Past Paper Questions

1  Outline the benefits of a career break to:
(i) the organisation;
(ii) the employee. 4
(2009 Section 2 2 (a))

2  Discuss ways in which flexible working practices can improve the work/life
balance of employees. 8
(2009 Section 2 2 (b))

3  Outline decisions taken by an organisation to minimise Sick Building Syndrome. 4
(2009 Section 2 4 (a))

4  Describe 2 possible consequences for the employee moving from a cellular to an
open plan office layout. 4
(2009 Section 2 4 (b))

5  Outline and justify 2 ways of making sure employees are aware of new legislation
or changes to legislation affecting the office environment. 4
(2009 Section 2 4 (d))

6  Outline 4 flexible working practices which may exist in an organisation. 4
(2008 Section 2 1 (a))

7  Discuss the impact of flexible working practices on the modern working
environment. 8
(2008 Section 2 1 (b))

8  Discuss how office layout can affect productivity. 6
(2008 Section 2 5 (c))

9  Describe 2 methods of communicating to employees changes in health and safety legislation. 4
(2007 Section 2 2 (d))

10  Justify an organisation’s decision to change from an open plan layout to a traditional cellular layout. 4
(2007 Section 2 3 (d))

11  Describe and justify 2 working practices that could be introduced which would reduce a high staff turnover. 6
(2006 Section 2 3 (c))

12  Discuss how the physical environment can affect staff morale. 6
(2006 Section 2 3 (d))

13  Outline 4 features of a contract of employment. 4
(2006 Section 2 5 (a))

14  Discuss ways in which an organisation could deal with employees who breach the conditions of their employment. 8
(2006 Section 2 5 (b))

15  Describe 2 key responsibilities employers have with regards to the Display Screen Equipment Regulations. 4
(2006 Section 2 5 (c)(i))

16  Suggest possible implications for the employee if Display Screen Equipment Regulations are not followed. 4
(2006 Section 2 5 (c)(ii))

17  Compare and contrast job share and part-time working practices. 6
(Specimen Section 2 1(a))

18  Successful homeworking depends on effective time and task management strategies. Discuss. 8
(Specimen Section 2 1(c))

19  Outline the legislation an organisation must consider with regard to customer service employees whilst at their computer workstations. 6
(Specimen Section 2 3(c))

20  Describe 3 ways in which an organisation can inform employees of its fire
procedures. 6
(Specimen Section 2 4(c)(i))

21  Outline the possible consequences to an organisation which fails to communicate
legal requirements to its employees. 3
(Specimen Section 2 4(c)(ii))

22  Compare and contract the impact of 2 different types of office layout on workflow and employee morale. 8
(Specimen Section 2 5(c))

1 Admin Services Outcome 2

Past Paper Questions

June 2008