Unit 23: The 1970’s: Nixon, Ford and Carter

  1. ______(R) elected in 1968 and 1972.

______- wanted to reduce the power of the federal gov’t and reverse the liberal policies of ______.

Nixon wanted to restore “law and order” because that’s what the “______” wanted.

  1. Nixon named 4 Justices to the ______including Chief Justice Warren Burger. (Rehnquist, Blackmun, Powell)

Burger Court:

1971: ______- ruled that school districts could bus students to end segregation.

1973______- ruled that women have the right to an abortion during the 1st 3 months of pregnancy.

  1. ______rising inflation and unemployment caused a recession.
  1. OPEC cut off oil sales to the U.S. which created an ______
  1. Nixon urged “______” to be flexible in dealing with other nations.

Ignore weak countries.

  1. “______”- Nixon’s policy to ease tensions of the Cold War.

Nixon visited China and the Soviet Union.

  1. ______and Soviet leader ______signed the SALT I Treaty which placed limits ______.
  1. ______was forced to resign due to ______and Gerald Ford became president and pardoned Nixon.
  1. Ford promoted a massive ______WIN (Whip Inflation Now) to cut back on the use of ______.
  1. Ford cut spending for ______and vetoed bills he thought would cause inflation-

A serious ______resulted.

  1. 1976 Viking I and II- unmanned ______touched down on Mars.
  1. Election of ______- Ford (R) vs. Jimmy Carter (D) and Walter Mondale (V.P.)

______peanut farmer and gov. of Georgia-______to WashingtonD.C.

Issues were energy and unemployment- ______.

  1. Carter used “______” (FDR) to explain his energy program.

National Energy Act- taxed gas-guzzling cars and gave incentives to develop other sources of ______.

  1. 1979 ______- nuclear reactor breakdown and some radiation escaped.

1980 Soviet Union______

  1. Carter used wage and price freezes and raised interest rates but nothing worked.
  1. Carter advocated ______and human rights throughout the world.
  1. 1977 U.S. and Panama agreed to ______of the Panama Canal to Panama on Dec. 31, 1999.
  1. Dec. 1979- USSR invaded ______and Carter refused to work on the ______
  1. Carter’s greatest achievement was the ______- to end fighting between ______and ______.


  1. Election of ______Richard Nixon defeated George McGovern by a ______
  2. June 1972- 5 men attempted to break-in at ______at the Watergate Apartment complex in WashingtonD.C.
  1. It was discovered these men worked for the ______to Reelect ______.
  1. News reporters ______and ______were determined to discover the truth.
  1. By 1973 both the ______and ______had begun a Watergate investigation.
  1. ______committee, headed by Sen. Sam Ervin of NC, held ______.
  1. A ______headed by Judge John Sirica began to gather evidence.
  1. The Justice Dept. investigated Vice President ______and he resigned due to ______.
  1. Nixon chose ______as the new Vice-Pres.
  1. The investigations began to show evidence that Nixon had approved of the ______and attempted a ______.
  1. John Dean (White House lawyer) ______and said Nixon was ______.
  1. July 1973- Senate committee discovered Nixon had been ______everything said in the Oval Office for over ______years.
  1. Nixon refused to ______the tapes.
  2. The court ruled ______had to be turned over unless related ______.
  3. Nixon gave the judge some of the tapes and important parts had ______.
  4. Aug. 1974- the Supreme Court orders the release of more tapes. The tapes reveal Nixon had attempted to cover-up the break-in.
  5. The House brought impeachment charges:




  1. Nixon chose to ______Aug. 8, 1974- 1st pres. to resign.
  1. Aug. 9, 1974______became Pres. and chose Nelson Rockefeller as his Vice-Pres.
  1. Ford ______Nixon for his ______in Watergate