Unit 1 – Ratios & Proportional Reasoning

Unit 2 –Percents

Unit 3 – Integers

Unit 4 – Rational Numbers

Unit 5 – Expressions

Unit 6 – Equations & Inequalities

Unit 7 –Geometric Figures

Unit 8 – Measure Figures

Unit 9 – Probability

Unit 10 – Statistics


You will keep an interactive notebook in the form of a 1-subject college-ruled notebook that will be solely for your notes. No paper is to be removed from the notebook for any reason. This notebook will have a table of contents and page numbers. You will need to have an additional paper source for assignments and activities. The notebook will be given a grade at the end of each quarter. There will be printed notes that will need to be added to your notebook, so glue needs to be in class with you daily.


3 ring binder or a 3 subjects worth of college-ruled spiral notebook

A writing utensil – preferably pencil

Colored pens

Glue stick or double-sided tape

Calculator (recommended: Texas Instruments TI-30X for $15 at Walmart)

Extras that will come in handy:




It is your responsibility to make up all work missed as a result of being absent. It is your responsibility to come see Ms. Zander to get the work you missed. The appropriate time for this is before class starts, before/after school, or at the end of class during work time. Test/quizzes must be made up before or after school, not during class time. You will have the numbers of days you were absent plus one to do any make up work. If you miss an assessment I will mark it as 0 and missing one week after the absence. This will stand until you come and take the assessment.

**New** I will be recording my lessons during the day and posting them online. So if your son/daughter miss a class or is struggling with a concept, they can go back and watch the lesson! I will have more detailed instructions on how to access the videos when it is set up. This will be dependent on the new district website that is coming soon!


30% Tests 25% Weekly Quizzes 25% Homework 5% Semester Final

15% Interactive Notebook/Participation


Each section of a unit will have a homework assignment that are worth 10 points.

We will be grading the homework assignments daily! Students will be self-correcting their assignments. They have two choices for their grade. They can correct the entire assignment and earn that percentage. Or I will select three questions and they can earn the corresponding score below. I tell them to pick which ever one is higher!

Grading for the quizzes: 3/3-100%, 2/3-85%, 1/3-75%, 0/3-7%

If they score higher on the corresponding assessment to the homework, I NO COUNT the assignment so the assignment doesn’t affect their grade.

All late assignments will earn a 7/10. Students can come in to self-correct if they want to know what they missed.


Every Friday there will be a short quiz.

These are to let us know what you still struggle with over the weeks material.

You are allowed one quiz retake for each quiz; however, this must be done on your own time (before/after school) and done before the chapter test is taken. These will not be exactly the same.

NEW: On some of the quizzes, I will be giving you the answer to the problem. If that is the case, I will be grading your work, explanation, and steps! It is important that you show everything!


At the end of the unit there will be a test. The last 5-6 questions on the test will be a pre-assessment for the next chapter.

The test will have two scores on them. The current chapter test score (worth 30% of your grade) and a score for the pre-assessment. The pre-assessment grade will be entered in the grade book as a NO COUNT. This will have no effect on your grade, but will show you how you grow over the next chapter.

Tests DO NOT have the option of a retake.

If you fail a unit test, you can earn points back based on your performance on the semester final. If you pass the section of the final that relates to the unit you failed, I will go back in the gradebook and bump your unit test to passing.


  1. Be on time, on task & prepared to learn EVERYDAY. #nofreedays
  2. Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students and yourself. #benice
  3. Be responsible for your own learning. #quitcheating #workhard
  4. Clean up after yourself and your peers. #notyourmaid #onlywater #nocrumbs
  5. Keep all personal electronics PUT AWAY. #onlywithpermission #notexting #notweeting #nopictures


Under no circumstances will cheating be tolerated. Cheating on an assessment (exam, test, quiz, project, etc.) will result in an automatic zero in the grade book. If two (or more) identically assignments or assessments are turned in, both students will receive a zero. Any student talking or being disruptive while there is a test in front of them or other tests out will automatically receive a ZERO on the test and a REFERRAL. Please show respect. Any student found using an electronic device other than a calculator will also receive a ZERO on the test and a REFERRAL.


Students are expected to be on time to class and prepared for class. If you are tardy, it will be marked in the attendance. Three tardies is equivalent to one absence. If you reach 11 absences, you will not receive credit for the class and will have to retake the class. School sponsored activities are excused from this policy (sports, FFA, FBLA, FCCLA, Band, Choir, etc.)


5-5 Rule! Students will be allowed to use the restroom the first 5 minutes or last 5 minutes of class. No student will be allowed to leave the room in between, unless there is an extreme emergency or the student is on a specialized plan. Students are encouraged to use the restroom and water fountain during passing time. Even better, bring a water bottle to class!

Syllabus Assignment Due: Friday, September 2, 2016

Student Name:

Parent/Guardian Name:

I have read and understand the Math 7 Syllabus, and agree to abide by the expectations.

Student Signature: Date:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

Please write anything specific that you would like Ms. Zander to know:

Syllabus Assignment Due: Friday, September 2, 2016

Student Name:

Parent/Guardian Name:

I have read and understand the Math 7 Syllabus, and agree to abide by the expectations.

Student Signature: Date:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

Please write anything specific that you would like Ms. Zander to know: