Unit 2Name ______

Date ______

Unit 2: Multiple Choice Questions

1)Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?

a)water boiling

b)ice melting

c)breaking glass

d)paper burning

2)Which element is a metalloid?





3)An example of a property of matter that can be observed without changing the identity of the matter is





Use your periodic table to locate the element in Group 18, Period 3. Answer questions 4 and 5 about this element.

4)What is the state of matter for this element?





5)This element is a


b)noble gas

c)alkali metal

d)transition metal

6)Sodium and chlorine can react chemically to form table salt. How does the mass of the table salt formed in this reaction compare to the mass of the sodium and chlorine before the reaction takes place?

a)The mass of the table salt formed is less than the sodium and chlorine.

b)The mass of the table salt formed is greater than the sodium and chlorine.

c)The mass of the table salt formed is twice the mass of the sodium and chlorine.

d)The mass of the table salt formed is the same as the mass of the sodium and chlorine.

7)What does the law of conservation of mass mean during a chemical reaction?

a)The total mass of the reactants is greater than the total mass of the products.

b)The total mass of the reactants is the same as the total mass of the products.

c)The total mass of the reactants is less than the total mass of the products.

d)The total mass of the reactants and products cannot be measured.

Use the information in the following box from the periodic table to answer questions 8-9.

8)This element is classified as a





9)This element has ___ protons.





10) H2O and H2O2 are compounds that are both formed by bonding hydrogen and oxygen. These compounds demonstrate

a)that the second oxygen in hydrogen peroxide was accidently bonded.

b)that elements bond in a multitude of ways to make compounds.

c)that elements combine in random ways.

d)that water has gained an extra oxygen in a secondary reaction.

11) Solid sodium is reacted with chlorine gas and a crystalline solid (sodium chloride) was formed.

The crystalline solid is evidence that

a)the sodium was broken down into tiny pieces by the chlorine.

b)the reaction caused impurities to fall out.

c)elements bond in a multitude of ways to make compounds.

d)the chlorine solidified.

A substance has a mass of 25.6 g and a volume of 31.6 mL. Use the information in the chart below to answer questions 10-11.


/ Density (g/mL)
Mercury / 13.6
Silver / 10.5
Aluminum / 2.7
Water / 1.0
Ethanol / 0.81

12) What is the identity of the substance?





13) If the substances were placed in water, which substance would float on the water?





14) What characteristic property is shared by all matter?





15) Which of the following statements is true about all natural elements?

a)They are all metals.

b)They all exist in nature.

c)They can all be found in the soil.

d)They are all made by humans.

16) Which of the following substances is synthetic?





17) When baking soda and vinegar are mixed, what evidence suggests a chemical change has occurred?

a)the baking soda dissolves in the vinegar.

b)the pH changes.

c)evolution of a gas.

d)light is given off.

18) A science teacher mixes calcium chloride and vinegar in a test tube. He passes the test tube around for his students to feel. The students notice that the test tube is hot. The science teacher asks the students to decide if the mixing of the two chemicals involved a physical or chemical change. He also asks the students to justify their answers. Which student gave the correct answer?

a)Student 1: the change was physical because a temperature change occurred.

b)Student 2: the change was chemical because a temperature change occurred.

c)Student 3: the change was physical because the two chemicals mixed.

d)Student 4: the change was chemical because the two chemicals mixed.


  1. d
  2. b
  3. c
  4. c
  5. b
  6. d
  7. b
  8. a
  9. b
  10. b
  11. c
  12. d
  13. d
  14. a
  15. b
  16. a
  17. c
  18. b

Unit 7: Chemical ImpactName ______

Date ______

Multiple-Choice Questions

1)What are the 3 waysyou can be exposed to chemicals?

a.ingestion, inhalation, and absorption

b.ingestion, injection, and inhalation

c.ingestion, sensation, and absorption

d.ingestion, absorption, and visualization

2)Which of the following is the best definition for the term chemical?

  1. a substance that is added to a compound
  2. any substance that has come into contact with radioactivity
  3. any substance that has a defined molecular composition
  4. a substance that is composed of atoms

3)How can labels inform citizens of possible effects ofexposure to harmful chemicals?

  1. the label shows warnings
  2. the label shows exact uses
  3. the label shows directions
  4. the label shows active ingredients

4)How does a food preservative work?

  1. A food preservative prevents a food from getting stale.
  2. A food preservative prevents the growth of harmful organisms.
  3. A food preservative slows down the chemical reactions in the food.
  4. A food preservative works in all the ways listed above.

5)Which of the following describes a chemical’s capacity to produce the desired effect?





6)How does chemical exposure affect an individual?

a. All individuals are affected by chemical exposure in the same manner.

b. Individuals are affected by chemical exposure in different ways.

c. An individual’s age, gender, and lifestyle can influences their response to

chemical exposure.

d. Both b and c

7)Which of the following can be caused by exposure to chemicals?

  1. birth defects
  2. cancer
  3. heart disease
  4. all of the above

8)What would be the best wayyou can reduce or eliminate the effects of chemical exposure?

a. Keep harsh chemicals on a high shelf above your head.

b. Use only toxic chemicals that are clearly labeled.

c. Replace toxic chemicals in your home with something less harmful.

d. Mix toxic chemicals with water before using them.

9)Which of the following shows chemicals used in a beneficial way?

  1. as medicines
  2. as insecticides
  3. as food preservatives
  4. all of the above

10) Which statement is true of pesticides?

a.Pesticides are used to increase crop yield because they increase plant growth.

b.Pesticides are safe if they are handled properly to avoid harm to people.

c.Pesticides are safe since the government has allowed farmers to use them.

d.Pesticides are used to increase the pests that live in the soil around the plants.

11) Which factor is most likely to affect a person’s susceptibility in regards to a chemical substance?

a.the person’s genetic make-up

b.the person’s past history

c.where the person lives

d.what the person eats

Use the following table of various synthetic chemicals to answer question 12:

Name / Properties / Typical Uses
Nylon / Strong thread, stretchable / Ropes, hosiery, fabric
Scotch guard / Protective covering, clear / Upholstery covering
Poly urethane / Protective covering, clear / Wood product covering
Teflon / Little friction, clear/dark / Dishes, pots and pans covering, medical covering
Poly vinyl chloride / Flexible, strong / Yard hoses, tool handles

12) Study the chemicals. Which of the following statements is most reasonable?

a.Synthetic chemicals are not beneficial to humans.

b.Synthetic chemicals are beneficial to humans.

c.Synthetic chemicals share the same properties.

d.Synthetic chemicals share the same uses.

13) Which of the following determines why some people are affected by particular chemicals more than other people?





14) Being exposed to chemical pollutants in the air would be more dangerous if a

person suffers from ______.




d.food allergies

15) The dose-response relationship refers to

a.the amount of one chemical in a larger amount of another chemical.

b.the amount of a chemical that is taken into the body.

c.the body’s response to different amounts of a chemical.

d.the body’s response to the same amount of a chemical taken at different times.

Multiple Choice Answers:

1. a

2. c

3. a

4. d

5. b

6. d

7, d

8. c

9. d

10. b

11. a

12. b

13. d

14. a

15. c

Unit 10Name ______

Technology for a Better TomorrowDate ______

8. If a company was wishing to develop a more durable tennis shoe sole, which

material would be most appropriate?

a. titanium/steel alloy

b. high density plastic

c. rubber/polymer blend

d. plexi-glass polymer

Multiple Choice Answers:

8. c

002EM-r-10-07: Hot Chocolate

One morning, you and a friend decide to make hot chocolate using chocolate powder and hot water. You heat two cups of water on the stove. After a while, you see steam rising from the pan.

(1) 002EM-01-r-10-07: What causes the steam to form?

A. The liquid water becomes a gas.

B. The liquid water becomes a solid.

C. The solid water becomes a liquid.

D. The gaseous water becomes a solid.

Answer: A

(2) 002EM-02-r-10-07: The temperature at which water turns to steam is called the:

A. melting point.

B. freezing point.

C. saturation point.

D. boiling point.

Answer: D

(3) 002EM-03-r-10-07: You divide chocolate powder evenly, put it into the bottom of two cups, and then add boiling water. First you add water to your friend's cup. Then you add water to your cup. Your friend stirs her hot chocolate, but you do not. Whose hot chocolate will be ready first?

A. Your friend's, because stirring makes the chocolate powder dissolve faster.

B. Your friend's, because stirring makes the water cool more quickly.

C. Yours, because stirring makes the chocolate powder settle on the bottom of the cup.

D. Yours, because the water was hotter when it was put in your cup.

Answer: A

(4) 002EM-04-r-10-07: If you add a marshmallow to the hot chocolate, it floats. The marshmallow floats because marshmallows are:

A. less dense than hot chocolate

B. heavier than hot chocolate

C. colder than hot chocolate

D. solid and hot chocolate is liquid

Answer: A

(5) 002EM-05-r-10-07: You put a marshmallow into your hot chocolate and leave the room for ten minutes. When you come back, the marshmallow is gone and there is a white, sticky layer on the surface of the hot chocolate. Why did this happen?

A. The marshmallow melted.

B. The marshmallow turned into a gas.

C. The hot chocolate got hotter.

D. The marshmallow sank to the bottom of the cup.

Answer: A

(6) 002EM-06-r-10-07: Suppose you pour two cups of hot chocolate. You put one cup (Cup A) in the freezer and put the other cup (Cup B) in the refrigerator. If you come back in two hours to check the hot chocolate, which cup of hot chocolate will be the hottest?

A. Cup A, because the hot chocolate in Cup A will freeze.

B. Cup A, because the freezer is colder than the refrigerator.

C. Cup B, because the hot chocolate in Cup B will freeze.

D. Cup B, because the refrigerator is warmer than the freezer.

Answer: D

(7) 002EM-07-r-10-07: If you put a teaspoonful of sugar into a glass of cold water, the sugar dissolves. If you add a teaspoonful of sand into the same glass, the sand falls to the bottom of the glass and does not dissolve. Describe how you could remove all of the sand from the sugar water.

Teacher Rubric: EM002-7: Hot Chocolate

Scoring Criteria:

Criterion #1 / The student responds to the subject matter of the question (e.g., sand, sugar, water, glass, container) AND discusses some operation they will perform on the sand, water, sugar, and/or glass (e.g., stirring the sand and water, pouring out water, shaking the glass, etc.).
Criterion #2 / The student (1) describes a process for removing the sand that in some way involves "pulling" or "scooping" sand from the water and/or "draining" or "straining" the water or sand AND (2) the student DOES NOT refer to the sand being "dissolved".
Criterion #3 / The student describes a process for removing sand that meets Criterion #2 AND the process is logical (i.e., makes sense, would work) AND relevant (i.e., with respect to a glass of water). Acceptable: pouring water from sand, scooping sand with a spoon, using a strainer, etc. Unacceptable: using a shovel or hands (not practical for a glass of water), pouring sand out of water (can't do this), using a machine (too vague).
Criterion #4 / The student explicitly demonstrates an understanding that the sugar is dissolved (i.e., by stating it is dissolved or mentioning that the sugar is not removed by a strainer, etc.). Note: The student can only be awarded this point if they have also met Criterion 2 and/or 3.

(Score Guide PDF File)

004EM: Magnets

Bar magnets are straight and horseshoe magnets are bent to form a "U". See the picture below.

All magnets, like the two shown above, have a north (N) pole and a south (S) pole. The opposite poles (N and S) always attract, and same poles (N and N) or (S and S) always push away from each other.

(8) 004EM-01: A magnet will attract which one of these things?

A. Soap

B. Glass marble

C. Plastic cap

D. Thumb tack

Answer: D

(Score Guide PDF File)

(15) 004EM-08: Suppose that you have three pieces of metal. Your teacher tells you that one piece of metal is a magnet and the other two pieces are not. How can you tell which piece is the magnet?

Teacher Rubric: EM004-8: Magnets

Scoring Criteria:

Criterion #1 / Any genuine attempt to answer the question (see description of "genuine attempt" in note to question 7).
Criterion #2 / Any variation or combination of the following: 1) States that "The magnet will stick to metal" or "Metal won't stick to metal". 2) Describes an incomplete process, which if correctly carried out, could have been successful. Example: Take two pieces, see if they stick.
Criterion #3 / Describes any process which correctly identifies the magnetic piece.
Criterion #4 / The process described is complete, correct, and self-contained, using only the given three metal pieces in the solution.

(Score Guide PDF File)

007EM: Hard Candy

William bought a bag of hard candy at the grocery store. (The candy is made of sugar.) He took 3 pieces of hard candy out of the bag.

He weighed each piece of candy. Each piece weighed 12 grams.

He labeled three cups. Then he added cold water to Cup 1, warm water to Cup 2, and hot water to Cup 3.

William put one piece of candy into the water in each cup. After 10 minutes, he took the candies out of the water and weighed each piece again. William's results are shown below.

Table 1

Temperature of water / Weight of candy
after 10 minutes
Cup 1
Cup 2
Cup 3 / 0° C
40° C
80° C / 10 grams
6 grams
4 grams

(16) 007EM-02: Suppose the hot water had been at 100° C rather than 80° C. How much candy might have been left after 10 minutes?

A. Less than 4 grams

B. About 6 grams

C. About 8 grams

D. More than 10 grams

Answer: A

(17) 007EM-03: Which of these graphs shows how temperature affects the weight of candy that remains after being in the water for 10 minutes?





Answer: A

(18) 007EM-04: After ten minutes William took the candies out of the cups of water and heated the water until all the water evaporated. When the water was gone, he saw sugar at the bottom of each cup. Which cup, if any, had the most sugar?

A. Cup 1 had the most sugar.

B. Cup 2 had the most sugar.

C. Cup 3 had the most sugar.

D. All cups had the same amount of sugar.

Answer: C

(19) 007EM-05: Suppose that William had left the candies in the cups for only 5 minutes rather than 10 minutes. What would have been the mass of candy from Cup 1?

A. Less than 4 grams

B. About 6 grams

C. About 8 grams

D. More than 10 grams

Answer: D

(20) 007EM-06: Suppose William takes another piece of hard candy and puts it into a cup of hot water. He heats the water gently until all the water evaporates. When the water is gone the candy sticks to the bottom of the cup. What will be the mass of candy left in the cup?

A. 6 grams

B. 8 grams

C. 12 grams

D. 15 grams

Answer: C

(21) 007EM-07: Explain what happens to the sugar in the candy when the candy is placed in the water.


Teacher Rubric: EM007-7: Hard Candy

Scoring Criteria:

Criterion #1 / The response describes something that happens when the candy is placed in water (whether that something is what would actually happen or not).
Criterion #2 / The response provides a basic but accurate explanation of dissolution, e.g., "the sugar (or candy) goes into the water", "the sugar (candy) becomes liquid", "the water erodes the candy", "the sugar (candy) melts". The word "dissolves" needn't appear in the response and the assertion that "the sugar dissolves" is alone not sufficient to fulfill the criterion. The student must show that he/she knows what "dissolves" means. (Many students say things like "the sugar dissolves", "it sticks to the bottom of the cup", or "the sugar dissolves...it gets sweeter".)
Criterion #3 / The response recognizes that the sugar will dissolve more quickly or easily in warmer water.
Criterion #4 / The response accomplishes Criterion 2 AND displays an understanding that dissolution is a reversible process, that solid sugar can be reclaimed through evaporation of the water of some other process. The process needn't be described; an acknowledgement of reversibility is sufficient. (Fulfillment of Criterion 2 is required to weed out responses that don't recognize that the sugar ever dissolved in the first place.)

(Score Guide PDF File)

(22) 007EM-08: When you were at the beach on a hot and sunny day, some candy melted onto your towel. You tried to pick it off, but it was really stuck! Based on the information in Table 1, what temperature of water would be best for washing the towel? Explain why.