FEBRUARY 17, 2004
President Joy Harrison called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with 60 members in attendance and welcomed all to the meeting. Joy introduced guests Pamela Abbott, Regional Vice-President UTE, and Patty Ducharme Regional Executive Vice-President (B.C.) P.S.A.C. and the head table (Joy Harrison, Pamela Abbott, Patty Ducharme, Kevin Ahrendt, Sarah Redd, Susan Yaciw, Terry White, and Elaine Kelly)
Motion to Accept the Agenda – Linda Howard
Seconded – Mary Snelgrove
Motion Carried.
Motion to dispense of the reading of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of February 18, 2003. Adoption of minutes as circulated.
Motion to Accept – David Clarke
Seconded – Linda Howard
Joy Harrison
Joy Harrison talked about this being a time of change and renewal. She reported on various meeting and education/training events that both local Executive and members at large were able to participate in. She talked about the changes to our organization and losing the Customs officers and becoming Canada Revenue Agency. She also talked about some of the accomplishments of the PSAC, UTE and our Local.
Sharon Hickey & Peter Dyck
Sharon Hickey talked about Ergonomics Training, and advised the members of who has had the training in our local. She encouraged members requiring the need to seek an assessment from these trained individuals. She also recognized the cleaning staff for an exemplary job. She stated that with the large retrofit in Penticton, there have been additional levels of dust and waste from the construction. The cleaning staff have worked very hard and done a great job in trying to minimize the amount of dust and debris in the office that affects the workers.
Peter Dyck reported that there were two Health and Safety incidences in Kelowna this year. One was pertaining to air quality from the Okanagan Mountain Park Fire, and the other was pertaining to the installation of new carpet in the client service area. In both cases employees who had the complaints about the chemicals and smoke were allowed to leave the office.
Pat Clements
Pat Clements explained that there are two scholarships. One to Penticton Senior Secondary and one to be shared amongst the three school districts in the Okanagan Valley. She advised that one of the scholarships went to school district #67 and it was not used and in 2002 or 2003. In 2003 School District #53 was put on notice to use their scholarship or lose it.
Pat also advised that both herself and Linda Howard were resigning from the committee. A question from the floor was asked about how it was decided who would be awarded one of the scholarships. Pat replied that the scholarships are awarded by the school districts based on many factors including grades, merit, needs etc. Should there ever be a tie, the person with the connection to U.T.E. would be the one awarded the scholarship.
Joy Harrison
Resolution to Amend By-Law 8 Section 2 (B) – Terms of Office:
WHEREAS the time that it takes for a new Treasurer to master the tasks and books is many months, and the present terms of office provide for the Treasurer to be elected every 12 months;
WHEREAS the office requires continuity and fiscal responsibility;
WHEREAS, in the past we have been fortunate in that the Treasurer was re-elected to successive terms of office;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the office of the TREASURER become a 2-year term.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the election of the Treasurer coincide with the election of the President and Second Vice President and take place every odd year.
Motion to Accept – Joy Harrison
A Vote WAS CALLED – With a majority vote, the motion was CARRIED
Resolution to add By-Law 16– Benevolent Fund:
WHEREAS in the past year we have had a member who benefited from the benevolence of UTE members coast to coast;
WHEREAS present by-laws do not permit any financial assistance for a member who may experience an unexpected emergency situation and require financial assistance;
BE IT RESOLVED that the local establish and administer a benevolent fund to assist local members in unexpected emergency situations;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the fund be established at $1000.00 and be administered by a Committee struck for the purpose of reviewing applications and recommending actions to the Executive of the local;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the fund be reviewed annually.
*There was discussion from the floor.
A VOTE WAS CALLED – With a majority vote, the motion was DEFEATED
Resolution to Amend By-Law 12 - Resolutions
WHEREAS the current BY-LAW provides only for notices to amend the By-Laws by posting in the workplace 10 days prior to the Annual General Meeting;
WHEREAS there are no provisions to amend, reword, change or vary any proposed amendments at the Annual General Meeting;
BE IT RESOLVED that the amendments, rewording and change be permitted at the Annual General Meeting.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such amendments be restricted to the changes in the By-Laws that were posted ten (10) days prior to the Annual General Meeting
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a motion to amend or correct the proposed change of a By-Law be passed at the Annual General Meeting by a simple majority
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the rewording or correction adopted at the Annual General Meeting be reflected in the final change to the By-Law.
A VOTE WAS CALLED – With a majority vote, the motion was CARRIED
Resolution to Amend By-Law 4 Section 2 – Dues:
WHEREAS the dues were last set in 1992 at three dollars ($3.00) per member per month;
WHEREAS the costs incurred by the Local to operate have been increasing such as:
b) Contributions for CPP/EI
c)Computer Programs
e)Communications – paper and postage
f)Travel to training and conferences
WHEREAS the forecasted budget for 2003 and 2004 have been deficit budgets, which is to say that expenses have exceeded anticipated revenues.
BE IT RESOLVED that the dues per member are to be increased by one dollar ($1.00) per month. Thus, dues will be four dollars ($4.00) per member per month.
A VOTE WAS CALLED – With A majority vote, the motion was CARRIED
Susan Yaciw
Susan Yaciw went over the financial statements. She fielded questions from the floor as to why the local spend more money in 2003 than what it received in revenues, and why the budget for 2004 is in a deficit.
She stated that there are several reasons. The cost of doing business has increased, the dues have not increased since 1992, and that there has been more training that the local has had to pay for. She stated that the 2004 budget is in a deficit position for similar reasons, but also noted that the Benevolence fund was accounted for in the 2004 budget, however since the motion to add Benevolence fund was defeated the deficit is now only approximately $550.00. This deficit will be reduced by the dues increase that was voted on earlier in the evening. There was a motion from the floor that the financials be comparitive.
SECONDED – Jeanne Bailey
Patty Ducharme thanked the local for the invitation. She stated that she had been a member of the PSAC for 23 years, and that she continues to work and live in Vancouver. She stated that we are at a critical point in our Union history. She talked about several issues surrounding our new Prime Minister (Mr. Paul Martin), the upcoming federal elections, the separation of Customs from Taxation, and briefly talked about the current progress on Collective Bargaining. She also indicated that Mr. Martin’s meeting with PSAC president Nycole Turmel went well. During this meeting, the changes that he made to the public service without Union consultation were discussed. He advised that he felt that his actions may have been short sighted however he promised that the government cuts would not be felt on the backs of the federal public servants. It is now a month and a half after this meeting, and he has yet to disseminate information to the Union about proposed changes and progress in his split of Customs from Taxation and collective bargaining. She expressed how important it is to REALLY talk to your M.P.’s, find out where they stand on the important issues of the Federal Public Service, Collective Bargaining, Work Force Adjustment and make an informed decision in the upcoming Federal Election.
Pamela thanked Patty Ducharme for coming to the meeting. She talked about the anomalies between the UTE and CEUDA. She talked about the struggle to get the employer to accept Work Force Adjustment and get committees at both the regional and local levels. She stated that last week the union was assured that the employer (CRA) would keep the union informed, but there has been no new information forwarded.
She talked about the affected letters that have been received by Human Resources employees. She anticipated more cuts to Finance and Administration, and the impending affected letters to workers in Client Services. She said that she has been very impressed with the new Director Mr. Phil McCutchan. She stated that he seems very concerned about the impending cuts to various departments within the Agency at both sites. He has promised to do his very best to take care of and find placements for all the affected employees.
She further discussed the issue of Term employees. She has stated that she cannot assure them that they will have a job after their terms are over. She expressed the need for the indeterminate members to be compassionate to the terms, and vice versa. Many of the positions occupied by terms currently are going to be lost to people who have been affected by cuts and centralization to their departments. There will be training for Work Force Adjustment in March. She indicated that not all of the Executive could go, however the members that do go will be able to provide information and answer questions for all members at large. She expressed the deep need for all members in the local to stand together as one.
Due to the late hour of the meeting (7:00) Joy Harrison suggested that dinner be served, and that we can resume with the rest of the agenda after dinner. Dinner was served
Ken Miller and Mona Hazell
There were numerous prizes awarded this year. Ken Miller and Mona Hazell drew the names and delivered the prizes to the lucky recipients. There were mystery prizes, pins, pens, key chains, magnets, earrings, calculators, UTE Patches, tote bags, backpacks, t-shirts, posters, gift certificates, and letter openers. The list of winners is as follows:
Mary SnelgroveMike ThompsonKen MillerDebby Dyke
Pat ClementsDwayne SolLinda HowardDerek Johannson
Faye JohnsonDavid ClarkeRoxanneEvelyn Cumming
Susan RempelJudy SearsGail RiddalKen Michel
Linda Jones-LaingPeggy SakamotoPhil HolmesStan
Sharon WilsonJulie GuibaultCharlene HarbourBrenda Sanders
Janet MillingtonLinda KuhnCorina SchererKatherine Johnnie
Judy SchintzChristi ZednaiBarb ParkerJean Bailey
Jeanette BurtonSarah ReddSue WilliamsDiane Banera
Susan Yaciw and Robert Binotto
The nominations were as follows:
1st Vice President:Rob Beaton
Treasurer:Susan Yaciw
Secretary:Sarah Redd
Stewards:Pamela AbbottColin Halliday
Peter DyckTerry White
Tracy ToddElaine Kelly
Dwayne SolDerek Johannson
Alex CookBJ Sauer
Corina SchererStan Evenson
Brenda SandersDavid Clarke
Carrie Moojelsky
There being only one nomination for the positions of 1st Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, there was no need to hold an election by secret ballot. All members were sworn in by Patty Ducharme with the exception of the following who were unable to attend the meeting: Rob Beaton – 1st Vice President, Tracy Todd – Steward, Colin Halliday – Steward, Carrie Moojelsky – Steward.
The new Executive members were congratulated by Joy Harrison, Patty Ducharme, and Pamela Abbott.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:15pm