Bumblebee Newsletter Term 3


A big welcome back to all of the children and their families and we look forward to a fun packed term with lots of new learning experiences.


We have started the Term with a Scotland topic focusing on all things Scottish from Tartan to Haggis! We will be looking at where we live in Scotland and where that is in relation to the other Bumblebees.

We will then have a look at Winter and the effects it has on the environment and on our daily lives, then we will move onto Chinese New Year and have a look at how that is celebrated. This topic leads naturally onto a topic about dragons, princesses and castles.


We plan to have a trip to one of the local castles as part of our Dragons, Princesses and Castles topic and hope to have another walk with the Ranger at Crathes as Winter turns to Spring.


We will be having a visit from Angela, the Childsmile Nurse on the 1st February 2018.

She will be coming to monitor the children brushing their teeth.

New Friends

We are excited to be welcoming some new children over from the Butterflies Room, to join their friends who are established Bumblebees, and some children who are new to Sunshine Nursery.

Dates to remember

February – 8,9,12,13,14 – Mid Term Break (Term Time)

March 30th – Good Friday – School and Sunshine Closed

April 2nd – Easter Monday – School and Sunshine Closed

April – 3rd – 13th – School Closed (Term Time)

May – 7th – May Day - School and Sunshine Closed

July – 6th – School End

Trades – 16th – 27th July – Nursery Closed – returning on the 30th July 2018

Library Bus

The Library Bus comes every Wednesday and we catch it costly when we can. The children love having a walk along to go and see the bus where they can get some nice books to read at story time.


Please remember to take outdoor wear like wellies and wet suits etc. every day. This is important as we like to go for walks or have a play in the garden when possible. The children also need appropriate clothing for forest schools and fit stars.


The Garden is due to get a makeoverin the coming months but due to the wetness and the hardness of the ground its proving a bit impossible at the moment.


Please may we ask that you don’t park in the bus bay outside the school as this makes it very difficult for the cars to enter and exit the Sunshine Carpark.

Slippers, Spare Clothes and Water bottles

Could parents please provide slippers and a water bottle for their children with their name clearly labelled. Spare clothes are always handy especially socks s they seem to get wet and dirty all by themselves!

Interactive Learning Diary

Could parents please have a look at their child’s diaries as they are regularly updated.


Please do not adjust invoices. If you feel that your invoice is incorrect, please email to query.


If your child is unwell, please email Linda () to inform us of your child’s absence at your earliest convenience. We do have to be accountable for every child who is absent.

The Bumblebee team!