begin to ______the ______

III.  Coolidge Takes Over

a.  Harding dies, Coolidge becomes POTUS

b.  ______himself from Harding's Administration

i.  "Silent Cal"

c.  Economic prosperity rested on ______

i.  ______in industry

d.  Cut ______, reduced gov't spending and ______

e.  High ______on imports to protect U.S ______

IV.  The US Economy

a.  Before WWI, U.S. was in debt

i.  After the war, Allies owed the U.S. $10 bil

b.  Dominant ______power in the world

c.  Promote peace by using economic policies

d.  *Dawes Plan

i.  Allies couldn't make ______(B+F)

ii. High tariffs (taxes on ______) made it difficult to ______products to U.S.

e.  Charles G. ______created plan between B, F, and G

i.  American banks make loans to G

ii. G's ______

iii.  B and F accept lower reparations

V.  Isolationism

a.  Americans tired of ______& favored ______

i.  U.S. would be safer staying out of world affairs

b.  Did not ratify Treaty of Versailles or join League of Nations

i.  Did not want to be ______into another ______

c.  Connected to other nations thru trade

VI.  The Washington Conference

a.  1921

b.  Meeting of 8 nations to end postwar naval arms race

c.  Sec. of State Charles ______proposed 10 year halt on construction of new ______

d.  ______-______effort to ______war

e.  Angers Japan

i.  Required Japan to have smaller navy than B or U.S.

f.  Period of ______

VII.  Abolishing War

a.  Washington Conference boosted hopes that talks could end war for good

b.  Frank ______and French leader ______proposed treaty to outlaw war

c.  1928-> U.S. and 14 other nations signed Kellogg-Briand Pact

i.  Victory for Coolidge

ii. Settle ______

iii.  Made war illegal

d.  Dawes Plan = Washington Conference = lasting peace

American History II