Unit 2 Week 1 Day 4: a Big Fish for Max

Unit 2 Week 1 Day 4: a Big Fish for Max

Unit 2 Week 1 Day 4: A Big Fish for Max


High Frequency: catch, good, no, put, want

Comprehension: Main Idea

Grammar: Nouns

Vocabulary (Amazing Words): chore, cooperation, household, rule, commute, subway, downtown, display

(Selection Words): Max, Ruby, Grandma

Story Retell / Story Retell
(Use the story sequencing picture cards to retell the story.
First, children put story pictures in the correct order.
Next, children use a complete sentence to retell the story events. Encourage children to name the characters, and tell what the character did in the story.
Finally, discuss the main idea of the story.)
High Frequency
Grammar (Review nouns) / (Write: Max will catch a fish.)
Read this sentence. Max will catch a fish
Who will catch a fish? Max
Is Max a person, a place, a thing, or an animal? Max is an animal.
Max is a noun because is it names an animal.
(Write: The fish was good.)
Read this sentence. The fish was good.
What was good? The fish.
Is fish a person, a place, a thing, or an animal? An animal.
Fish is a noun because is names an animal.
(Write: Ruby caught no fish.)
Read this sentence. Ruby caught no fish.
Who caught no fish? Ruby
Is Ruby a person, a place, a thing, or an animal? An animal.
Ruby is a noun because it names an animal.
(Write: Mom put it there.)
Read this sentence. Mom put it there.
Who put it there? Mom.
Is mom a person, a place, a thing, or an animal? A person.
The word mom is a noun because it names a person.
Review and Practice
(Amazing Words
chore, cooperation, household, rule ) / We learned a lot of big words this week. We need to make sentences with the Amazing Words we learned this week.
The first word is chore.
A chore is a job.
Let’s make a sentence using the word, chore.
I’ll go first. “I have to finish my chore before I can play.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“My chore is ______.”
Another word is cooperation.
Cooperation means working together.
Let’s make a sentence using the word, cooperation.
I’ll go first. “It takes cooperation to finish the chores.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“It takes cooperation to _____.”
Another word is household.
Household is your home and what goes on there.
Let’s make a sentence using the word, household.
I’ll go first. “Many people are in my household.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“I have ___ people in my household.”
The last word is rule.
A rule is a guide for how you should act.
Let’s make a sentence using the word, rule.
I’ll go first. “Follow each rule so you can be safe.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“A school rule is _____.”
ELL Reader / ELL Reader 1.2.1 Picnic Time
ELL Reader Teaching Guide p. 13-14
(Read the title and ask children if they have ever gone on a picnic.)
Ask: What do you thinks is the best part of a picnic?
(Tell the children this book tells what a family takes on a picnic. Preview the book by talking about the illustrations together and naming the labeled items.)
Read the story aloud as children follow along.
Ask the following questions to support comprehension.
Page 2 Where is the family going? The family is going on a picnic.
Pages 3-7 What does the family take? The family takes apples, a blanket, sandwiches, cookies, and juice.
Page 8 How does the family feel about the picnic? Picnics can be fun.