Unit 2 - Quest Set 4

Adventurers of Verum Terra!

I trust this letter finds you well …

Should you be receiving this it is to inform you of a secret project in the works by Master Melhem. He has little doubt that you and your guilds will vanquish the evil Minotaur King and save his great land. Alas, the morale of the remaining peasants will be low and motivation will lack and this project hopes to address just that.

As you explore the realm of Corpus Humani you will encounter 5 distinct cities built around the principals of the human anatomy: Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory, Excretory and Nervous system towns. Your task is to incorporate the main elements of each town in order to transform them into an area/event/hobby spot etcetera that their populations will enjoy. Create a Digestive themed bath house? A Circulatory horse race track? A Nervous general store? All of these are possible but your design must be kept secret! The possibilities are endless, because we have an unlimited budget as Master Melhem has hidden away a chest full of gold for this project.

What do you have to do?

1) Master Melhem needs to see the final project in a brochure or pamphlet style format. You can find a
template directly in the great Microsoft Word Tower, or you can create your own – your choice!

2) Master Melhem needs to see each major organ of the town identified in your brochure with a clear
understanding of what it does in your body reflected in the brochure. The people thrive upon

For example: Your esophagus is a long, muscular tube in your neck, leading to your stomach. This passes food from your mouth to your stomach. In your brochure this could be a slide, a stairwell, a tunnel, a massager (because muscles push things down) etc. However, it cannot be a bath or tub, for example, because the organ does not contain those properties. Clear? Good!

While we want the major components of the system reflected, we always look favorably on those who try to go above and beyond the base – Master Melhem always recognizes these warriors! Include the finer details, even those not discussed in class, of the system and watch your chances of having your proposal accepted increase.

3) Master Melhem loves creativity. He does not want to see the same old, minimum standard stuff. This
needs revitalize the population of Verum Terra and motivate them to bring this great land back to its
original form! He loves to see a creative approach in these potential designs. Those outside the box,
unheard of ideas are always the most fun to investigate.

4) Keep it clean and professional please as Master Melhem does not want poorly presented and rushed
designs presented to him at his throne. Double check spelling and grammar and ensure your
punctuation is correct. Nothing looks worse on a proposal than sloppy, unprepared work.

5) Graphics and multimedia are crucial at getting your ideas across. We want to see a minimum of 3
different graphics and ideally they would be custom created.

Happy designing great warriors and remember – the Minotaur King and his evil grade 7 henchmen must not know of this plan.

Farewell great warriors,

Lady Moser

Messenger of Master Melhem

Post Script: I must emphasize that the best design will be awarded $3500.00 gold pieces. It will be split
between all contributing members. There is much to gain here.

Master Melhem will also be awarding up to 1500XP for each design submission. He will be
awarding a bonus 500XP for those who build models of their designs. There should be no
limit to your creativity …