Place Title of Lab Here

Student Name

Mr. O’rourke/Mrs. Stonis p.

Earth and Space Science 8

October 22, 2018


Title of the Lab

Delete all words in parenthesis including this directive)

Purpose or Problem:(write both)- (The main question you are trying to answer or investigate, it may not be an open ended question)

Hypothesis- (write both) This is what you think the answer to the problem might be. It should be a simple testable statement without too much complexity. The complete sentence should not include yes, no or use me, us, or I.)

Materials-(This is a list of equipment used to do the experiment.)

Procedure- (This is a step-by-step list of directions for doing the experiment. It should be a list of short steps that do not have to be in complete sentences. Each step should be numbered and start on a new line. Be sure the directions are specific.)

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:


Data / Data Table- (Using the data collected during the experiment, create a table(s) to display this information. Don’t forget to label your table(s).This information will be used to help prove or disprove the hypothesis. It can include written descriptions of observations, numeric measurements that are made, and/or any direct facts uncovered. This information is best put into tables whenever possible. Every number needs a unit.)

Group _____

Graph-(Create a graph to display the data collected on a separate sheet of graph paper. Use the Graphing Rubric.)

Analysis Calculations:

Melt times for salt water:

Melt time for fresh water:

Analysis Questions:

1. Which melted quicker, the ice in salt water or fresh water?

(Answer in a complete sentence.)

2. What other observations about the lab seemed unusual?

(Answer in a complete sentence.)

3. Why do you suppose you got the results? (What do you suspect happened?)

(Answer in a complete sentence.)

4. What do you notice from looking at the graph? Do you see any trends? If so what?

Conclusion- Explain what happened? (Do not use first or third person in your written conclusion- personal pronouns, no I or we in the conclusion)

  1. Restate the problem that was investigated.
  2. State what the hypothesis was.
  3. Explain what the results showed.
  4. Did the results support of disprove the hypothesis?
  5. List any questions this data now leads you to?

Lab Report Rubric

TITLE PAGE:______2 points
Name, Mr. O’Rourke, Period #, Earth/Space Science 8, Due Date

PROBLEM:______4 points

Asked as a question and is relevant to the lab.

HYPOTHESIS:______4 points

Addresses the problem and is relevant.

( answers to the bulleted questions)

CONSTANTS: ______4 points

At least 5 things that were kept the same in the experiment.


Identified the independent variable.

DEPENDENT VARIABLE: ______5 points

Identified the dependent variable.


Includes: Procedure, Salt & water amounts, etc. ______14 points


Title, Labels on both X and Y axis, scaled to fit the page 2 lines, key

______12 points


Questions answered using complete sentences ______17 points


Conclusion answered using complete sentences ______23 points


TOTAL POINTS: ______100 points