Unit 7 Review Sheet
Name ______
Test ______
1. Compare. Write > or <. Explain how you know which is greater.
a. 2 2
5 7
b. 1_ 18
19 19
c. 4 3_
9 14
2. Use probability language such as certain, very likely, or unlikely to describe the likelihood of this event: I will talk to a classmate today.
3. Write 4_ as a decimal.
4. Write 0.9 as a fraction.
5. What is 2 of 50?
6. Write two equivalent fractions for each.
a. 1
b. 3
c. 6
7. Compare. Write >, <, or =.
a. 1 1
3 5
b. 13 3
14 14
c. 3 6
7 14
d. 5 3
16 5
8. Write each set of fractions in order from smallest to largest.
a. 4 , 3 , 9 , 7 , 5
10 10 10 10 10
b. 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
3 14 2 7 8
9. If the pattern block trapezoid is the whole, what fraction of the whole is the pattern block triangle?
10. Look at the figure below.
a. What fraction of the given rectangle are 2 squares?
b. What fraction of the given rectangle is 1 rectangle?
c. What fraction of the rectangle do 2 squares and 1 rectangle cover?
11. If the cube represents 1_, what represents the unit whole?
12. Two triangles are 1 of the whole. Write the name of the
pattern block that is:
a. 1 whole
b. 1 ½ whole
13. Sara had 8 quarters. She spent ¼ of them on video games.
a. How many quarters did she spend?
b. How many quarters did she have left?
c. How much money does she have left?
14. A bag contains 4 blue blocks, 5 purple blocks, 4 green blocks, and 5 yellow blocks. You put your hand in the bag and pull out a block. About what fraction of the time would you expect to get a yellow block?
15. Plot and label each point on the coordinate grid.
16. Multiply. Use a paper-and-pencil algorithm of your choice.
a. 40 * 65 = ______
b. ______= 54 * 61
17. Divide. Use a paper-and-pencil algorithm of your choice.
a. 65 2 = ______
c. 7 ) 495
18. Which fraction is larger: 5 or 3 ? Explain how you know.
16 5
19. Divide the spinner so that a paper clip will land on R about 6 of
the time and on B about 1 of the time. The remaining part of
the spinner represents Y.
About what fraction of the time do you think the clip will land
on Y?
20. Add or subtract.
a. 6 + 3
______= 9 9
b. 2 + 4
______= 4 4
c. 3 - 1
4 4 = ______
d. 6 - 1
9 9 = ______
21. It took Denise 1/3 of an hour to drive from Zion to Platt and 2/6 of an hour to drive from Platt to Rome. To figure out her
total driving time, Denise wrote the following number model:
1 + 2 = 3
3 6 9
Do you agree that it took her about 3/9 of an hour?
Explain your answer.