Congratulations to the Confirmation Class of 2012
The Confirmation Class was a tremendous success again this year and we couldn’t have done it without
Donald Sparkes and Sharon Smith
Your dedication is a blessing to this Parish!
Thank you to ACW for hosting the Dinner with the Bishop.
Thank you to Peter Bugden for assisting with the catering.
Welcome to the Parish of
St. John the Evangelist
Conception Bay South, Newfoundland
June 3, 2012
The Bulletin is given to the Glory of God
and in Thanksgiving for our Granddaughter
Emily Benson
who is being Confirmed today
Graham & Jane Yetman
Dear Friends in Christ,
Today at our 10:30 a.m. service we welcome our Bishop, The Rt. Rev’d Cyrus Pitman. We ask your continued prayer for our Bishop and the ongoing work of the Diocese. We also welcome family and friends of our 21 Confirmation candidate. We ask your continued prayers for them.
To the Confirmation Class of 2012:
You have now come to the beginning of your adult profession of faith. You now, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit take ownership of your Baptism with the laying on of hands by Bishop Pitman. Your Christian witness, as a young person, is a powerful statement to the world. The Church needs your voice and youthful presence to fully be the Body of Christ.
I want to say thank you to Donald Sparkes and Sharon Smith, for giving of their time to this confirmation class. Your willingness to do this speaks volumes to your commitment to this church and its ongoing mission.
We have exciting things planned for you and other young people in our church in the months ahead. I encourage you to continue with us on this Journey of Faith.
Father John +
Anglican Cycle of Prayer
PRAY forArmagh, Ireland
Tri-Diocesan Intercessions
Parish of St. Philips’s
RectorThe Rev. Edward Keeping
Parish of Bay L’Argent
RectorThe Rev. Ken Abbott
Parish of Badger’s Quay/Pool’s Island
RectorThe Rev. John Nicolle
Mustard Seed Project
Please pray for our sponsored children at the Mustard Seed Babies Home: Joshua, Mary, Richard, Wilson, Alen and Sam. Also pray for the people of Uganda.
The Sick
Stephanie Richardson Cyril Dawe Trevor Metcalfe Harold Morgan
Elizabeth HiscockMaizie Carter Gail Eason
Sunday Schedule for June 10th
E A / Sidespersons / Sound / Counting / Readers8:30 a.m.
Robert S.
10:30 a.m.
Lisa / Team 7
Dave M. / Ron / Jim / Team 11
Ron Smith
Memorial Hymn Sing
We will be holding its Annual Memorial Hymn Sing next Sunday, June 10th at the 10:30 a.m. service
Prayer Workshop – June 9th
On Saturday, June 9th, Father John will lead a Day of Prayer. Personal Prayer, Small Group Prayer, and the Parish as a Praying Unit. The Day will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 2:00 p.m. Potluck lunch. This will be the beginning of a process of building a foundation of expanded pastoral care and prayer using the Alongsiders Program. Please register by calling the Parish Office at 834-2336. (You will need your bible and notebook).
Admiral’s Coast
There will be a service at Admiral’s Coast tonight at 7:00 p.m.
Penny Project
Please keep saving your pennies during the Summer. For information call Sharon at 834-4102.
Summer Baptisms
Dates for Baptism during the summer are as follows:
June 24th, July 15th and September 16th
A big thank you to all, committee members and supporters alike, for making our Cold Plate Take Out on Friday, June 1st, a GREAT success!!!