1 - Exploration (444-475)
Mongol Emperors; Marco Polo
Zheng He
Persian Safavids and Turkish Ottomans
Shiite Muslim Faith and Ottoman Sunnism
Istanbul (Constantinople 1453)
Venice & Genoa
Lateen sails and sternpost rudder
Magnetic compass and astrolabe
Prince Henry the Navigator
Bartholomeu Dias & Cape of Good Hope
Vasco de Gamma & India
Christopher Columbus
Ferdinand and Isabella
San Salvador
Amerigo Vespucci – Mundus Novus
Treaty of Tordesillas
Ferdinand Magellan – The Pacific
John Cabot and Jacques Cartier
Hernando Cortez and the Aztecs (Mexica)
Inca Empire & Francisco Pizarro
Roanoke and Virginia
Columbian Exchange
Dutch East Indian Company
Dutch West Indian Company
Michel de Montaigne & Cultural Relativism
Elizabeth I
James I
2 - Thirty Years War (480-486)
Little Ice Age
Serfs and Serfdom
Thirty Years War
Protestant Union
Catholic League
Bohemian Phase
Battle of the White Mountain
Danish Phase - Christian IV of Denmark
Albert of Wallenstein (Albrecht von Wallenstein)
Swedish Phase - Gustavus Adulphus
French Phase – Cardinal Richelieu
Peace of Westphalia
Sovereignty and sovereign
Frederick of the Palatinate
Maximillian of Bavaria
Ferdinand Hapsburg (King of Bohemia, Emperor)
Defenestration of Prague
3 – Absolutism in France and Spain (486-494)
Henry IV – Bourbon Dynasty (Henri le Grand)
Edict of Nantes (1598)
Marie de Medici
Louis XIII
Cardinal Richelieu (“favorite”)
Cardinal Mazarin
Anne of Austria (Queen mother to Louis XIV)
The Fronde
Louis XIV
Divine Right
“Sun King”
Estates General
Palace of Versailles
System of Patronage
Jean-Baptiste Colbert – finance minister
Company of the East Indies
Marquette and Joliet - Louisiana
Other terms to know from Louis XIV:
Duke of Sully
St. Bartholemew’s Day Massacre (1572)
Huguenot oppression
French involvement in the Thirty Years War
Hotel des Invalides
L’etat c’est moi
Sun King
Versailles – the Palace of Versailles
Marie Therese
Wars of Louis XIV
Marquis de Louvois
Charles II of Spain ( King Charles II (“the Sufferer”))
Philip of Anjou / Philip V of Spain
War of Spanish Succession
Grand Alliance
Peace of Utrecht (1713)
Decline of Absolutist Spain
Moriscos expelled
Thirty Years War (for the Spanish)
Other terms to know from Louis XIV’s Wars:
War of Devolution
Franco-Dutch War
Treaty of Dover – the end of the Triple Alliance
Revoking of the Edict of Nantes
Nine Years War
Glorious Revolution - William III (William of Orange/King of England)
King Williams War (in America)
Queen Ann’s War (in America)
Austrian Netherlands (shifted ownership)
4 – Russian and the Ottoman Empire - Eastern Europe (497-505)
Ivan III (the Great)
Muscovite State
Tsars (Czars)
Ivan IV (The Terrible)
Anastasia Romanov
Times of Troubles
Michael Romanov
Peter I (The Great)
Great Northern War
Peasant soldiers
St. Petersburg - Window to the West
Ottoman Empire
Janissary Corps
Millet / Millet System
5 – The German Powers - Absolutism in Austria and Prussia - (494-497)
Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna
Hohenzollern family
Electors of Brandenburg and Dukes of Prussia
Frederick William, the Great Elector
Frederick I, King of Prussia (b/c of the War of Spanish Succession)
Frederick William I – “the Soldier’s King”
(later: Frederick II – “the Great”)
6 –English Civil War (506-510)
James Stuart – James I (from Scotland)
Absolutist belief in Divine Right
Charles I
English Civil War
“No bishop, no king”
William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury
Book of Common Prayer introduced to Scotland - Scottish Rebellion
Long Parliament (1640-1660)
Irish Rebellion
New Model Army
Oliver Cromwell
Rump Parliament
Thomas Hobbes – Leviathan – “Social Contract”
Commonwealth of England / The Republic
The Protectorate - Lord Protector
Instrument of Government (Cromwell)
Other terms for English Civil War
House of Stuart
James VI of Scotland / James I of England
King James version of the Bible – 1611
Book of Sports
Puritan “Separatists”
Duke of Buckingham - Buckingham Palace
Gun Powder Plot – Guy Fawkes
Petition of Right
John Hampden, John Pym
Puritans in Parliament
Short Parliament (1640)
Roundheads vs. Cavaliers
Pride’s Purge
7 – Non-Absolutist States: England and the Dutch Republic, and Baroque (510-515)
The Restoration of 1660
Test Act of 1673
Charles II
James II
Mary (daughter to James) and William (of Orange) – William and Mary (William III and Mary II)
The Glorious Revolution of 1688
Bill of Rights
John Locke – Second Treatise of Civil Government
Natural Rights – life, liberty, property
Robert Walpole – Prime Minister
Hanoverian King George I
George II
The Dutch Republic
Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands
“Golden Age”
Oligarchy of “regents”
States General
Prince of Orange
William III of England
Dutch Republic
Baroque art
Peter Paul Rubens Johann Sebastian Bach
8 – Scientific Revolution (520-530)
Natural philosophy
Scientific Revolution
Nicolae Copernicus (Poland) – On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543)
Tycho Brahe (Denmark) – Rudolphine Tables
Johannes Kepler (Bohemia) – New Astronomy (1609)
Sun-centered (solar) system
Galileo Galilei (Italy – Florence) – Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World (1632)
Experimental method
Law of inertia
Heliocentric [as opposed to Geocentric]
Isaac Newton (England) – Principia Mathematica (1687)
Centripetal force and acceleration
Newton’s three laws of motion
Law of universal gravitation (Laws of mutual attraction)
Francis Bacon (England) – “twist the lion’s tale”
Experimental philosophy
Rene Descartes (“I think, therefore I am”) – analytic geometry
Deductive reasoning
Cartesian dualism
Margaret Cavendish, Anne Conway, Mary Astell, Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia
Trial of Galileo in 1633; 1992
Four humors
Andreas Vesalius – On the Structure of the Human Body (1543)
William Harvey
Robert Boyle
Boyle’s Law
Blasise Pascal
Pascal’s Wager