Police Department

1400 Douglas St., Mail Stop 1040,

Omaha, NE 68179

Dennis L. Jenson

Chief of Police

Dear UPRR Contractor,

Given heightened concerns regarding national security, Union Pacific Railroad is implementing additional procedures to better control and secure our operations and facilities. To ensure we are providing the highest level of security possible we have initiated a new program to provide credentials (Photo ID Badge) and training to qualified contract personnel.

The goals of the program are:

  1. Initiate a personal background check.
  2. Provide safety training
  3. Provide security awareness training
  4. Provide authorized access credentials (Photo Identification Badge)

This Program will be administered by e-VERIFILE, Union Pacific’s contracted Background Investigation Company and the program will be known as e-RAILSAFE.

Because of the complexity of this undertaking, the implementation of this security program will be done in stages. Your company has been selected to participate in our security program at this time.

To summarize the effort, Union Pacific will require:

  • Railroad Contractors to register their company with the “e-RAILSAFE program.” The web address is
  • Railroad Contractors must secure Background Consent Forms (waivers) from each of their employees who, in the scope of their duties, will need to enter onto the property of Union Pacific. Any contractor employee who refuses to provide consent to a background check will not be allowed to provide services to the Union Pacific Railroad.
  • Railroad Contractors will submit necessary employee information to the “e-RAILSAFE program” via the website.
  • Contract employees (Contractees) will be required to provide their electronic photo to the contractor, for their submittal to the e-RAILSAFE program. The Contract employee will then complete the on-line training for Railroad Safety and Railroad Security Awareness via “e-RAILSAFE program’s” website.
  • After the Contractee satisfactorily completes the training program, a background investigation is initiated.
  • The “e-RAILSAFE program” will then score that investigation to validate that it meets all the criteria for the issuance of a photo identification badge.
  • When a satisfactory score is rendered, the “e-RAILSAFE program” will automatically print a photo identification badge and mail the photo identification badge to the Contractor’s business address for distribution to the Contractee.
  • The Contractee is responsible to wear the approved badge, as well as carry another form of government issued ID on them at all times when on railroad property. Contractor employees without the identification card will not be allowed to work or on Union Pacific property. If already on our property, the contractor employee will be required to leave until the appropriate ID card is obtained. Employees leaving the employment of a contractor must surrender the identification card to either the contractor or to Union Pacific.

Please note that Union Pacific is not telling it’s contractors whom they can employ, however we are setting standards for those contractors who will be allowed to enter our property and/or perform work for Union Pacific. Regardless of whether a contractor employee successfully passes the e-VERIFILE process, please also note that Union Pacific reserves the right to bar any persons from UP property at our discretion.

You and your subcontractors are requested to comply with requirements detailed in this program 90 days after receipt of this letter. After this date, unannounced audits will be conducted to inspect contractor employees government issued photo I. D’s to ensure they match of the employees’ contractor identification card. Contractor personnel unable to provide both forms of identification will be removed from UPRR property.

If you have any questions regarding the e-RAILSAFE.com services, please contact e-VERIFILE through its website at or at this telephone number 770-859-9899.

Should you have any questions or concerns in reference to Union Pacific’s security policies feel free to contact Ted Hillis by phone at 817-605-8627 or e-mail him at

R. Dale Bray

R. Dale Bray

Director of Homeland Security

Union Pacific Railroad

1400 Douglas Street STOP 0850

Omaha, Ne. 68179