Unit #3 Summative: Goal Setting Collage
Instructions: Based on your discoveries about yourself during this past unit on goal setting, you are going to creatively and graphically display your goals and action steps in a collage then write a paragraph explaining your images and words selected for your collage.
PART A: Collage
ü You will need various magazines and search engines on the Internet to search for pictures/images/phrases/choice words/letters, etc. to compose your goal setting collage.
ü You must include your TWO types of goals (long-term, short-term), then the various parts of those goals (social, attitudes, health-fitness; school/academic, education, career, lifestyle/family).
ü Your collage will be completed on 8 ½” x 14” (legal size) paper.
PART B: Paragraph
ü Complete ONE paragraph (5-8 sentences) where you explain why you chose your images/pictures/phrases etc., which shows me you thought about your collage instead of just pasting random pictures/quotations.
ü Your paragraph should include the following (check these off when complete):
Be written in MLA format
Topic sentence + 3 points
THREE PEAs (use points as your actual goals i.e. long term, short-term, school; then your evidence will be your collage pictures/phrases, etc.; and your analysis will be you explaining why your examples prove your points—goals!)
Concluding sentence that sums up your argument (goals) and offers insight into your future with achieving your goals.
Transition words (i.e. first, furthermore, finally, as well as, another, secondly, in conclusion, in sum, etc.—see your handout on useful transition words!)
Proper grammar and punctuation; spell check!
NOTE: Do NOT list every picture and why you included it.
Name: ______
Goal Setting Collage and Paragraph Assessment Rubric
Criteria / Level 150-59% / Level 2
60-69% / Level 3
70-79% / Level 4
/10 Thinking and Inquiry
-demonstrates effective analysis and interpretation of subject
-demonstrates creativity and organization
-uses critical planning skills with attention to theme
-incorporates resources that demonstrate an understanding of the topic / -analyzes and interprets information with limited effectiveness
-uses critical planning skills with limited effectiveness
-uses creative elements of design with limited effectiveness
-little to no resources incorporated that fail to represent an overall understanding of the topic / -analyzes and interprets information with some effectiveness
-uses critical planning skills with some effectiveness
-uses creative elements of design with some effectiveness
-few resources incorporated that fail to represent an overall coherent understanding of the topic / -analyzes and interprets information with considerable effectiveness
-uses critical planning skills with considerable effectiveness
-uses creative elements of design with considerable effectiveness
-considerable resources incorporated that represent an overall coherent understanding of topic / -analyzes and interprets information with a high degree of effectiveness
-uses critical planning skills with a high degree of effectiveness
-uses creative elements of design with a high degree of effectiveness
-highly effective use of resources to convey a coherent understanding of topic
/10 Application:
-makes connections between images/phrases and personal reflection / -makes connections with limited effectiveness / -makes connections with some effectiveness / -makes connections with considerable effectiveness / -makes connections with a high degree of effectiveness
/10 Communication: (Paragraph)
-communicates in a clear, concise manner
-uses various forms of communication for different purposes
-uses the required language conventions (i.e., grammar, spelling, punctuation) with accuracy and effectiveness / -communicates information and ideas with limited clarity
-demonstrates limited command of various forms
-uses the required language conventions with limited accuracy and effectiveness / -communicates information and ideas with some clarity
-demonstrates moderate command of various forms
-uses the required language conventions with some accuracy and effectiveness / -communicates information and ideas with considerable clarity
-demonstrates considerable command of various forms
-uses the required language conventions with considerable accuracy and effectiveness / -communication information and ideas with a high degree of clarity
-demonstrates extensive command of various forms
-uses the required language conventions accurately and effectively all or almost all of the time
T/I /10 / APP /10 / COMM /10 / TOTAL: /30
Percent: ______Level: ______