CGHS APHG Name ______

Unit 1: Geography - Its Nature and

Perspectives Date ______Class Period ______

de Blij Unit 1 Reading Guide

Task / Due Dates
Part I / Map Analysis / DUE SEPT 5, 2014
Part II / Reading Comprehension Questions / DUE SEPT 5, 2014
Part III / Vocabulary Cards / In class Friday 9/5
*This is also the date of your Unit 1 Test!

Part I Map Analysis

Directions: Write answers on your own paper (you do not have to write the question).

1. Carefully examine the map on p. 2-3 - Average Daily Calorie Consumption Per Capita (per person)

Write three (3) true statements that would describe the distribution pattern shown on this map.

2. Carefully examine the map on p. 4-5 - World Per Capita Gross National Income 2004

Write three (3) true statements that would describe the distribution pattern shown on this map.

3. Carefully examine the map on p. 6-7 - World Percentage of Arable Land (land that can be farmed)

Write three (3) true statements that would describe the distribution pattern shown on this map.

4. Compare/Contrast: From your statements and/or additional observations you make, list three (3) similarities between the three maps and three (3) differences.

Part II Reading Objectives (Answered in the Cornell Style of Notes) NO TYPING!

Directions: Read the assigned pages and write answers on your own paper Answer the questions in the allotted number of bullet points. When asked for examples, please use examples not found in the book, but examples found in the book can help you with a good sample of what one is.

1.  What is Human Geography? ( 5 Points)

2.  How did Spatial Distribution solve the Cholera outbreak? Use examples from the test to support your claim (5 Points)

3.  What are the 5 themes of Human Geography? (15 Points) 3 Points for each and include an example not in the book for each theme.

4.  What is landscape and how do Geographers use it to show how cultures come and go in the world? (5 Points)

5.  Why do Geographers use maps, and what do they tell us? (7 Points) (pg 14-19)

6.  What is scale? Provide some examples at different levels (6 Points) Try to use examples not found in the book

7.  What are regions? Provide some examples of some (6 Points) Try to use examples not found in the book

8.  What is culture and the aspects of it? (pg 26-28)

9.  What is diffusion, why does it occur and the varying types? Explain them and provide an example not found in the book (Pg 28-30) (8 Points= 3 Points to explain why it occurs + 5 points to explain and describe each type) HINT: there are 5 types of diffusion.

10.  What is environmental determinism? (5 Points)

Part III Vocabulary Cards


a. Use 4” x 6” index cards.

b. Turn in each set on the day of each unit test, held together with rubber bands.

c. Front side of card:

1. term, concept, phrase, or name

2. a sketch, picture, or symbol to represent the definition

3. chapter and page number where found

d. Back side of card:

1. Complete thoughts that explain and clarify the concept on the front of the card. Be sure to define, list significance and/or analyze significance.

2. Keep information brief and summarized. Use abbreviations when necessary.

3. Try to use your own words. It will be easier for you to remember.

e. Save all cards in a bag or box to review continually throughout the year.

from de Blij Ch 1:
human geography
physical geography
spatial perspective
spatial distribution
human-environment interactions
sense of place
perception of place
spatial interaction
cultural landscape
sequent occupance
reference map
thematic map
mental map
absolute location / relative location
generalized map
remote sensing
global positioning system (GPS)
geographic information systems (GIS)
scale of analysis
formal region
functional region
perceptual region
environmental determinism
possibilism / from Kuby Ch 1 or
de Blij Appendix A:
map projection
Mercator projection
Robinson projection
dot map
isoline map
choropleth map
proportional symbol map