Unit 1 U S History I (U S History to 1877)

I. Pretest - Put the following events in chronological order. (Put answerson this page.)

1._____ Westward Expansion and the Mexican War

2._____ The Articles of Confederation adopted

3._____ TheMissouri Compromise

4._____ Reconstruction

5._____ The Civil War begins

6._____ The first colonies settled

7._____ Washington’s election

8._____ Battle of Yorktown

9._____ The Constitutional Convention held

10._____ The Monroe Doctrine adopted

11._____ The surrender at Appomattox

12._____ Jefferson purchases the LouisianaTerritory

13._____ The French and Indian War takes place

14._____ The Declaration of Independence adopted

15._____ Early Indian Civilizations

Answer Key to Unit I Pretest:

Question Order

1. 12

2. 6

3. 11

4. 15

5. 13

6. 2

7. 8

8. 5

9. 7

10. 10

11. 14

12. 9

13. 3

14. 4

15. 5

II. SOLs and the Enhanced Scope and Sequence for USI

Go to the Department of Education page and look under SOLs.

Go to the Social Studies sections and locate the Enhanced Scope and Sequence.

Print a copy of the Enhanced Scope and Sequence – it is over 100 pages. Punch holes and put in the notebook.

On a page write a description of the Enhanced Scope and Sequence. What is it? What is included in the document? How is it designed? Why do you think it was put together? How useful is the document for classroom teachers? How do you see this as being useful to you in the classroom? (This description will serve for all three and it does not need to be repeated for the other two units you do.)

Review the Enhanced Scope and Sequence for USI and highlight the main SOLs.

III. Topics for research and discussion: these are topics selected for you to read and take notes about because they are the topics most difficult for students taking the US I SOL test. Use the textbook for US I that is used in your school division for this class. Give the name, publisher, author (s), and date of publication.



Type information, punch holes and put in notebook/binder.

1. Write a brief description of the three groups of colonies.

2. A description of the Articles of Confederation - Write a description of

the government under the Articles – the branches of government. Why

did the writers design this type of government. Why did it not work?

3. The government under the U.S. Constitution – write a description of the

government structure under the Constitution. Why was the system changed

from the Articles type of government? How does the system of checks and

balances work? Why was it included?

4. Write a description of the cultural and economic reasons for the Civil War.

5. Make a list and a brief description of the actions taken beginning in 1820

that were attempts to resolve the differences between the North and the South.

IV. From the topics above, develop a lesson plan that you would use in the

classroom. Include the basic information that would be included in a standard

lesson plan –

Objective, Activities, Review, etc.

Final test U S I (type answers, punch holes, and put in notebook/binder)

1. Make a list of 8 people who played a most important role in this period of history and

relate the role they played in history and their importance.

2. Why did the Constitution work when the Articles of Confederation did not?

3. What were the major impacts of the Civil War on the nation?

4. What have you learned from your review of U.S. History to 1877?