Scheme of work

Guided learning hours (GLH): 30

Number of lessons: 10 (plus 10 hours controlled conditions)

Duration of lessons: 2 hours

Please note: this unit is taken at the end of the programme and draws together learning in all other units. Therefore all units will link to this scheme of work. Particularly relevant links are indicated in the table below.

This scheme of work is provided to help you make the most of your planning time. Customise this by adding your own activities/lesson ideas to the ‘Activities’ column.


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Lesson / Unit content / Activities / Resource checklist / Links to other units
1 / Introduction to the unit / ●Tutor presentation: introduction to Unit 2. Explain:
●it’s the last stage of the course
●they need to be on time so they don’t miss anything
●they need to bring in their sketchbooks. / ●Final assessment times
Learning aim A: develop creative ideas, skills and intentions in response to a project brief
cont. / Learning aim A:
●be able to generate ideas through single or combined methods.
Learning aim B:
●know how to plan own use of time to ensure sufficient time allowed for production of outcomes. /
  • Teacherpresentation: introduction to externally set brief.
  • Individual or group activity: learners to start work on externally set brief, coming up with ideas and creating draft sketches.
  • Sketchbooks
  • Drawing/writing materials
  • External assessment paper
/ Any unit with a Learning aim that includes ‘produce an outcome . . . to a brief’ will link to these activities
2 / Learning aim A:
●know how to define key contextual areas for research. / ●Teacher presentation: preparation for visits to two local, primary resources (a small local gallery and an urban site).
Individual or small group activity: learners to decide what questions to ask when at each of the sites. Learners to draw up a checklist. /
  • Paper
  • Pens/Pencils
  • Primary and secondary sources
/ Any Learning aim that includes ‘investigate [a discipline/pathway]’ will link to these activities
3-4 / Learning aim A:
●know how to develop materials from both primary and secondary research sources, applying information from more than one source. / ●Visit: to gallery and urban site.
●Learners to refer to the checklists and use their recording materials to fullest extent. /
  • Checklist from previous lesson
  • Recording materials
/ Any unit that includes ‘explore materials, techniques and processes…to a brief’ will link to these activities.
5 / Learning aim A:
●generating and developing creative ideas and being able to progress these towards a creative conclusion that meets the requirements of the brief. / ●Tutor presentation:follow-up to the first two visits.
Individual activity: learners to followup any sources (books, websites or other) they have found.
6 / Learning aim A:
●know how to develop materials from both primary and secondary research sources, applying information from more than one source. / ●Visit: to local, rural site.
7-9 / Learning aim A:
●generating and developing creative ideas and being able to progress these towards a creative conclusion that meets the requirements of the brief. / ●Teacher presentation: follow-up to rural site visit.
Individual activity: learners to follow up any sources (books, websites or other) they have found.
Individual activity: learners to explore ideas, feelings, materials, techniques and processes.
●Mini tutorials:
  • How is the work progressing?
  • How are they solving problems that occur?
  • How can they refine their plans?
  • What resources are they going to need during the ten hours?

10 / ●Teacher presentation: preparation for final assessment. Discuss:
  • final checks
  • reminders of exam timings
  • bringing supporting studies to the exam
  • technical support
  • using the time effectively.
Then answer any learner queries. /
  • Seating plan

Learning aim B: produce final outcomes that meet the requirements of the brief
Prep / Preparation for the assessment day / ●Clear room and set out tables with seating plan.
●Allocate materials and lay them out accordingly.
●If you have any students who are unreliable, make arrangements in case they do not turn up.
(day 1) / Assessment day 1 / ●Tutor to allow 10 minutes to get settled, and to tell learners when the assessment will officially start, as well as what they are allowed/not allowed to do before then.
●Assessment starts.
●During break times leave work on tables.
●At the end of the day 1–learnersto leave final work (allow for time to take prep work with them).
●Tutorto lock room. / The activities during the 10 hours will link strongly to any Learning Aim that includes wording to the effect ‘produce and present an outcome in response to a [discipline/pathway specific] brief.’
(day 2) / Assessment day 2 / ●Tutorto allow for 5 minutes to get organised before official start.
●Tutortocheck seating plan is being followed.
●Tutorto give a brief reminder about conduct: keeping water away from edges of tables, keeping work safe, not to disturb others (highlighting any issues that arose on first day).
●Tutorto give a reminder that learners should only pack up when instructed to by invigilator.
Next lesson / NB. Only for pathways that require it / ●The end of the exam period will normally be the end of the programme. It may be that the 10 hours is taken over a more extended period, for example to accommodate limited darkroom facilities, or to allow drying and biscuit firing of clay before glazing.
●Learnersmay spend time displaying work for exhibition but no more time should be spent on producing work after the end of the 10 hours.
TOTAL: 30 hours


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